Social media becomes news media - with no more depth.
While we're asking what CNN & Fox are saying, we're oblivious to the mass of impressionable news on Facebook.
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Social media becomes news media - with no more depth.
While we're asking what CNN & Fox are saying, we're oblivious to the mass of impressionable news on Facebook.
To-do #6: bring Michael Moore back into the Democratic Party. He was sidelined years ago for his supposed "extremism", and his presence has been greatly missed.
As a country, we needed our President to try and calm us - again. If anyone deserves to rant, rave, scream and cry more than Hillary, it's Obama. His legacy and work to make our nation a better place is about to go up in flames, yet he can reach out to us; remind us what America is still supposed to be.
Maybe Scottie Nell Hughes will throw a Mazeltov Cocktail at her.
Great moments in TV - "Don't tell me you're offended when I say the word 'pussy' but you're not offended when Donald Trump says it". It's amazing The Donald didn't pull out the old dumb taco joke, since they seem to bother him - his new restraint, no Twitter, no sharp objects?
500 to spread out - unfortunately limited to "observer" status in the prickliest of states, but at least something.
Over a cheeseburger, fried calamari and an “Ivanka Salad” at the Trump Grill in the basement of Trump Tower last week, several aides flipped open a laptop and loaded the popular website, which allows users to create their own winning electoral maps.
For 10 minutes, they clicked through the country, putting Democratic-leaning states won by Mr. Obama four years ago, like New Mexico and Colorado, into Mr. Trump’s column.
Their analysis seemed more atmospheric than scientific.
“You can go to Pennsylvania,” the campaign’s digital director, Brad Parscale, said, referring to a state that polls show favors Mrs. Clinton. “You can almost slice the excitement with a knife. You can feel it in the air there.”
Remember all the lies around the iPhone hack? Doesn't get any better. ...
Hillary Clinton often gets described as an incrementalist, with a relatively modest agenda. This makes sense, given that she spent the past two years or so running against a literal democratic socialist and Donald Trump.
But this depiction misleads more than it informs. Amid her blizzard of plans and white papers, the scope and ambition of Clinton’s program often gets missed. Just imagine, for a second, what a world in which it all became law would look like.
Suffice it to say it would look like everything Republicans truly fear.
Roger Stone getting tips from Wikileaks - funny for a group that started off exposing US Bush-led adventurism in Iraq.
Nothing to see here, move along. These are not the Comey files you're looking for. Just popped out of the task bin, simply a Coin-ki-dink. Except remember "Clinton Foundation / Marc Rich" when you hit the polls.
The Guardian debunks "Comey as unbiased" myth, noting his involvement in the Apple unlocking case, signing on to torture, positing the bogus "Ferguson Effect".
I suggest he needs to spend more time with his family.