by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Peracles' link not working, here's the story with link:
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 5:29pm
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 5:40pm
Axios has also has put up a summary: Trump’s self-made claims challenged by father’s tax returns, 25 min. ago
with the following links at the end: Go deeper: Full Times story ... NYT takeaways ... Trump statement
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 6:04pm
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 6:07pm
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 6:19pm
Down another rabbit hole...
by oldenGoldenDecoy on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 7:34pm
The New York Times Proves President Trump Is a Crook
By Jonathan Chait @, Oct. 2
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 10:04pm
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 10:52pm
I know of these people and I know they are vicious pit bulls who don't give a damn who you are. I think they are on a collections quota, if not on commission as their behavior often strongly suggests:
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 11:03pm
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 12:15am
Know for a fact they will try to collect 20 yr. old fines as low as $1,000, plus penalties and interest of course. Famously far scarier to business owners than the IRS. Whatever they may have fallen for from the Trumpco in the past, if they smell money there now, they will go after it.
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 12:31am
Of course the IRS can do this too, but I'm guessing he can control the IRS more -
New York? it's like shark tank, except bloodier. Let the gladiator fights begin.
(looking forward to when they repossess Trump Towers. Wondering how much Ivanka's exposed too...)
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 12:54am
FWIW, Maggie intuits a link between this event and behavior elsewhere:
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 1:15am
P.S. which in turn, triggers mine: isn't the heart of all his delusional narcissism the lie that he is a, smarter, savvier, hotter, bigger deal maker guy than the nasty old man? The yugest the world has ever seen, and dad was peanuts. Defeating dad looms large in the psyche. This New York Times work is striking directly at the heart of that, it says just the opposite: smart father making up for loser son.
Edit to add: I even wonder now if he wouldn't release tax returns because they show losses, many fake, some real. Not because he would be ashamed of tax evasion, but because it wouldn't fit his The Apprentice character that he sells to the fans. That character is supposed to be so successful and rich that paying taxes is a drop in the bucket.
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 1:32am
in which case, if I Maggie and me are right, Christine Ford has a real savvy attorney: Ford's attorney fires back at Trump: 'He is a profile in cowardice', knows just where to punch.
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 1:44am
Also note that the statute of limitations are easier on personal taxes than corporate - but since The Donald's shuffled so much of his income through shell corporations, you can guess he's on the hook for back taxes and interests since forever.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 2:49am
NYState does it for personal too. They don't worry about messy things like statute of limitations, they try to squeeze anyone they can any way they think will work, as if it's your responsibility to get a lawyer to argue for you if they are doing something illegal. It's a long process of spitting out computer letters but once that's over, he courts are very amenable to getting them liens right quick. If it's not worth doing special collections, they'll just leave the debt on the books, yes for 20 or more years, and take whatever they can when you like file for a refund or do a legal transaction that shows up on their computer like sale of property. They are extremely collections minded to the point of not caring what the law is, if they can scare someone into paying, they will take it. Tax lawyers will warn you not to trigger their attention, they are truly vicious pit bulls as it's going to cost you or a lawyer a lot of time to clear it up.
There are nasty torturing folks at the IRS, too, but they are rarer there, overall. their culture is a lot more reasonable and they act like humanoids.
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 3:58pm
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 11:19pm
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 12:03am
Justly proud and nervous; saw 'cause Nate Silver retweeted:
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 1:37am
Strange - Trump making fun of Blasey Ford is the main headline today at The Guardian & Huffpost - not that Trump stole hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes and is a complete fraud.
Maybe cuz NYTimes broke it - *FINALLY*.
ANyway, what are our priorities?
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 4:35am
Important to know that many had bought into The Apprentice character as real:
I remember long ago, like in the 90's, before The Apprentice, hearing from a friend in the Midwest about how popular he was, even among some little kids, there were big fans, kids who wanted to grow up like him. And as a New Yorker my first reaction was "huh? no way!" but I checked that out and found it was true. Some kids were carrying around Art of the Deal and idolizing him way before The Apprentice began.
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 5:38pm
The statute of limitations issue is explained here by David Cay Johnston @ 3:43. the state can go after him for civil tax fraud with no time limitations. And, as a matter of fact, they already did so in the past as regards two 1980's returns and The Donald lost both cases.
I've cued the embed of this video to start at 3:40 but the whole thing is worth watching because it includes Michael D'Antonio's comments as well:
by artappraiser on Thu, 10/04/2018 - 1:01pm
On Judge Maryanne Trump Barry:
by artappraiser on Thu, 10/04/2018 - 2:19pm
New York Regulators Examine the Trump Family’s Tax Schemes
By Russ Buettner, Susanne Craig and David Barstow @, Oct. 4
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/05/2018 - 12:56am