by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
by artappraiser on Sat, 11/13/2021 - 2:50pm
They hate us because we kill them.
by HSG on Sat, 11/13/2021 - 3:41pm
Brilliant insight, Hal - your clever analysis has been so missed. But what's the Hillary angle?
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 11/13/2021 - 11:40pm
This account goes around the NYT paywall. After killing dozens of Syrian civilians in a 2019 bombing, the US military exonerated itself and concealed evidence. It's the latest scandal in a shadowy US war in Syria that's evaded oversight.
by A Guy Called LULU on Sun, 11/14/2021 - 4:46pm
Let me help you a bit with Mr. Maté.
Here's a set of headlines and sub-ledes:
or this blurb on a 2019 interview re: the Secretary of State in the 90s:
Note the shift when discussing the Trump years:
Aaron Maté mentions Trump 5 times in an article about an atrocity occurring under Trump. Three of those are to connect this event as "bipartisan" (i.e. Biden's fault) and tie it to figures under the Biden administration, 1 is to note Trump cancelled a costly controversial CIA program, and one is largely neutral - no blame, no blame when it comes to the President who managed to lord over so much else, "I took the oil", which more bolsters Trump's braggadacio than condemns it, when Maté *could* link it stronger to this:
And 1 mention of "now-senior Biden official" glosses over that the reason the US military has barely done any fighting over the last 2 years was because Trump pulled back troops against the military's wishes to let ISIS escape after a painful 1 year operation by a 5-country coalition while halting protection of the Kurdish safe zone - but Aaron manages at the same time to praise the Russians for a Syrian protection zone.
In short, Aaron Maté can reach back decades to declare a Secretary of State as a mass baby-killing war criminal, but uses kid gloves with the President who (barely) left office in January supposedly in charge during this 2019 "My Lai" who's just not important enough for vitriol - but let's make sure to mention Biden twice as many times as Trump along with a *video* of Biden from 2014. Of course Trump changed the rules when he came in, liked his smashball tough guy proclamations and running over anything that smelled of following humanitarian rules and protecting civilians - but you wouldn't know that from reading Maté - Trump seems to be largely an invisible character to appear next to (and after) lower-level functionaries [and in Maté's "work", Hillary as subordinate always has more agency than the President she served under despite Obama's command decisions on Syria or the strategic interests of the strong & independent European countries who spearheaded the Libyan effort]
So a US operation in Syria 2019? let's not mention names. But if Hillary can be connected? a quick succession of headline stories. Note how Aaron will dig into the weeds on anything related to Douma - but if it's accusing someone tentatively tied to Clinton - and Danchenko did not work for Clinton - Aaron's fine with the drive-by hit job approach, such as Durham relying solely on thinly-documented vapory "lies" to the FBI for his *only 3 indictments during 2 1/2 years of investigation!!!* As long as Sgt Schultz/Aaron Mate sees nuttink/hears nuttink, Durham gets the press he wanted.
Shifting a bit to what Aaron thinks is the "debunked" Russiagate, the Kilimnik bit would be even funnier, except it's the first Trump "Big Lie" covering up and downplaying his support from Russia in the 2016 - including Manafort's well-documented giving Kilimnik *REGULAR* polling updates during the campaign and the double role Deripaska played. And here's Trump - who pursued a hotel in Moscow for 10 years with all sorts of dodgy deals with shady Russians in Moscow, Miami, New York, and who asked Russia to hack his presidential opponent in July 2016 - proclaiming Danchenko a "Russia spy", with Durham purposely ignoring that the FBI didn't need the Steele Dossier to notice that the Trump campaign had Manafort and others with tight Russian connections acting up to no good (including dodgy Carter Page on intel's suspicions since 2014 already):
We've known since 2016 that the Steele Dossier had blemishes, that it was raw data, aka "intelligence" but with flaws. Once again like Barr's pre-spin on the Mueller reports, and the initial complaints about the Steele Dossier exposes these guys' mission - something as innocuous as misspelling Alpha as "Alfa" makes the whole thing crumble, flawed somehow, rather than the explicitly stated version that it might be 70% valid and which 70% had to be checked out. Aaron has spent years on examining every bomb fragment in Douma, but can't be bothered to examine the details behind Russiagate. Because, likely, he's a Russian pawn, from his own initiative or theirs, I don't really care (though he does use weasel words, such as to say "working for the Russians" would mean "140 million of them" rather than the obvious normal use of "working for the regime". That's like 5th grade clever.
To be clear Danchenko may not have gotten his tips from where people think he got them, and some of the info obviously may not be too reliable - case-by- case, or in the case of the Galkina it all seems flawed.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 11/15/2021 - 5:16am
I do not see where anything in your long response refutes anything that Mate' reports, so what is your point? You include a long block quote but do not identify that it is from a year old Luke Harding piece in The Guardian. Luke Harding is one of the worst reporters able to keep a job at a major western news outlet but in this case his strong political bias is parallel to yours so you present his notoriously bad reporting as somehow a refutation of what Mate' reports using verifiable facts. Harding, and so many other 'reporter/faux pundits' [and misguided bloggers] take unproven, unsupported accusations which fit their preferred narrative and treat them as facts and then piece them into a story line which they attempt to pass off as proven. They get so locked in to a position, or maybe just react to an impulse to cover up stupid mistakes, that they continue to slant everything in that wrong direction even as new information changes, or at least should change, the story.
by A Guy Called LULU on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 10:11am
Refutes? in this case I"m trying to point out that you'd be hardpressed to notice that this compromised motherfucker was talking about something that took place under *TRUMP*, not Biden.
And I don't give a shit about Luke Harding - I was trying to point you to the 1000 page Senate report that Aaron Mate has wished away, the one that shows that Russia interference wasn't thought up by Steele, but was a series of actions noted by the intelligence community and the general public quite some time before Steele put finger to keyboard. Hacked emails, Butina, meetings in Trump Tower + Mayberry, and the works:
As for the attack in Syria and the coverup, no I don't approve. But Maté has no problem being a shill for civilians killed by Russia. Quite the tilted playing field.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 10:47am
I think you are misusing the word "shill". How about an actual example of Mate' being a "shill", whatever you mean by that, and evidence that his reporting is "compromised"? And, is he really a "motherfucker"? Is a crude ad hominem attack in an effort to derogate his reporting the very best you can do? Sorry, that was an unnecessary question since the answer is quite obvious.
by A Guy Called LULU on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 11:24am
He's transparently awful. I guess you like that for whatever reason.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 1:48pm
re: something that took place under *TRUMP*, not Biden.
Like I tried to infer elsewhere, for me, a strongly distinguishing characteristic of most of the articles Lulu recommends over a decade is bias verification that presidents come and presidents go but they don't matter because someone else, with evil empire intent, is in charge of American foreign policy, the American military and the CIA. So many examples that one's eyes glaze over, the basic narrative never changes even thought the involved countries vary. Clearly, there's a small dedicated market for creating and reading such content, it just doesn't include me. I really do believe things change, they really do, I even believe in evolution, I'm not like conservatives who think The Bible is the unchanging truth.
by artappraiser on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 4:34pm