by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Trump is a master at sowing confusion, but he's a sucker for a personal attack, areas that hurt his vanity.
Sadly for him, gladly for us, that's most of what's left.
Those supposed red lines are being crossed left and right, and in ways that pick apart his privilege.
Trump Tower is no longer a safe house (the fire was a wonderful metaphor, his presidency as well as the traps & come-uppance of deregulation). Mar-a-Lago is no refuge.
Cohen & Manafort's storage houses are no longer safe storage.
He only has his golfing, a few holes at a time.
However much Trump exclaims he can fire this guy and that guy, the only people he can fire
are on his own team, ones that don't really matter for the rest of us (or that we're glad to see go).
Now Trump can't even pretend that Fox News unbiasedly agrees with him -
of course Hannity agrees, as they've scripted the news for years, as is now largely confirmed.
So the next stage of Trump self-pity will be even more pouty.
He has little power left aside from dismantling government, and instead of hurting others' feelings,
it's all his feelings at play now. The blowhard has become cry-baby (not that he didn't always cry).
All of his show toys are being taken away - Melania, Jared, Hope, his empire, his "lawyer", his "great" appointees, Ryan and his Congressional abetters, all his Russian collusionists...
There's still Ivanka, oddly enough, but she's on the ropes as well, more of an ongoing embarrassment
than a sign of plucky survival.
And his court cases show his once famed sway at shutting down his opponents has vanished -
he can't even win a basic stay or court order without losing much more than he gains.
And soon the wolves will circle - little boy lost all alone in the woods, all his playmates vanished...
beating madly on his tin drum and still trying to toot his own horn. But too late. A matter of time.
National Enquirer does "art of the deal"
Ex-Playboy Model, Freed From Contract, Can Discuss Alleged Trump Affair
By Jim Rutenberg @, April 18
by artappraiser on Wed, 04/18/2018 - 7:38pm