by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Thanks for posting this. We have remember, that even now the press does not cover Trump with the intensity that is required. Trump called CNN fake news on foreign soil and no reporter at that press conference objected to Trump’s refusal to answer a question from CNN.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 9:34am
Hmmm, Is that the newly lauded guardian of keeping our free press honest? I see their latest top story is complaining about Firing Line interviewer not being hard enough on Ocasio-Cortez about some monumentally stupid things about socialism. They apparently want the show to defend W.F. Buckley's legacy as a hard line capitalist. Or something.
As far as defense of Jim Acosta by his colleagues, I do not know what happened at the press conference itself but I was looking at Twitter shortly thereafter and I saw a whole bunch of White House reporters vehemently object to his treatment by directly attacking Sarah Sanders statement about it. And by googling I found that this article from The Hill rounding up some of those tweets: Reporters defend CNN's Acosta after White House says he 'disrespected' Trump with question In the end, this is the problem of feeding the troll and long ago, Jan. 2017, Jay Rosen suggested that news organizations "send the interns" to White House press conferences. but I don't think even he would suggest that they stop covering presidential press conferences. The U.S. MSM contingent could have all gotten up and walked out in support of Acosta, I guess, instead of just fighting back on Twitter, but then others like Breitbart, foreign media and bloggers would stay and the real problem, the readers, us, would go check out what he said to them.
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 12:20pm
I linked to Twitchy because they came up in a Google search about the story. If you object to Twitchy, here is a link to rawstory that addresses John Roberts’ belated response to attacks on CNN and NBC.
Other reporters criticized John Roberts lack of response
Edit to add:
In 2010, news organizations refused to participate in a press conference if Fox was not included. The organizations felt that there was a planned boycott of Fox. Will Fox refuse to participate in future pressers if other networks are not allowed to ask questions?
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 12:52pm
It's a "twitter aggregator", if you will, founded by Michelle Malkin in 2012 and sold shortly thereafter. It's becoming a real thing, though, among many, according to Wiki:
The quote is attributed to Slate.
by barefooted on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 2:40pm
Well, interesting because the whole design of Twitter is designed for you to aggregate for yourself who's tweets you want on the feed. "Clever" in that it's clearly a method of helping tweets "go more viral" un-naturally, a way to pump numbers. I haven't really read up on the current ongoing cleaning by Twitter of fake followers, but this kind of thing might be an enabler? There are soooo many aps and sites and tools to enable people to get more followers on Twitter and Instagram, it's definitely the current modus operandi of getting 15 minutes of fames, job offers, money, etc. Not just with news, with porn, with modeling, with criticism, with writing. Not to mention supporting and boosting your little tribe...So being able to viralize is a very marketable thing.
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 3:34pm
You mean something like this? It's marketing yourself to draw advertisers to pay you to market them to your followers. It's on-line commercials during your favorite shows, it's the ad you have to watch before the free YouTube video that dozens of "friends" have "shared" and it's the dizzying array of stuff you don't give a crap about but suddenly must pay attention to - because why? Who knows, but everybody else is doing it. I'm afraid to say, but must, that Twitter's original design is no different than Facebook's or any other; after awhile, original only means antiquated, outdated and no longer relevant.
by barefooted on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 3:59pm
I am puzzled, I don't see what good this will do unless it also makes the "blogosphere" and news junkies in general stop loving themselves some whistleblowing docudumps which became so popular that Julian Assange saw big opportunity there.
Remembering how Josh Marshall used to solicit volunteers from the audience to scour through new ones...
There is a very clear difference between publishing faked news, not vetting the sources, and items from real hacked docudumps.
Are bloggers gonna "just say no" to the next Panama Papers?
The very nature of whistleblowing these days depends on leaked documents whether gotten by hacking or other means.
If mainstream reporters stop looking at docudumps, all that is going to happen is that the blogosphere will complain they are not doing their job. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
I doubt it's going to work using the rule "oh I'm not going to look at that stuff, because that stuff was hacked from the good guys."
The real lesson going forward I think is that we ALL can no longer trust docudumps to be fully authentic. Every little bit has to be verified the good old traditonal way.
There is the old maxim "don't say anything you wouldn't want to see on the front page of the New York Times".
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 11:45am
If there is another document dump, it will be published by a news organization or individuals.. Fox would publish a dump that aids the GOP. What the public has to learn is that the documents could be part of an attempt to sway votes and damage a person’s character. Hopefully, respected news outlets will be more cautious in the future.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 12:10pm
Ok so Peracles Please has to stop reading Louise Mensch's gossip that Mesch gets from: god knows where. It's really water over the dam. Lecturing people about what they should read hasn't worked very well in history in general. I would suggest, given your interests, one could lecture Black Lives Matter about passionately grabbing any support they find on the net to support the cause, that they should be skeptical of things, see how that works out first.
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 12:28pm
Where did I lecture people about what they should read? I clearly said that someone would publish the document dump. Readers and news organizations will have to determine for themselves whether the intent of the dump is to aid a particular candidate or political party. If. I saw Wikileaks as a source, for example, I might question intent.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 12:34pm
I guess what I really want to say, PP, is that after hanging around blogosphere news junkies since 2003, bashing "the MSM" has now grown super tiresome, and what's more there's this guy amping that way way up, he uses that, he's always used that, since his days feeding P.R. about himself to NYPost's Page Six:
I think it's time we let go of Iraq and Vietnam, where there's this new answer to "which side are you on, brother, which side are you on?"
All good and fine to pick on sloppiness, but let's stop making MSM media bashing a left "thing". The heroic people's reporting movement has gone bad, real bad, on Facebook and Twitter. Somebody's got to vet stuff and the vetters are not always going to be perfect. But getting news from the ground up, that's not worked out, not at all. Let's push journalism as a profession, yes, criticize those that do it unprofessionally, but not expect miracles. Perfect is the enemy of the good.
Yeah, if you're working as a reporter for USA Today, your creds are probably not sterling, we all know that, even a lot of non-news-junkies know that USA Today is mostly a big nothingburger. So thank god they use the A.P. and Reuters more than their own probably poorly paid reporters. I think everyone should sign up for a least one subscription like NYTimes and WaPo, or donate to The Guardian. Subscriptions are the only way they are able to pay the better reporters, clicks don't cover the cost. Best thing one can do to fight Trump.
The reality of our current situation: what does someone like Rachel Maddow mostly do? She talks nearly every night about this or that breaking story from NYT, WaPo, or The Guardian.
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 1:19pm
Some talking head on CNN was interviewing Giuliani, and it was abysmal, inarticulate, slow and restrained rebuttal. Ghouliani just kept spouting out uncontested lies. I'm sorry it's become such a trope, but the press is often doing a really crappy job of researching and articulating the news. I don't go to Mensch for anything these days, but often it's independent commentators who are providing the best analysis or at least questions. Today it was announced Trump pulled in $17m in Q2 of which $11m was small donations <$200, which no one contested. Of course Mueller's already indicted a guy for creating fake bank accts and rigging PayPal so that those 100,000 unitemized $100 "contributions" could all be laundered Russian money. Waiting for Mueller to figure it out is not the MSM's main job. The Guardian, Vox, Mother Jones, Bloomberg have done some good stuff, but there's way too few of them.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 2:12pm
Rmrd using a Raw Story link reminded me of how Raw Story and Buzz Feed, while having gotten some professional journalist religion in the last few years were progenitors of the problem. Their original raison d'etre was to furnish unvetted "raw" unfiltered data, or as in the latter "buzz", and let the readers decide. But to do it unashamedly with a general political it. I.E., let's all listen to Joe and Jill Iraqi Jihadi working for Motaqa, he's telling the truth that our government is lying about.
My point: how is that model working out now?
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 3:24pm
For Fox, anyway, pretty damn well.
by barefooted on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 3:33pm
rmrd0000 used the rawstory link because it included video of John Roberts making his belated comments. The video is from FauxNews but still is an accurate record of what Roberts said. Joe and Jill Iraqi Jihadi are not involved in the video.
Perhaps you prefer the same story if it appears on Vox
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 3:34pm
I am not currently anti-Raw Story, they are a different site now. I was talking about the past, how we got where we are. Your link just reminded me that their very name still points to the beginnings of this problem, nothing more.
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/16/2018 - 3:37pm