by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Yes, Our Lady of the God-sent Child-Saving Conservative Dolphins fantasizes over a Donald Trump who doesn't come across as an asshole by elegantly hiding his inner asshole. And somehow thinks this is a great improvement.
But thanks, Peggy, for reminding us how we got here. See, all those assholes in the closet eventually got to thinking they were normal and came out of the closet. Donald's not unique, as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and Mike Pence and Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich make obvious. But he does ignore the Peggy game plan big time:
Mitt Romney’s aides are making the classic mistake of thinking the voters want maturity, serenity and a jolly spirit. What they want is a man who knows what time it is, who has a passion to reform our country, and who yet holds these qualities within a temperament that is mature, serene and jolly.
Deciphering Peggy code, it's "more asshole, but less assholishness". It's a hard prescription to follow as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have discovered, and the Republican Party just proved it by flying off the tracks.
But sure, I look forward to Republicans recycling the recipe for even more losses in 2018 and 2020. As Burt Reynolds noted in The Longest Yard, "worked once - it'll work again".