by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
By Maggie Haberman & Yamiche Alcindor @, 1:32 am
Breitbart headline:
‘Amnesty Don’
Report: Dems Declare Victory as Trump Caves on DACA…
…White House Pushes Back — Softly
In a meeting with establishment politicians from the Problem Solvers Caucus and the Blue Dog Coalition, President Trump signaled a full-fledged cave on the issue of giving amnesty to nearly 800,000 illegal aliens currently protected by an Obama-created executive immigration program.
by artappraiser on Thu, 09/14/2017 - 3:27am
Trump’s diehard supporters are fuming after an apparent about-face on ‘dreamers’ Sept. 14, 2:21 am
Conservatives unleash anger over willingness to pursue deal.
by artappraiser on Thu, 09/14/2017 - 3:27am
Trump and Democratic leaders reach tentative deal to protect Dreamers
Schumer and Pelosi agreed to enhance border security, excluding funding for a wall
Updated 09/13/2017 11:40 PM EDT
GOP shudders as Trump courts Democrats on taxes
The White House outreach threatens to upend months of planning on a party-line strategy.
Updated 09/13/2017 07:47 PM EDT
The Hill:
Trump steps up courtship of Dems 09/13/17 08:26 PM
President Trump’s courtship of congressional Democrats intensified on Wednesday as he asserted a willingness to work with them on tax reform, immigration and infrastructure.“Some of the greatest legislation ever passed, it was done in a bipartisan manner,” Trump told a group of moderate Republican and Democratic lawmakers at the White House. “And so that is what we are going to give a shot.” [....]
Trump, Dem leaders reach agreement on young immigrants, 09/13/17, 9:47 PM
Schumer, Pelosi say Trump agreed to replace DACA without wall 5 hrs. ago
by artappraiser on Thu, 09/14/2017 - 4:00am
No matter what is said about deals between Trump, Schumer, and Pelosi Ryan and McConnell must sign on to get the bill on the floor to be voted on and many republicans have to vote for it to pass. The question I haven't seen anyone address is why did Ryan and McConnell bring the debt ceiling bill up for a vote. They control the agenda and decide what bills come to the floor for a vote. They could have just ignored the Trump, Schumer, Pelosi deal, never brought it up for a vote, and just brought up their own bill. What's going on in their head? Did they actually like the deal? Were they unable to bring about a republican compromise? Were they afraid to challenge Trump? How often will they allow these deals to come up for a vote? In the end Trump and the democrats can't bypass the republicans. They can't even force a vote on their deals if just two people, Ryan and McConnell, don't cooperate.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 09/14/2017 - 4:33am
found retweeted by Maggie Haberman:
by artappraiser on Thu, 09/14/2017 - 8:22pm
2 pieces just published @
Why Did Trump Work Again With Democrats? ‘He Likes Us,’ Schumer Says
By Maggie Haberman & Glenn Thrush, 58 min. ago
Senator Chuck Schumer had just finished outlining a new Democratic immigration proposal over a working dinner at the White House on Wednesday night when President Trump stopped him with a simple question: What is in it for me? ....
Where it appears Chuck has learned how to play Trump's fiddle...
As Trump Bends on Immigration, G.O.P. Fears Breaking Point
By Jeremy W. Peters, 50 minutes ago
The president’s surprising alliance with Democrats on a “Dreamers” deal has elevated the one issue that most fiercely divides Republicans, threatening the party’s broader agenda
by artappraiser on Thu, 09/14/2017 - 9:49pm