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By Robert Barnes and Ann E. Marimow @, 25 minutes ago
Order barred travelers from certain majority-Muslim nations
In a 5-to-4 decision, justices said President Trump has the authority to ban travelers from certain areas if he thinks it is necessary to protect the United States, a major affirmation of presidential power.
More from WaPo's home page:
Trump claims victory and vindication after ruling
The decision affirms one of the president's signature policies, which he instituted a few days after taking office.
The Fix/Analysis Critics called the travel order a ‘Muslim ban.’ How justices rejected that claim, annotated.
The high court dismissed allegations that the president had codified a discriminatory campaign pledge.
by artappraiser on Tue, 06/26/2018 - 12:54pm
a reminder of a good source:
they've got the PDF's of the rulings up already (including the one related to abortion) and have this at the top of the page right now:
Opinion analysis: Divided court upholds Trump travel ban
By Amy Howe on Jun 26, 2018 at 12:11 pm
[Editor’s Note: This post will be expanded with additional analysis later today.]
by artappraiser on Tue, 06/26/2018 - 1:14pm
Noah Feldman: Supreme Court's Travel Ban Decision Will Live in Infamy
Cass Sunstein: Four Things to Know About the Travel Ban Opinions
Amy Davidson Sorkin: One Really Good Thing in the Supreme Court’s Travel-Ban Ruling: Korematsu Is Gone
For the Americans of Japanese ancestry who were interned during the Second World War, the Court’s overruling of Korematsu v. United States, from 1944, is a small, late measure of justice.
Richard L. Hasen: Did Justice Anthony Kennedy Just Signal His Retirement?
The depressing defeatism of Kennedy’s work this term indicates his time on the court could be coming to an end.
by artappraiser on Tue, 06/26/2018 - 3:27pm
damn helpful tweets:
by artappraiser on Tue, 06/26/2018 - 3:59pm
Found interesting @
Sonia Sotomayor Delivers Fiery Dissent Over Ruling
By Catie Edmondson 24 minutes ago
Justice Sotomayor condemned the decision as “harrowing” and “motivated by hostility and animus toward the Muslim faith.”
The Court Ruled Correctly on the Travel Ban
Now it’s up to Congress to constrain the president’s unilateral power.
By Peter H. Schuck, June 26
Mr. Schuck is an emeritus professor of law at Yale
by artappraiser on Tue, 06/26/2018 - 9:54pm