by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
by artappraiser on Wed, 08/07/2019 - 12:31am
Well fuck the lot of them.
I guess "Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia" wasn't a bad lede either, except compleatly fucking wong and opposite of reality and an irresponsible journalistic malfeasance days from the election as yet another thumb on the scale (google Times Clinton Clash) for another Times reach-around when they and WaPo pimped a Bannon-produced piece of attack propaganda)
Over and over the NYTimes -Maggie? - cleans up Trump gaffes or spins them to make him look more statesmanlike - watch it when he goes to the G8. Trump says his dick is longer and he's in the best tippytop shape of any prez - do we just put his chimera in bold print on page 1, no questions asked? Isn't he just gettung free advertising, where the header says what he wanted to announce, while the text shows all the ways it was wrong and crazed - but 1st impressions is all the Republicans need to run away with an issue - that's why they had Barr spin the Mueller report sight unseen as exonerating Trump - how did the NYtimes do on reporting that one? Then we get this long jackoff handwringing excuse about how we farmed out the banner headline - the most important journalistic real estate in the world - to the Jimmy Olsens in the back room cuz well the internetz and we didn't know anyone still cared? And then insult the woke people who do care as "privileged progressives" or however some blogger put it? Well yeah, it influences how Trump spins (lies) his colluding with Russia, his economy-bending trade wars, his mistreatment of immigrants and lies about the Wall, his painting Dems as traitors using unprecedented sexist and racist language, his going back on all his election and after promises that we never have time for. Why not put "Trump responds to shooting" as a generic header that lets the reader read what he said and how he stirred the hornet's nest together, rather than him always getting to run to mom first? How about a newspaper doing its job to realize what aspects of reporting and presentation have an effect and which deter from accurate balanced reporting, rather than blaming the outraged public for yet another lost opportunity to report the atrocities (this time literally) with accuracy? How about going for the A for once, rather than the Gentleman's C they've become comfortable with?
PS - after years of "shithole countries", "coastal elites", "send them back", "infested Democrat cities", "criminals & rapists" & all the nasty things he said about Puerto Ricans as they were dying, suddenly a happy phrase one day prompts "TRUMP URGES UNITY VS. RACISM" at face value? Waiting for "TRUMP URGES MONOGAMY OVER FUCKING 14-YEAR-OLDS WITH JEFFREY EPSTEIN", or "TRUMP URGES TELLING THE TRUTH VS LYING ON TWITTER 24x7". CBS followed up today with Trump going off to be "Comforter-in-Chief" - well that's going to be awkward for the guy who couldn't stand up or even turn around while a Yazidi woman described how ISIS killed her family, and then stupidly asked "where are they now?"
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 08/07/2019 - 2:11am
I see today comments from Rosen along the lines of yours, a little less angry in approach, mebbe:
I'm not sure I agree. I know that I do like my analysis marked separate from my reporting. I don't like the idea of repor ting getting into telling people what they should be thinking about something that happened. And I like the idea of picking and chosing analysts. There's always the bias confirmation problem with humans, can't get away from it, but one can try to ameliorate it some by reading some analysts that have a different train of thought...
By the way, the headline didn't bother me in the least. Anyone who is not Rip van Winkle knows he says one thing when he listens to political staff and it is usually "faux". Even his fans know he is doing performance pieces, not real stuff, they just like the performances. It is all very similar to what is said in that Boris Johnson piece I posted the other day. Everyone paying attention knows it's a kabuki play, what good does it do for NYTimes news section to continually break the kayfabe? The NYTimes news section not playing the straight man but to go further in interpreting, I don't exactly see how that would help. Everyone borderline would just shut them out as biased. It is quite probable doing that would just increase polarization. I really don't want to see them go hyper partisan in coverage. Just report the kabuki and the performances and leave the analysis interpretation up to their writers charged with analysis and labeled analysis. I like the way they do it and think doing otherwise could come back to haunt, they would just end up a Fox News of the left. And then their long form investigative pieces (like on Trump's taxes) would be less trusted and trusted by fewer. Plus now we've got all of social media to spin the news in 10,000 directions...
I don't see an outfit like Pro Publica screaming over and over "Trump lied" and "Trump is bullshitting". I think that should be a clue. Hit back with investigative pieces later, not when he uses agitprop. In a way it would be feeding a troll to do that. I.E. Seriously, do you really think it would help for the NYT to point out Trump is a bad comforter in chief, and his teleprompter speech is not what he usually says, as if the reader is an alien who just landed on this planet?
by artappraiser on Wed, 08/07/2019 - 6:18pm
Sure, standard Kahemnan "Fast brain, slow brain", autoreporting vs analysis, one you do snap snap, the other you slow down to think about. Every day I leave the house, turn right on Spruce, pick up a bagel at corner of Turner, and dive into work on Vine, humming a tune as I go. But if there's a fire on Turner, I might choose another street that day. If they've dug up the street it might be weeks. If they've sold off Turner for a shopping mall it might be years, if it's not invaded by revolutionaries. We adapt fast brain. Hucksters and grifters use fast brain tricks to keep us from engaging analytical slow brain when needed badly - works on PhD's and blue collar.
*You* know about Trump. I'm not worried about you. I often read the news for what they'll report to *the rest of the world* that confirms my suspicions and world view (sometimes forced to change mine). This isn't just Trump - is Russia really reforming has been a question for decades, and the answer and key turning points have been critical to get right -Sochi was impressive despite looking a bit corrupt, the bit over chemical weapons in Syria vs Obama was the foggiest - afterwards with Novichok and 2016 hacking, became more obvious. But we depend on these daily stories to clue us in despite inevitable denials which in other cases might be sincere. Yet the Times ran a blatantly untrue sop to Russia and Trump just days before the 2016 election - FBI clears Russia of collusion. Lesson learned? Or just the complaints of privileged progressives?
While photos of Epstein partying around Manhattan with Trump and Melania have surfaced, Daily Beast spends its time looking for Epstein donations to the Clinton White House that *has to* have had an effect despite being below the top 1000 donors or using Epstein's plane to fly to public AIDS events across Africa, treating both as equivalent - that the likelihood of each banging a 14-year-old in such circumstance is the unstated background. It's obscene.
Trump's been pimping for a Nobel and perhaps a place on Rushmore. He can call Mexicans rapists and murderers, insult shithole countries, blast Dem-led cities as infested, has Pence tour cages of illegal immigrants in shitty cages with stories of some forced to drink toilet water and some deaths, and this made up line of "invasion" he's been using since "the caravan", while rewarding and pardoning Racist #1 Joe Arpaio for blatantly ignoring judge's orders.
How many ways to slice this before treating it other than a business-as-usual event, giving Trump the illusion of normalcy? The rest of the world sees Trump's behavior at the G8 or in Syria or bonesawing a reporter -but next day let's go back and get our bagel? In the middle of this Breughelian plague scene we're going to pop up Trump spouting "Unity over Racism", which he'll follow within 24 hours attacking as many public Dems national or local as he can, even a couple usual allies on Fox News? He'll be "comforter-in-chief" in Dayton/Toledo and El Paso as CBS put it, despite acting horridly towards Puerto Rico in natural disaster, scolding them and withholding money and bizarrely tossing paper towels as thousands died and millions wentwithout electricity for half a year? This tyrant is running for president *again*. Should the Times hire Judith Miller back to push more White House spin onto the front page or acknowledge this isn't just covering White House eggrolls (which Trump also perverts by lecturing kids on defense budgets and other spin). No, it's not normal - don't normalize where obscene to do so.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 08/08/2019 - 12:50am
Baquet speaks on topic to The Atlantic:
by artappraiser on Wed, 08/07/2019 - 6:59pm