by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
[Andrew Sullivan] I can't put it better than this longtime Dish reader:
Personally, I am praying that Obama's messaging improves drastically. (It has failed on multiple occasions - not the least of which was during August/September of 2008.)
The truth is that this President has done a good job in what has been one of the most difficult periods of modern history. He saved the economy from ruin (until the Tea Party took over Congress) with a stimulus that was as large as possible given the political realities, presided over a stock market that fairly quickly recouped many of its losses, presided over almost consecutive monthly increases in private sector job growth (unfortunately balanced by monthly decreases in public sector jobs which I attribute to the GOP further starving government), enacted the only meaningful healthcare reform ever in our history, passed financial reform (no matter what the Left says, he did this), saved the auto industry (which Romney is on record opposing), fired the first salvo of the Arab Spring with his address in Cairo no less, drawn down our footprint in Iraq in a responsible way (and headed toward almost total withdrawal), stopped numerous terrorist attacks in this country, stopped torture as policy, repealed DADT, joined the international community in a measured and responsible way to bring down an odious tyrant in Qaddafi, and killed a whole generation of al Qaeda leaders. And taking out Osama bin Laden the way he did will go down as one of the bravest military actions in American history.
I know this President is not popular, and it is very unpopular to defend him in such a way. I don't care. For this country to dump him for anyone on the other side would be a terrible thing. Progress is slow and painful, but we are doing it. Is that fashionable to say? No. Again, I don't care.
True Obamabot: “No I don't care” TO LISTEN to facts,
FACT: We have limited resources, we do have to learn to live within our means.
Bot: "I don’t care darn it, besides; it isn’t I, who has to pay the bill; Tax the Rich”
Ever watch a slug?
Dear Bot;
Cash for Clunkers helped whom?
Obama should have done more to help the homeowners. Starting with not hiring Tim Geithner; a bankers friend, not a mortgage holders friend.
If the homeowners, would have had their interest rates reduced earlier, rather than this slow drip of promises. The war on the middle class might have had a chance, of not escalating, many could have been saved.
Instead property values plummeted. The middle class’ assets devalued, as bank profits rose.
Is it possible; States dependent on property taxes, wouldn’t have had to lay off personnel, had property values not plummeted. Obama you had a chance to keep more workers working, if you would have prevented homevalues from plummeting.
Instead of direct money to bailout the banks, those hundreds of billions, in bailout money, should have found a way into the hands of the homeowners; allowing them to pay the mortgage.
NO DEFAULTS, No AIG problem, both SIDES would have benefitted, instead of just the one side (the banker side) who keeps us enslaved, while they give themselves bonuses from bailout money
We the people, instead of We the Banker/We the Corporations, would have had MORE control, over OUR financial future.
Did the poor buy a car? Did the upside down mortgage holder take on more debt?
Ever try to find a good used car these days, since the decent ones were scrapped during Obama's Cash for Clunkers, give away CASH program?
Obama: Here’s billions to buy a car, but you do know someone is going to have to be taxed?” TAX THE RICH
Obama: “You do know, if we extend unemployment, someone is going to have to be taxed?” TAX THE RICH
The government giveth and the government taketh program.
The bravest military action? Cut back on the koolaid, Bot.
How long will it before they use drones as they do in other places, against American citizens, at OWS, for resisting corporate takeover with its corrupt influence.
Maybe if we had avoided these costly wars instead of playing John Wayne, we would have more money for the programs the people need.
Obama: No problem TAX THE RICH
Remember the Democrats gave the Authorization to Use Military Force, whatever the cost. Whatever the cost; was on the backs of the middle class.
TAX THE RICH, because our leaders made bad choices?
Dear tax payer, if the rich don't get their taxes raised, guess who gets Obama's bill?
Obama: "Did you get a new car?
Homeowner: NO
Obama: "I understand you're underwater on your mortgage, but someone’s got to pay for the new car"
by Resistance on Fri, 10/21/2011 - 9:18am