by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
In a country where flirting is a way of life, and where a unique blend of Gallic machismo with age-old codes of chivalry can be seen in virtually every corner café, women, it would seem, have had enough.
By James McAuley from Paris, @, Oct. 29
[....] A social media campaign erupted here almost simultaneously with the appearance of #MeToo in the United States — except French women took it further with #balancetonporc, which loosely translated means “squeal on your pig.” As in the United States, after women began naming and shaming their attackers, some of the most prominent men in French public life stood accused of sexual assault.
Most notably, the Swiss-born academic Tariq Ramadan, whose stance on Islam in Europe has transformed him into persona non grata among French elites, has been accused of raping two women, charges he denies.
The outrage has only grown. Marlène Schiappa, a government minister who oversees gender equality, proposed fining men for “wolf whistling” and sexually suggestive comments made on the street.
On Sunday, thousands of women — and men — marched through the streets of nearly every major French city to voice their anger and demand an end to sexual harassment and assault [....]
A British minister admits he made his secretary buy sex toys as #MeToo hits Parliament
By Cleve R. Wootson @,
I am a little disappointed there are no spanking or other S & M activities mentioned in the article as I learned to expect since I saw the 1989 fictionalized film version of the Profumo affair, Scandal. (Talk about power games!)
by artappraiser on Sun, 10/29/2017 - 8:06pm