by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I left the GOP because of how the party treats women of color. But I’ve never seen anything like this.
By Sophia Nelson @ Politico Magazine, Oct. 26
[....] I was inspired to join the party when I heard Jack Kemp give a speech on my college campus in 1988 about what it meant to be a true Republican. Kemp understood that if the GOP he loved did not begin to embrace people of color and offer devastated urban communities a way to wealth, opportunity and prosperity, it would fade to nothing, eventually losing its voters, and its soul.
Unfortunately, most of my time in the GOP was spent watching it move away from Kemp’s vision. I saw the party become more and more monolithically white, Southern, conservative and reactionary. I saw good African-Americans work faithfully in the party apparatus only to be blackballed, run out or passed over for promotions time and time again. Personally, I watched my good friends like Kellyanne Conway and Paul Ryan (who both started when I did) excel and be given opportunities to rise, while my career and others like me seemed to stall. And so I left and went into the private sector [.....]
Sophia Nelson was very slow on the uptake. Most blacks knew that they weren’t wanted in the Republican Party decades ago. Barry Goldwater made very clear that he supported state’s rights over Civil Rights. Richard Nixon invited the segregationists into the GOP. The GOP got the Southern votes by turning away from the party’s history of supporting Civil Rights. How could Nelson have missed these events. The GOP got the majority of the Southern white vote. Blacks didn’t matter because their votes were being blocked. The seeds sown in the past bear today’s racist fruit. A majority of white voters of both genders, all ages, and all economic brackets voted for Donald Trump. The majority of white voters don’t care that Trump is a racist. That is today’s reality.
Trump is going to adversely effect the taxes and health care of poor and middle class whites, but as long as immigrants are being targeted and blacks are sidelined by the GOP, the majority of white voters support the attack on their economics. Nelson only got “woke” when she noticed that her personal success was impacted by Republican racist. Without the direct impact, Nelson would be supporting Trump along with Omarosa.
Race impacts everything. White people were overjoyed when Colin Kaepernick was sidelined by the 49ers. Like John Carlos and Tommie Smith, Kaepernick needed to be punished for not knowing his place. Blacks were not surprised when Donald Trump called black NFL players “sons of bitches”. Trump’s comments pleased those who disagreed with Kaepernick kneeling.
Today, the owner of the Houston Texans called black players “inmates trying to control the prison”. The owner says his words were taken out of context. This is crap. The Texans owner is a Trump supporter who shares Trump view of blacks as inferior.
Race impacts everything. The media is not hounding General Kelly to apologize to La David Johnson’s wife, because she is black. If an Obama Chief of Staff slandered a white woman, President Obama would have to personally apologize. An attack on a black woman is not taken seriously.
Discussions of race are uncomfortable and often diversions are used. Point out that the majority of blacks voted Hillary and the majority of whites voted for racist Trump, and some will try to divert to You Tube posts by two black women in an effort to say that Trump has black supporters. It turns out that the two women were paid by the Trump campaign.
Suggest that black student face racism on campus, and some will mention that a black guy manufactured racial threats at Eastern Michigan University. A diversion suggesting that both sides do this racism stuff.
The reason that Ta-Nehisi Coates resonates with the black community is that he reminds black that we are seeing what we are seeing. There is a lot of white anger. When we voice our observations, we are told to calm down. Blacks are under siege. We have a white supremacist in office and black votes are being suppressed. The White House Chief of Staff feels free to lie about a black female member of Congress. I’m glad that Sophia Nelson notes the racism in the GOP. I am sad that it took a personal insult to open her eyes.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 7:15pm
Nelson isn't dumb. She was attracted to the more traditional conservative elements *despite* the history of the party, thinking that maybe the party would keep its sane wing. A black person as a Nelson Rockefeller Republican isn't so absurd. A black as a Tea Partier or Trumpist or general Ryanesque/McConnellesque uncompassionate conservative just becomes a sphynx - "why?"
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 10/28/2017 - 3:34am
The Republican Party became a place for racists long ago.Barry Goldwater went state’s rights in 1964. Ronald Reagan began his campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi in 1964. Colin Powell was booed at the RNC in 1996.Tom Scott was foolish enough to think he could alter Trump’s love for racists with a personal meeting. Like with La David Johnson, Trump could not remember Scott’s name. The GOP has made their acceptance of racism clear for a long time.
Republicans on race
TomTim Scott meeting with Trump
Nelson is only upset because Republicans injured her personally
The idea that a segment of whites are willing to tolerate racism is painful, but recognizing the reality of racism is important for the survival of black Americans. We are not post-racial. Nelson was blissfully unaware until she woke up.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/28/2017 - 10:07am
Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller were Prez/VP in 74-77. Schwarzenneger was a Republican governor last decade. It's not absurd that she could think there's some hope in there, not expecting that race reconciliation would be top on the agenda, but at least some accomodation, yet over time the level of insult, not just intolerance, has become greater.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 10/28/2017 - 10:18am
Nelson had to ignore the other messages Republicans were putting out regarding race to get to Ford, etc..The majority of blacks knew where the GOP was headed. To me, it is equivalent to using to the two black women on YouTube to say that Trump had black support, or that the black guy creating racial fear on the EMU campus is representative of the threats blacks receive on college campuses. Nelson was personally hurt by being passed over.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/28/2017 - 10:49am
Yeah, you got it, why I found her op-ed intriguing. She had hope for another way round the problem, trying outside the box. For the same reason, one of Obama's strong points for me was having Hope (capital H) as to a way out of the same old same old with bipartisanship and then being bi-racial himself.
Obama's results and kinds of other huge obstacles in that path didn't deter her, but now she sees Trump as throwing a huge wrench in the whole thing! Trump means no hope....
One thing I see no hope in given the fast approaching future demographics of this country as to race: despite Trump's dragging us back into "the good old days" continuing to focus on skin color as a unifying voting block is just not going to work, is not going to apply. Trumpism and is the last gasp of that. Bannon only took on white suprematist groups because he cynically saw that as a present iteration of working class, I don't believe for a minute that he wouldn't go after black working class votes if the current situation was amenable, he's not stupid, he sees a future of nationalism, not racism. Hates China, not necessarily Chinese-Americans, as long as they consider themselves American.
She's gone a different route. I'd actually like to see some anti-Bannon Kemp style and 80's DLC-style hope come out of the reaction of what the Trump hurricane has caused to both parties.
Pre-emptive: yes, I know Hillary was trying to do that. And never forget: she got a majority of the vote, even despite all the problems attached to her persona.
I am looking long term trajectory, historic view. Goes to your comment on the Spain/Catalonia thread. What we are living through with all this nationalism is hopefully last gasp of good old days being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Boomers will die soon. Who to watch: Gen X and millenials looking at new paradigms, getting out of their self-imposed ghettos, dealing with the reality of the future. They'll have the nightmare example of Trump (and all the other shitty anti-globalist fervor) as a reminder. He's definitely a catalyst, no matter how this all ends up. The new ghettoes will be social media tribalism, that's the future problem
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/28/2017 - 12:26pm