The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    File:The Men Who Stare at Goats poster.jpg

    Florida, your long nightmare is over!

    No, I'm not talking about the current reign of your grifter governor -- that's a nightmare of much shorter duration.

    At long last, and on its third attempt, the Florida legislature has succeeded in passing an anti-bestiality bill. From the perspective of the folks outraged about what happened to this goat, this is their "Osama bin Laden has been brought to justice.

    I don't know much about goats but I know something about bestiality.

    And I always thought America was all about bestiality.

    I mean America is the bestest country in the whole of the world!

    To me the essence of the Reagan/Bush Era was bestiality.

    Let us just take a look at what that Era brought to all of us!

    How can you get more bestial than taking on the Unions and those lazy no-good air traffic controllers?

    And cutting taxes for corporations and the extremely rich in half represents the best of bestiality!

    What else would you call deregulation of the banking industry and deregulation of Wall Street but the most blatant type of bestiality.

    I recall those famous words of George Will back in that magic era:


    And George W. Bush? George W. Bush was the best in terms of bestiality of them all!

    W managed to get us into two wars, rather than some boring bellicose situation that might have grabbed the attention of Americans for a year or two.

    Instead the best of bestiality was presented our nation by the Cheney/Bush era; the trillions paid to the contractors buttressed the economies of scores of nations; and corporations have never had more power in this nation.

    Cheney/Bush were able to put minorities back into their place.

    The Executive Branch managed to extend the rights and opportunities of corporations like the world has never seen. The Executive Branch managed to erase the Constitutional Rights of the kind of folks who do not deserve to have Constitutional Rights. The Executive Branch managed to bring back torture; the single bestial tool for making people we don't like feel bad and even worser.

    I could go on and on here but suffice it to say, the world had never witnessed before the type of bestiality that Cheney/Bush brought to this nation and managed to export all over the globe.

    This all brings tears to my eyes and gets me thinking of those great lyrics from the one and only Lloyd Price:

    Over and over-I tried to prove my love to you,
    Over and over-What more can I do
    Over and over-My friend says I'm a fool
    But over and over-I'll be a fool for you.

    `cause you got bestiality

    Walk, bestiality

    Talk, bestiality
    Smile, bestiality
    Charm, bestiality
    Love, bestiality

    And,plus,you've got a great big heart
    So over and over-Oh, I'll be a fool to you
    Now over and over-What more can I do

    Over and over-I said that I loved you
    Over and over-honey Now it's the truth
    Over and over-They still say I'm a fool
    But Over and over-I'll be a fool for you

     And Florida wishes to do away with all of this in one fell swoop!

    I'd have expected this type of perspective from the current liberal socialist Administration for chrissakes!

    But Florida? I mean they have a Republican legislature and one of the meanest Republican Mofo's in the nation.

    From now on I am sticking to California Oranges, the bestial fruit in the world.

    Screw Florida Oranges!



    It seemed certain that she would prevail on her second attempt, but the measure foundered in Florida's State House of Representatives because lawmakers "said they didn't want to be accused of wasting time addressing a rare crime when Floridians needed them to help create jobs," and that they "also didn't want to debate the icky subject in public meetings occasionally frequented by children."

    I have one question, Mr. Day. How does one "occasionally frequent" a public meeting?

    But, at least Florida goats are happy now and that's all that matters!

    Well that goat looks pretty happy; that's for sure.


    In answer to your query I wonder how many Floridians were frequenting goat enclosures?

    I concur on the oranges. California oranges make me sunny and sweet. Florida oranges bring out the wee beastie in me.

    Juice up for California oranges; that's what I always say! ha

    Bestiality has long been celebrated in American song and dance. Remember the old standard:

       This Lamb is your lamb
         This Lamb is My Lamb

    Well they did not call him Woody for nothin! ha

    I think he got that nickname when he released his hit single that went:

     If I had a Heifer

     I'd have her in the morning

     I'd have her in the evening

     All over this land

    Walkin' the dog
    Juat a Walkin' the dog
    Now if you don't know how to do it
    I'll show you how to walk the dog

    Well thank God there's SOMEONE talking sense on this site. Seems to me people should have seen the connections long ago between Osama Been Lambin' and Baaaaaaaarack Obaaaaaaaaaama...

    Back in the 60's we had this Black guy showing up at the student union with a bullhorn yelling:


    I think he wanted us all to drop our studies and bomb the Pentagon or something. hahahaha

    All I can say is...There goes Florida's chance for a truly cheap date.

    Do they even grow dates down there? ha