by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
For the life of me I can't see Willard Romney as the leader of a Republican Party which in body, mind and spirit embraces teavangelicals masquerading as colonial rebels. Romney is oh, so much more like a Redcoat than a Lexington, Massachusetts militiaman. And Obama---even though he in many ways is an elitist for whom the teavangelicals have as much visceral hatred as the real colonial rebels had for their British overseers---Obama seems much more of an everyday American to me than Romney ever will.
I like the comparison of Romney as Lord Cornwallis and Obama as Nathanael Greene. Greene, who began the war as a private, became the Revolutionary General who slowly bled out Cornwallis with a string of no-victories which led eventually to Cornwallis' entrapment at Yorktown, Va. where he was defeated by a combined force of American Continentals and French troops.
By the way, it is indeed odd that for their derision of all things French, the teavangelicals have forgotten that the French were essential in helping us win our American freedoms at Yorktown---not only French ground troops but the French fleet which prevented the British Navy from re-supplying Willard Lord Cornwallis.
The Republicans entered the 2012 Presidential race with a simple strategy. De-legitimize Obama's Presidency. Deny any legislation or policy which might help the economy. Nominate Anyone. Run against the economy. Use blunt force advertising to win. There is a certain arrogance and presumption of winning in that strategy. No doubt Cornwallis was similarly confident.
In nominating Mr. Anyone, Republicans have nominated the only moderate remaining in the Republican party who is willing to flip flop on virtually every position he's ever held.. But the Republican party is not a party of moderates. Romney is out of place and everyone knows it. He pounded his weak primary opponents by overwhelming them with negative advertising. He intends to do the same against Obama.
Romney's strongest pitch is to hang a slowly recovering economy around Obama's neck. But this is a blunt strategy, much like Cornwallis' overwhelming forces were a blunt force and his military strategy tied to something other than men fighting for their freedom. Obama must be the consummate tactician to win against such a force---much as Nathanael Greene outmaneuvered Cornwallis with a string of no-victories, all of which resulted in winning the war.
The economy notwithstanding, Obama is demonstrating tactics. While Romney is piling up money for advertising in the late stages, Obama is defining him as a businessman whose experience is not necessarily relevant to running the economy of the U.S. And "Romney and his allies want to go back to the failed Republican policies of the previous eight years." (notice, Bush's name was not used). As for Healthcare, we love Romneycare because of its benefits. And the benefits are these. And oh, Romney is abandoning his principles by denigrating the greatest achievement of his own Governorship. Both Obama and Romney are flawed, but which one the more so? It comes down to a choice between the two.
As Mike McKenna, a Republican consultant, has just said, "If the election hinged on the economy, Obama would be dead by now." So can Obama survive another four months of a lackluster economy and the shelling that will come with it? It would seem that Romney's overwhelming stash of bad economy ammunition will defeat Obama, and perhaps it will. But as was the case with Greene, Obama is not without weapons of his own.
By using a string of skirmishes, using intelligence and hitting Romney's weaknesses Obama can wage a war of attrition against Romney who has essentially only one strategy---blunt advertising force against a weak economy during Obama's presidency. I'm opting for a Nathanael Greene-style war of attrition against Romney, a string of small maneuvers and no-victories, the use of small arms and bayonets, and the final entrapment of Romney the Redcoat in a sea of contradictions and failed use of superior firepower. Death by a thousand mistakes.
It is a Sunday afternoon and analogies come cheaply, leaving both flanks defenseless. There is in fact a troubling quote by Brig. Gen. Dan Morgan who split from Nathanael Greene's "army" which in turn caused Cornwallis to split his own forces and be drawn into a staged battle with Morgan at Cowpens. Morgan stationed his men in front of a river over which there was no retreat. His troubling quote, amidst this analogy, was "Men fight only as much as they find necessary, and no more"---which is way too close to my perceptions of Obama on those days when I conclude that he is too conciliatory. But another quote of Morgan's provides some reassurances--- "When Men are forced to fight---they will sell their lives dearly."
Morgan won the battle at Cowpens.
Obama is defending his Presidency. I think he will win.
I like this, my husband's relative is Nathaniel Greene! General Greene walked the damn Tories nearly to death all over the colonies. Admittedly he would ride a bicycle today, but in the end the Greene's always win.
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 07/08/2012 - 1:35pm
A great heritage indeed.
I'm thinking God's Greene Earth is going to win out over the human race. Is that a bad thing?
by Oxy Mora on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 10:56am
I like this analogy too, and not just because it has an outcome that I prefer. Nice piece of work, Oxy.
by MrSmith1 on Sun, 07/08/2012 - 3:35pm
Thanks, Mr. Smith.
by Oxy Mora on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 10:58am
What I, for the life of me, cannot understand is why the Dems are having such a hard time getting their messaging out there.
The reason the economy is so lackluster is because of the repubs, and their refusal to allow ANYTHING to pass that would help to jump-start the economy. The people who have the money to create jobs are sitting on their hands wringing their hands about the "uncertainty" keeping them from doing anything, while they patiently wait for Obama to be destroyed so they can make their tons of money after he is gone, and hopefully at an even LOWER tax rate. It's sickening!
It's as if a person is trying so hard to get the engine to start, while someone else has their hand under the hood pulling out the spark plugs. And a bunch of stupid, low-information voters are letting them get away with it. It's like they all have Stockholm syndrome. Somehow their rich captors have convinced them to go to bat for them, even as they are being enslaved.
And all the money pouring in? We are going to get (if we don't already have it) the best government money can buy. And all these people waving the flag and their copy of the Constitution are letting it happen. I feel like I've fallen down the rabbit hole.
by stillidealistic on Sun, 07/08/2012 - 3:38pm
Now if we could just get the 'job creators' to both sit on AND wring their hands at the same time ... we'd at least generate some laughter from the images ...
P.S. We're all down that same rabbit hole.
by MrSmith1 on Sun, 07/08/2012 - 11:23pm
Thanks Stilli. You have to hand it to Republican politicians. They have half the country believing that a company will invest in expansion and more jobs---regardless of aggregate demand. And if their taxes go up a little they will forego a dead cinch winner of an investment opportunity. Like I'm going to turn down new customers because I will pay a slightly higher tax on new revenue, foregoing incremental revenue. Go figure.
by Oxy Mora on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 11:03am
Noted with interest in the NYT Style Section that the Mittster Inc is doing the Hamptons while the Obama campaign is purposefully lying low there despite the tradition of Dem candidates courting there as well. That the Obamans will do NYC celeb gigs and Hollywood gigs but not places like the Hamptons suggests a kind of messaging that is fairly nuanced about what kind of wealth needs to be panned (I. E, the ski-boating financier kind, not the makers of popular movies.)
by artappraiser on Sun, 07/08/2012 - 11:07pm
What is the tipping point where teavangelicals and Democrats together pick up the pitch forks and overturn Citizens United?
by Oxy Mora on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 11:10am
How dare you compare obama to my Grandfather. Obama is nothing but a snake in the grass. He is not worthy to be spit on by Grandpaw Nat
by pbred8 (not verified) on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 12:44am
Purebred, you might not want to get yourself worked up in this hot weather. Your Grandpaw ( how the hell old are you?) died of heat stroke a few years after the War.
by Oxy Mora on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 11:13am
Normally a sitting President, with these low job numbers would lose.
8 1/2 % is now acceptable? The new norm?
(I wonder if Cornwallis ever thought to tell King George; don't anger the majority? No one really cares about the 8 1/2 percent, at least not enough to go to war over.)
8-1/2 % + Works for the capitalists and the majority stays calm.
A new point will be made by the Capitalist parties.
"Who said the people would rebel"?
"The people..... will shite sandwiches and like it".
Call it pate, tell them "it's the new rave".
Tell them to hold their noses; it'll be just fine.
Eventually the people will take notice,........ just not now.
A new television program is about to begin this fall, called "Good cop/bad cop" and of course, the public will whimper about their neighbors plight; but as long as it doesn't affect the majority, it'll be acceptable.
Remember; it's called a recession when your neighbor is out of work; a depression when you are. 8 1/2 percent is acceptable?
"TMZ" reruns are about to begin".
When does "American Idol" start?
by Resistance on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 6:19am
Well done, Resistance. The unemployed are being ignored by everyone except politicians trying to score points and who in reality don't have any solutions, or if they do, can't get them implemented.
I think the new normal rate is simply going to be higher--unless we can mount a massive and intelligent, drug de-toxing, WPA.
But not enough attention is being given to the actual change in demographics. I personally know of two people who are on disability, one who took early retirement and a lump sum, one who took early retirement at 62 because he could, and one who retired in his early seventies---all of this within the past year.
by Oxy Mora on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 11:21am
That's assuming they really want to solve the working man’s dilemma.
Always remember; the system DOES work, for those at the top; why should they care about those at the bottom unless they’re forced to; in order to maintain their self-interest.
I don't know if this is true, but I've heard Britain runs their economy, based upon a + 20% unemployment rate.
It keeps the working class in line.
"Be glad you have a job and don't you dare ask for a raise, when there are so many out of work".
I suspect, if our country could model itself after Britain, the World wide Mega Corporate Capitalists would be in hog heaven.
8 1/2 % is the bogus figure, maybe we're already near 20% real unemployment and not a damn thing will be done, to counter the objective.
The working class is doomed, unless we can make the top 1% realize, they are about to lose too.
Magna Carta was the first document forced onto an English King by a group of his subjects, limit his powers by law and protect their privileges.
The 1215 charter required King John of England to proclaim certain liberties, and accept that his will was not arbitrary,…..
Unless forced to meet the demands of the working class, the NEW feudal lords will ignore us.
They're not looking for a solution.
WHY should they; the system works .....for them and their dupes.
Build more Coliseums for working class entertainment and tax the peasants who became restless.
Why should it cost the 1% to keep the working class pacified, if the working class will accept the pacifier without rebelling.
What a great system; solutions that work.
by Resistance on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 1:23pm