The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

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Until the pandemic : Bill who?

Grave  doubts whether he would rise to a challenge if there were one.

There were was.  He did.





Lost causes

With  no dog in this fight -for my  New Bedford  ancestors Fort Sumpter and Appomatox were surely less important than the current cost of twine for the nets )-my reaction is the Black Historians should settle for half  a  cake

And yes , accepting half the truth. (Do we ever get the full the trutth.?)

The   descendants of the "lost cause" are going to visit the graves once a year, and briefly 

remember part of their story. Let them! Because you can't change it,

Along with murdering  30 ex slaves in New Orleans probably half the murderers had


“ With special delight  (Lee)  saw that officers would be allowed to save face by retaining their sidearms and horses and could resume their lives  unmolested.”


Grant : Penguin Books 2017  Ron Chernow page 509



“The following month(Ackerman) portrayed the Klan not as bands of isolated ,wild-eyed ruffians  but

spanned the entire community."

Right to Life will cost us the 2022 election

Didn't publish so I'll repeat.

We can't "win" in a combat with Right to Life. Try to assist them instead.

Why not?

(I was 2 when I was finally adopted.) 

"A plumber come with his tools to do a job ¨

or  as Carlos Quintana  (quondam red sox  first baseman  was  conventionally  alluded to )

¨see ball, hit ball.¨

Go home

There was full justification for tonight 's riots. And they shouldn 't have happened..

We are  partly civilized human beings, most of us  .I certainly don´t include the murderous cop. Heś an ass hole.

But our protection from   the ass holes fully taking over    is refusing to support them.

To the question" should I throw this petrol bomb΅'., the answer is ¨go home.΅


The short unhappy coming ¨Recovery.¨


1. Recovery begins, sort of. During June. In Texas but not everywhere.

2. @ July 1 Pandemic  resumes. In Texas.

3. Labor  Department  circulates draft  reinforcing existing  Health regs on   Industry's obligations

4.Insurance industry intervene 's to side track  3

5. Trump supports 4. 

6.Congress  supports 3

7 Mitch doesn 't

8 Biden  is elected and it becomes our problem. Good.

Means 1, Ends 0,get over it.

Since before Senaca last distracted himself from Philosophical endeavors by noting the recumbent bodies on the way to the water an old reliable philosophical  time
waster has been   whether ,or to what extent ,Ends , justify the Means.

Not among the t-wasters was  Clausewi,tz with his clear  view about God ´s  overwhelming affinity for the ¨big battalions" . Particularly ones  deploying gas.

In the essentially non existent ¨Restoration""debate R =s  more deaths. Of course there will be an unquantifiable

so what happened


When social distancing was recommended  six states announced they wouldn´t participate

and I listed them here.How have they done  since then?


                        April 10                     20th               Today

Nevada              2571                        3800              5695

North Dakota       293                          600               1266

South Dakota      528                         1140               2721

I have heard the mermaids singing each to each,

you know how it goes,

For me it brings to mind  Obie who spent the 20s as a submariner- although he was lucky enough to surface in the 40s commanding a cruiser. But mostly when  I thought  in that direction it was about  stranded subs at the bottom with massive rescue craft  above. With the highest intention  of the officers below permanently assigned for the first sign of  someone deciding to unscrew a  hatch and fix th ings. Forever.

Like Donald.



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