The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    What Has Obama Done for the Poor and Middle Class?

    Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree
    What Has Obama Done for the Poor and Middle Class?
    Many of the people who go around talking about Obama hasn't done anything for the poor and middle class generally break down into two categories - self-serving demagogues who are out to mislead the people for their own gain, and the victims of those demagogues who are basing their opinion on what they've been told, since most of them obviously haven't read anything beyond the sports page in twenty years.
    While the former group are disgusting for trying to mislead the people for personal gain, at least they’re trying to better their condition. The latter, on the other hand, are not only disgusting, but sad. These people are obviously too lazy-minded to, at the very least, keep themselves informed enough to protect their own families.
    What's so sad is, many of these people or highly educated - or at least, spent a lot of years sitting in various classrooms - and others can tell you the name and birthdate of the bat boy who cleaned the bat that was used to scored the winning run in the 1936 World Series. Yet, these very same people can't, or won't, spare a couple of minutes to gather the necessary information to make sure their families aren't victimized by demagogues.
    They don't seem to understand that corporate fascists are poised to take away everything we've worked all of our lives to acquire - the GOP has rigged the system to allow international corporations to pour unlimited amounts of money into buying the very people who are suppose to protect us, they've mounted a brutal assault on our educational system to render us too uninformed to understand what's going on around us, they've organized a campaign to obstruct our right to vote, they're trying to abolish the Fair Labor Standards Act in an attempt to destroy our labor unions, and finally, they've mounted a campaign to abolish Social Security and Medicare. Yet, all these so-called "defenders of the poor" can focus on is attacking Obama, and implying on sites like "" (The term "Blue Dog Democrat" is credited to Texas Democratic Rep. Pete Geren - who later joined the Bush Administration) that Black people are intellectually challenged for feeling obliged to vote Democratic. Really!!!? Are these people idiots, or do they think we are?
    There's something terribly wrong with that picture, and it's something that the American people should take a close look at - and since many of these people are Black "scholars," the Black community should be especially curious about what's going on.
    But then, maybe these people aren't malevolent at all. Maybe they're just not as bright as their hype has led us to believe. Maybe they're simply wannabes who, while supposedly being educated, were actually indoctrinated out of touch with reality. That used to happen all the time. The old folks had a name for such people - "educated fools." So perhaps it would be more effective if instead of trying to reeducate them into understanding that corporate fascists are trying to enslave our families, we should simply tell them that the fascists are poised to abolish ESPN and the Soul Train Awards. Then, perhaps they'd have an incentive to become true political scholars. I mean, they don’t have to be brilliant to recapture reality; all they have to do is look it up on Google under "political reality."
    So what has Obama done for the Poor, you ask? He's done the following - and this is just the short list:

    1). He stopped the nation from hemorrhaging 800,000 jobs A MONTH under Bush. I'd say that helped the poor and middle class.

    2). He stopped the nation from going into a second Great Depression. I would think, that also helped the poor and middle class.

    3). He saved the American auto industry. I’m pretty sure that also qualifies as helping the poor and middle class.

    4). He was the first president to successfully passed healthcare reform in 70 years. That not only helped, but will save the lives of many of the poor and middle class.

    5). He created more jobs in 27 months than Bush did in 7 years. That definitely helped the poor and middle class.

    6). While he was doing all of the things above, he also managed to get Osama Bin Laden in his spare time - and if you remember, Bush spent 7 years, upward of a TRILLION dollars, and killed or maimed thousands of American troops in that effort. But Obama managed to pull it off with two helicopters and a handful of men.
    Bush and Cheney’s incompetence and greed in this matter destroyed and/or disrupted thousands of poor and middle class families, while the rich had to look at their ever-swelling war profits just to know that the nation was involved in conflict. The war had no impact on them, because the rich don't send their kids to die for this country - that's a job for poor folks. Thus, Bush and Cheney's mismanagement of both the economy, and the war in Iraq, played a major role in what got us in this economic quagmire in the first place. Yet, we didn’t hear a word from critics like Tavis Smiley and Cornel West during George W. Bush’s fiasco. Where were these two defenders of the poor and middle class then?
    But Obama didn’t complain about that - he didn’t have time to complain, and he didn't have time to respond to the ridiculous charges of envious Black-on-Black racists. The president is an adult, with adult concerns, so he was, and is, much too busy cleaning up the mess left behind by the relative ear-splitting silence during the Bush administration of those who have suddenly discovered a newfound concern for "the least of these."
    While others were plotting, fighting for attention, and whining, President Obama was busy doing following:
    - Spur Job Creation: "In addition, to help those most affected by the recession, the Budget will extend emergency assistance to seniors and families with children, Unemployment Insurance benefits, COBRA tax credits, and relief to states and localities to prevent layoffs."
    - Reforming the Job Training System: "The Budget calls for reform of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), which supports almost 3,000 One-Stop Career Centers nationwide and a range of other services. With $6 billion for WIA at DOL—and an additional $4 billion in the Department of Education—the Budget calls for reforms to improve WIA." Strengthen Anti-Discrimination Enforcement: "To strengthen civil rights enforcement against racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, religious, and gender discrimination, the Budget includes an 11 percent increase in funding to the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division. This investment will help the Division handle implementation of a historic new hate crimes law. The Budget also provides an $18 million, or 5 percent increase, for the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC), which is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee. This increased investment will allow for more staff to reduce the backlog of private sector charges."
    - Support Historically Black Colleges and Universities: "The Budget proposes $642 million, an increase of $30 million over the 2010 level, to support Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), including Historically Black Colleges and Universities. In addition to this discretionary funding increase for MSIs, the Administration supports legislation passed by the House of Representatives and pending in the Senate that would provide $2.55 billion in mandatory funding to MSIs over 10 years."
    - Help Families Struggling with Child Care Costs: "The Budget will nearly double the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit for middle-class families making under $85,000 a year by increasing their credit rate from 20 percent to 35 percent of child care expenses. Nearly all eligible families making under $115,000 a year would see a larger credit. The Budget also provides critical support for young children and their families by building on historic increases provided in ARRA. The Budget provides an additional $989 million for Head Start and Early Head Start to continue to serve 64,000 additional children and families funded in ARRA."
    - Reform Elementary and Secondary School Funding: "The Budget supports the Administration’s new vision for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) … The Budget provides a $3 billion increase in funding for K-12 education programs authorized in the ESEA, including $900 million for School Turnaround Grants, and the Administration will request up to $1 billion in additional funding if Congress successfully completes ESEA reauthorization."
    - Increase Pell Grants: "The Recovery Act and 2009 appropriations bill increased the maximum Pell Grant by more than $600 for a total award of $5,350. The Budget proposes to make that increase permanent and put them on a path to grow faster than inflation every year, increasing the maximum grant by $1,000, expanding eligibility, and nearly doubling the total amount of Pell grants since the President took office."
    - Help Relieve Student Loan Debt: "To help graduates overburdened with student loan debt, the Administration will strengthen income-based repayment plans for student loans by reducing monthly payments and shortening the repayment period so that overburdened borrowers will pay only 10 percent of their discretionary income in loan repayments and can have their remaining debt forgiven after 20 years. Those in public service careers will have their debt forgiven after 10 years. The Budget also expands low-cost Perkins student loans."
    - Prevent Hunger and Improve Nutrition: "The President’s Budget provides $8.1 billion for discretionary nutrition program supports, which is a $400 million increase over the 2010 enacted level. Funding supports 10 million participants in the WIC program, which is critical to the health of pregnant women, new mothers, and their infants. The Budget also supports a strong Child Nutrition and WIC reauthorization package that will ensure that school children have access to healthy meals and to help fulfill the President’s pledge to end childhood hunger. The President continues to support the nutrition provisions incorporated in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)."
    - Revitalize Distressed Urban Neighborhoods: "The Budget includes $250 million for HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods program, which will target neighborhoods anchored by distressed public or assisted housing with physical and social revitalization grounded in promising, measurable, and evidence-based strategies."
    - Increase Funding for the Housing Choice Voucher Program: "The President’s Budget requests $19.6 billion for the Housing Choice Voucher program to help more than two million extremely low income families with rental assistance to live in decent housing in neighborhoods of their choice. The Budget continues funding for all existing mainstream vouchers and provides flexibility to support new vouchers that were leased and $85 million in special purpose vouchers for homeless families with children, families at risk of homelessness, and persons with disabilities."
    - Preserve 1.3 Million Affordable Rental Units through Project-Based Rental Assistance Program: "The President’s Budget provides $9.4 billion for the Project-Based Rental Assistance program to preserve approximately 1.3 million affordable rental units through increased funding for contracts with private owners of multifamily properties. This critical investment will help low-income households to obtain or retain decent, safe and sanitary housing. In addition, the Administration requests $350 million to fund the first phase of this multi-year initiative to regionalize the Housing Choice Voucher program and convert Public Housing to project-based vouchers."
    - Promote Affordable Homeownership and Protect Families from Mortgage Fraud: "The Budget requests $88 million for HUD to support homeownership and foreclosure prevention through Housing Counseling and $20 million to combat mortgage fraud. In addition, the Budget requests $250 million for the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation’s (NRC) grant and training programs. Of the $250 million, $113 million is requested for foreclosure prevention activities, a $48 million increase (74 percent) over 2010."
    - Fight Gang Violence and Violent Crime: "The Budget provides $112 million for place-based, evidence supported, initiatives to combat violence in local communities, including $25 million for the Community-Based Violence Prevention Initiatives that aim to reduce gun and other violence among youth gangs in cities and towns across the country, and $37 million for the Attorney General’s Children Exposed to Violence Initiative, which targets the youth most affected by violence and most susceptible to propagating it as they grow up."
    - Expand Prisoner Re-entry Programs: "The Budget provides $144 million for Department Justice prisoner re-entry programs, including an additional $100 million for the Office of Justice Programs to administer grant programs authorized by the Second Chance Act and $30 million for residential substance abuse treatment programs in State and local prisons and jails. In addition, the Budget provides $98 million for Department of Labor programs that provide employment-centered services to adult and youth ex-offenders and at-risk youth.."
    - Fully Fund the Community Development Block Grant Program: "The Budget provides $4.4 billion for the Community Development Fund, including $3.99 billion for the Community Development Block Grant Formula Program (CDBG), and $150 million for the creation of a Catalytic Investment Competition Grants program. The new Catalytic Competition Grants program uses the authorities of CDBG, but will provide capital to bring innovative economic development projects to scale to make a measurable impact."
    Now, what has Tavis Smiley and Cornel West done - other than promote their shows and try to sell you books and "ghetto loans?" Absolutely nothing.

    Eric L. Wattree
    [email protected]
    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


    Got it, 2 types of people who question Obama on poor & middle class:

    1. 1) disgusting,
    2. 2) disgusting & sad.

    Sorry, a few items to clarify?

    1) How did killing Osama bin Laden help the poor and middle class?

    2) Considering TARP was created under Bush, how exactly did Obama's response differ significantly from Bush's? (i.e. wouldn't Bush have likely finalized a large stimulus in Jan/Feb 2009 with various targeted bank rescues and huge handouts? wouldn't the amount have been similar, with 1/3 in tax cuts as Bush loves?)

    3) Aren't we still in Afghanistan? Doesn't that still cost money, even if we obviously aren't still killing Osama bin Laden?

    4) How does the damage of over 4 million mortgage foreclosures - legal and illegal - and poorly constructed HAMP compare to the housing support measures you mention above?

    (1) How would failing to act to get the most notorious terrorist in the world, when the SEALS had him in their sights, have affected Obama's chances for re-election?

    (3) How would a hasty damn the Generals advice exit from Afghanistan, and likely collapse of the Kabul government, have been exploited at election time?

    Does a GOP Congressional investigation seem possible for both points? Weak on national defense, secret Muslim, cut and run wimp, apologizer in chief, Caliphate enabler?

    Obama sent the perennial claim of the GOP that only they could be trusted with a strong defense to the ocean depths, along with bin Laden's dead body.

    And Obama cannot aid the middle class or poor if he is not in office.


      A hasty exit from Afghanistan couldn't have been exploited at election time, because a majority of Americans want an immediate exit from Afghanistan. The few die hard hawks who want to continue the war wouldn't have voted for Obama anyway.

    They want a hasty exit now. In 2009 that wasn't the case. The GOP would say we 'could have won' if he left and it fell apart before 2012. 

    Look, they tried to use 4 dead in Benghazi as a huge failure. If Obama bailed out early from Afghanistan, and helicopters had left from rooftops in Kabul 2009-2012, the GOP would have been in total ecstasy, and would never let us forget who 'lost' the Afghanistan that nobody now cares about......after 3 years of surging nowhere on the advice of Petreaus and the Pentagon.

      So you were talking about the 2008 election? I thought you were talking about the 2012 one. Your reference to the killing of Bin Laden seemed to support this.

    I'm talking about stuff from 2008-2012. That may be beyond the time range of memory for many Americans.

      Obama wouldn't have lost the election if he had pulled out of Afghanistan; public support for the operation was fading well before 2012.

    The article discusses how Obama helped the and middle class.

    Please stay on topic. Sure, if we put Obama in red cape and blue spandex tights, everything he does is for the poor and middle class. Even if it isn't.

    You brought up Afghanistan. Foreign policy usually has zero to do with 'helping the middle class', however successes in foreign policy can be necessary to stay in office, which ensures your programs are not terminated.

    6). While he was doing all of the things above, he also managed to get Osama Bin Laden in his spare time - and if you remember, Bush spent 7 years, upward of a TRILLION dollars, and killed or maimed thousands of American troops in that effort. But Obama managed to pull it off with two helicopters and a handful of men.

       Many would reject the claim that he saved us from a Depression; they would say instead that he is responsible for slowing down recovery. Obama can go on about the jobs he created, but we still have 7.9 unemployment. Obama's proposed budget for 2013 had cuts in aid to the poor and sick, although Romney would have been far more ruthless.

    Well, "slow down recovery" compared to whom? If Republicans had been in charge, likely all bailout would have gone to banks on Wall Street, i.e. 50% smaller? If Al Grayson or Paul Krugman had been in charge the stimulus would have been at least 50% bigger.

    So while I'm not a fan of Obama, coulda been worse.

    NCD brought up Afghanistan in relation to the election, so I commented on that. We're allowed to reply to people's replies, dude.

      If we're honest, we'll say that we just don't know how the economy would have been under a Republican president. When you talked about Krugman making the stimulus fifty percent bigger, did you mean that would have been a bad thing or a good thing?

      A thousand pardons, I thought you were talking to me about Afghanistan when clearly you were talking to NCD. I'm not that literate, I guess.

    Not a prob, sometimes these threads are like jigsaw puzzles with different people & factoids bouncing in.

    Right on!

    Your analysis contains 'context'. 

    Oh well you know my thoughts on this.

    This is a good list.

    And if our President had not accomplished anything and will not accomplish anything..why are the repubs so goddamn mad?

    Thank you, Richard and NCD.

    I just allowed you to do the dirty work. I've found through previous encounters with Pericles and other conservatives that even responding to them is a gross waste of time. Most of them live in an impenetrable universe of self-delusion. But of course, that's absolutely necessary in order for their philosophy to maintain any sort of cohesion. But I've come to a very liberating epiphany in that regard - why should I suffer their delusions along with them? So I simply lay out rea;lity as I see it, and let them struggle to make sense of it.

    There's one thing I'm beginning to notice about the press in its tolerance of conservatives - it's trying so hard to maintain a sense of objectivity that conservatives can make the most ridiculous assertions (like what's currently going on with Ambassador Susan Rice, for example), and the press will treat it like it makes perfect sense, when what we should being saying is, "You must be out of your damn mind." Until we become honest enough to start doing that, the politics of this country is going to become increasingly more extreme and ever-more ridiculous, because the secessionist prone GOP (read that to mean anti-American) has clearly demonstrated that much of its membership is totally irresponsible and without limits.   

    So I've decided to do my part in that regard, by not suffering fools, of any sort - and that includes the foolishness of my good "brothers," Tavis Smiley and Cornel West:


    Every newspaper, every nook,
    I see blatant bullshit wherever I look.
    Prolific bullshit,
    pro and con,
    Man deceiving man,
    like human pawns.
    Bullshit our children
    whenever we can
    On the role of government,
    and the sojourn of man;
    We bullshit the people
    regarding their lot,
    While failing to address
    the conservative plot.
    And now I hear even Santa's a myth,
    So even my mother got caught up in this.
    My threshold for Bullshit is extremely low,
    I sense him wherever he hides;
    While Langston Hughes has known his rivers,
    I've known Bullshit in every disguise:

    Known bullshit lovers of innocent women,
    Who fades with a piece a ass,
    I've known bullshit preachers who loved the Lord,
    But not nearly as much as your cash;
    I've known bullshit politicians,
    who "Just want to help"
    Right up til they get your vote,
    Then after reciting their bullshit oath
    can't wait to start cuttin' your throat.
    Bullshit's a stalker who seems to haunt me;
    I see him wherever I go--
    On the street, in the store,
    In the eyes of my lover,
    Though I try to deny that it's so.
    I used to
    Simply shut my eyes,

    so I wouldn't see him no more,
    But my ears betrayed me and--
    Knock, Knock, Knock--
    "It's Bullshit. Open the door!"

    I came up with a plan to take a stand, a
    Confront Bullshit wherever he hides;
    Like the terrorist he is, you must weed him out,
    By confronting him where he resides.
    I learned
    That shit will be shit because shit is shit's nature,
    So it's really not Bullshit's fault;
    It's the fault of the people for embracing ignorance,
    For the enemy of Bullshit is thought.


       You think Peracles is conservative? He seems left wing to me; he's very critical of the corporate world and regards Obama as a lesser evil than the Republicans.

    And I echoed Bob Somerby's condemnation of the hatchet job on Ambassador Rice over the course of October. Quite conservative of me.

    However, I don't like to be simply left-wing if issues are more complicated than that, and I don't like rooting for 1 politician oblivious to any problems.

    That seems to be Wattree's issue - he's picked his horse, and that horse must shine. Forget asking questions - that's for "traitors" and "lazy" and "disgusting" people and other pejoratives.


    I'm sorry if I mislabeled you. You're clumsy way of dealing with racial issues, and thinking that there's some sort of natural connection between Black people, dogs, and pimps is what stumped me:



    I didn't say "natural connection" - more a connection built up over time by racists (though assisted with blaxploitation films)

    I noted I wasn't alone - that several people here made similar points about your writing, including a rather insightful black lady who posts here. This has not gotten through your head.

    But blame it on my "clumsy" way of handling racial issues, and blame them for something else. The blame game's as easy to play as the name game.



    Again, we seem to be having a clash of cultures. What you refer to as "pajoratives," Black people refer to as "callin' a hat, a hat." You see, Black people have a tradition of being brutally honest. We don't play rhetorical games and dance around issues. If we think a person is an asshole, we say it. Not to say it is considered phony.

    And secondly, I don't have a team. My "horse" is truth, and I'm prepared to follow that horse wherever it leads, and regardless to whose ox it gores.


    I'm a progressive, as oppose to a liberal. The difference between the two is progressives are nonideological.  I don't like ideologues of any stripe. I consider left-wing ideologues just as distasteful as those on the right. The reason for that is, progressives give truth priority over ideology, while ideologues give ideology priority over truth:

    "Wattree – you should stop kissing President Obama’s ass without thinking about your political decisions. He hasn’t done anything for you, but you talk about him like you work for him."
    Such comments are so typical of Cornel West supporters that they’ve become a mantra. They invariably accuse anyone who dares to point out that West’s blatant public slander of the President of the United States was counterproductive, unsubstantiated, and frankly, stupid, as only being interested in defending President Obama. They try to avoid the issue of West’s grossly unprofessional behavior by accusing his critics of being Obama cheerleaders. So let me dispose of that allegation at the outset.
    As I’ve mentioned many times before, I’ve written several articles that are highly critical of President Obama - one, long before Obama was even sworn into office. In the article, A Journalist’s First Responsibility, written on July 8, 2008, I point out unequivocally that it’s not a journalist’s responsibility to try to protect a favored candidate:
    "On June 20th Senator Barack Obama announced that he was supporting the current FISA bill before the senate. That bill gives retroactive immunity to all telecommunications companies against all private law suits for cooperating with the Bush administration's program of spying on the American people without a court order, as currently required by current law . . .

    "I've been roundly criticized by fellow Obama supporters for bringing this issue out. They say that ‘I'm hurting our candidate’, and ‘I'm not seeing the big picture.’ But in response I suggest, when truth becomes a hindrance to a candidate's viability, it's not truth that's the problem–it's the candidate. And when the "greater good" involves journalists keeping the people in the dark, it becomes the nation's problem. Thus, it's not up to journalists to keep Obama's candidacy viable--it's up to Obama."
    Thus, my strident criticism of Cornel West has nothing to do with trying to protect Obama. I’m speaking out against West’s unmitigated stupidity. Period.


    Thanks for the Cliff Notes version of "what black people do". In my experience I'd thought there were lots of types of black people, with different levels of directness, subtlety, and even humor - in fact, some came across sweet as honey while still passing their views - but I'll file this in my "well shut my mouth" lessons learned box.

    You're not the only one who thinks he has a monopoly on the truth, but few match you in your lack of shyness saying it.

    Anyway, the election's won, and I think Obama's even said we need to keep his feet to the fire, no?

    So at the moment, he's negotiating with Afghanistan to keep troops there after 2014 - I think it's a good idea to get the hell out. And you?

    I think rather than negotiate austerity and a cut in social security & medicare as a "Grand Bargain", that another stimulus & jobs program is needed, that might address 14.3% black unemployment. And you?

    I know you've given me a list of how all these things are addressed. But they still ain't being done. 14.3% unemployment isn't the plan, isn't the budget - it's the actual fact. "Troops in Afghanistan doesn't mean "George Bush" - it's the situation today.

    So what is it, another diatribe against the 5th columnists traitors, or some post-election pressure to do the right thing? You might have done this 4 years ago, but lately? Not so much.

    Somebody give Wattree a fucking a Nobel before he breaks his arm patting himself on the back.

    This blog is like some bizarre kind of freak show - Come watch new smears on Cornel West!!! - and it runs week after week after week. 

    It's mental. Full on.