by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Pretty interesting letter even if penned by his lawyer instead.
Very focused on what Edward revealed as proving Clapper's lying.
Fatherly pride sounds like, not even a hint of the "Edward's being used by Wikileaks" whine I heard earlier.
Going to be some interesting 4th of July discussions around the BBQ this year.
It's signed first by the lawyer. If you are defending your client, you must both defend his actions and see them as noble. If the father isn't 'proud' how can the jury acquit?
Oh and why isn't the Dad just using the free lawyers from Wikileaks?
Neither Wikileaks nor Assange are mentioned in the letter.! Is that a surprise??
Whiff - PP, you can go to the showers.
by NCD on Wed, 07/03/2013 - 10:28am
Here is the wiki on the lawyer, Ben Fein
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 07/03/2013 - 10:42am
Thanks, but as long as there are editorials like this one, I think things are progressing just peachy. The public knows Clapper lied, they're talking about government overreach in a number of areas, the EU is starting to stand up for its rights, Senators like Udall & Wyman are getting more support to push back, use of domestic drones is being questioned, and overall PRISM & related programs are now center of attention.
Would be nice if more people cared about harsh conditions & hunger strikes in Gitmo, if they realized what a mess we left in Iraq where 2000 have been killed in bombings since April, or the high number of collateral civilian deaths from our drone program in Afghanistan, but as long as real issues are hitting the front pages / Web sites of our media, then I expect more progress will be made in restoring humane behavior and sane foreign policy / domestic rights to privacy and not intrusive data grabs.
We spent 2 years with one of the most content-free, boring election cycles ever, so maybe this is our payback point.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 07/03/2013 - 10:51am
I agree that Obama should use authority he has been given to use executive orders to close GITMO. The force feeding is a disgrace. All that can should be sent back to a nation that will take them, and if one or two engages in terror attacks, it's unfortunate, but may not even happen. Obama should for once have some backbone and close the damn place and tell the GOP 'he released the terrorists' whiners to shut up.
The GOP wanted to leave more US troops in Iraq, it is not worth one more American life to keep them from killing each other. As I have stated upteem times, I agree with Benjamin Ferenccz, starting the war was a war crime because it was absolutely certain to lead to innumerable deaths and atrocities and was a war purely of aggression. After, what was it, 8 years, enough is enough, thanks to this neo-con fiasco, Shiite and Sunni are now killing each other not only in Iraq but across the Middle East. Neither Iraq not the world, was 'better off' without Saddam.
by NCD on Wed, 07/03/2013 - 1:46pm