The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    A Grey, (Yet Hopeful), Friday Afternoon at the Haikulodeon



    Here's this week's heap of haikus:



    Don't panic when there's
    fire in the sky; it may just
    be the setting sun.

    (Thanks to Kristina Rebelo for the use of her photograph.)



    When they ramped up the
    political payback, they
    went a bridge too far.




    The new health care law
    is ghetto-izing sick folks ...
    docs treat the healthy.



    He sat in the church
    wondering how he got there ...
    Ohio, that is.



    You don't always know
    when you have stepped from a field
    into a meadow.




    While dealing the cards,
    I notice the six of clubs
    lying on the floor.



    With flights of angels,
    No pat-downs or lay-overs ...
    or shoe removals.



    tanka haiku:

    Are you touched each day?
    Do you caress your love and
    hold them in your arms?

      Instead, search for cyber-hugs,
      as salve for withered longings?”




    Ah, the Brooklyn Bridge.
    This iconic span defines
    grace and elegance.

    Like giant harps that
    span the river Jordan, the
    bridge's cables loom.




    Hailing a taxi,
    her scarf flutters in the breeze.
    God, I wish she'd stay.




    Soon, a ladybug
    will start an epic journey
    across my shirt sleeves.




    He sits quietly
    on a stool in a diner
    and stares at his soup.





    Silent surrender;
    she flops onto the sofa
    and turns on TV.





    She leaned and whispered,
    "I will never forget you ..."
    But, by May, she had.





    Double haiku:

    She stepped off the bus
    and his heart began to pound.
    He'd missed her so much.

    The drab bus station
    was illuminated by
    the glow of their love




    Faded love letters,
    dried flowers pressed in a book ...
    Evidence l'amour.




    When I'm all alone
    in my heart and in my mind,
    you reverberate.




    Please stop nudging me.
    I'll get up in a minute.
    Hit the snooze alarm.





    She hands him his hat.
    A long uncomfortable pause ...
    then, a last goodbye.



    No one really knows
    how much they affect others.
    Who could bear knowing?





    Winter joggers in
    spandex tights and mittens, run
    or freeze their assets.




    Riding Metro North
    Snowy landscapes flying past,
    I mull the future.





    Slippery sidewalks
    cars pinned in by the plowed snow;
    Winter walk-arounds.




    Sipping hot cocoa,
    bundled up and toasty warm,
    I count the snowflakes.





    Though wet snow falls, it's
    too warm to stick to the ground.
    Still feels like Winter.





    The snowy landscape
    seems to go on forever ...
    Minnesota morn.




    Walking the shoreline,
    the fog envelopes me and
    I absorb the calm.




    Nana's wool blanket,
    wrapped tight around the infant
    shields it from the cold.





    I got a chuckle out of the Christi-ku.  Thanks for the read.  I look for this each week.

    I hope you are staying warm and getting better.    

    I laughed at the Christie-ku, too.  Well done!  As always.

    Love that pic of the Brooklyn Bridge.

    And this--this is deep:

    You don't always know
    when you have stepped from a field
    into a meadow.

    I've always wondered about that, though when it comes to writing I like the way "meadow" looks.  Much better than "field".

    +25F today.

    I went out two times

    I mean the footing is bad

    I went out two times.


    When one is shut in

    Relations with others, fail

    When one is shut in

    I have to admit 

    It is getting much better

    Better all the time

    I opened a window

    Frost is just off the windows

    Windows are real nice

    the end

    My favorite is the one about the six of clubs.


    Love ties together

    what one life can not endure:

    Cruel rodeo.

    Nice one, moat!!


    Where dusty dogies

    tie the ankles of the clowns ...

    Cruel rodeo.




    That damned six of clubs.

    How often has it crushed my

    plans for a straight flush.




    Money is a game.

    The exchange makes us equal.

    We can both lose all.


    The card on the floor,

    Three doors closed on Sunday night:

    Dreams march toward morning.


    History is tough.

    Stories within all stories.

    But one is not there.



    Wonderful, moat!


    History is tough,

    Math nearly impossible.

    Give me Study Hall.




    Money's a game of

    brazen manipulation ...

    We are merely pawns.




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