by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The election in Florida is going to be interesting not only because of Charley Crist rebid for Governor but because Medial Marijuana on the ballot. Question now is this really going to increase democrat voters? Majority is in favor of it.
Party operatives are pushing a constitutional amendment that would make Florida the first state in the South to legalize some pot use. Polls show the measure has widespread public support, and it's particularly popular among young voters — a critical part of the Democratic coalition with historically weak turnout in non-presidential election years.
Morgan and Morgan law firm raise $5 million that was needed to get the signatures to put it on the ballot and clear it with Florida Supreme Court.
The marijuana campaign's chief financier is John Morgan, an Orlando trial lawyer and major Democratic donor whose firm employs Crist. Morgan insists the effort is personal, not political; he says marijuana eased the suffering of his father, who died of esophageal cancer, and his brother, who is a quadriplegic.
There is going to be a big effort to GOTV this year in Florida.
Organizers of the medical marijuana effort plan to raise and spend $10 million on their campaign, with much of the money devoted to a turnout operation aimed at registering voters to cast absentee ballots.
Arty must be away so I added some news links because the other were a week old.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 04/17/2014 - 2:08am