by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I came upon this KO's article that is more than two years old: Conservapedia Disproves E=mc².
I used to be a big fan of Conservapedia; it was more fun than Rush. Really.
This pretend encyclopedia was fun, because who gives a damn?
I mean, compared to Wiki, who in the hell takes this Schlafly blog seriously?
Just scan the Common Core Site:
Who exactly is against Common Core?
Who really believes that the earth is 6000 or 10,000 years of age?
Who denies that there is climate change?
I can go on and on as is my wont! as it were.
After more than two years, I never caught this jab by KO's against Conservat...whatever.
Or I was working on other issues that seemed more important.
But what could be more important than this?
Some idiot challenges Einstein.
It just got me.
Well if you challenge all human history, and you come to some conclusion that the earth is 6,000 years old (or ten thousand, I mean who cares?) then you are an idiot. Of course.
But to challenge Einstein?
With Nuclear weapons as the primary subject over the last 70 years?
Some have denied that women can become pregnant through rape!
Some have denied that poor people do not have money.
Some have denied that corporations do not control elections.
Oh yeah, well what sells Tide?
Some have denied that guns do not kill people.
KO's was worried that if it actually cited this conserva....whatever...that the idiots would receive too many hits. Hell, Limbaugh receives too many hits from and idiots like me.
There are powerful people in this country who are attempting to degrade and disgrace our educational system and it appears that 'we' can do nothing about it.
This pretend encyclopedia that attempts to challenge not just wiki but the Encyclopedia Britannica underlines some real problems in our culture and our society and our nation.
I do not know the answer.
But E=MC2 is universal.
And 4+4=8 is universal.
Well I am not a mathematician.
Well I am not a climatologist.
Well I am not an educationalist.
Well I am not a scientist.
This KO's post from two years ago just got to me today.
These people, the ones that KO's are attacking cannot be this stupid and yet...
They must be?
Or we must lie for the greater good?
Since you live very close to Wisconsin, the lege over there is going to remove the certification requirements for teachers. You won't need to meet standards to teach. People only need a degree for teaching core courses like math, science, and language but not certified with teaching courses and a board test.. Other non core courses don't even require a high school education like music, art and PE. The state is struggling to do their budget and they stuck this in it. They want the schools to have the option of part time low wage teachers. This is some of ALEC's work again that Charles Koch wants. I think this is also going on in Kansas.
I guess you need to keep your eyes out for refugees in your small town pouring in from Wisconsin. That is one thing that will drive a population away is a education system that lacks accreditation and poor teachers.
by trkingmomoe on Tue, 06/16/2015 - 1:27pm
I wonder when colleges will take a double take on some putative entrant when they discover that this applicant graduated from some sub-par high school? Of course if you attend some sub-par high school, how in the hell do you pass the SAT's?
Which is why many conservative states are dissing the SAT's!
by Richard Day on Tue, 06/16/2015 - 1:46pm
Right now my young genius grandson is to take a course in pre algebra for his summer homework. He will be tested on it when he returns to school in late August. Then he will be taking for high school credit algebra 1. He will only be in 7th grade.
I argue with him for hours to work on his next chapter and watch the video. That only takes him 30 minutes to do. God Bless good teachers. There is no way I would home school. I would kill the kids after the first week in a bout of insanity.
You have windows of opportunity to teach a young child certain skills. You have to know how to present it so they will learn it. Other wise the child will be left behind. Teaching is an art and science. You can't hire just anyone off the street to do it.
I just hope this crap is not pushed through by one of the ALEC members in Tallahassee.
by trkingmomoe on Tue, 06/16/2015 - 2:35pm
As I thumb through my copy of 'Flowerchild's Big Book of Actual Facks', it says here on page 37 that Conservapedia is a certain example of some freedom of speech thingie that is real popular with folks who don't really know anything but make stuff up so it sounds like they do.
This is very confusing to people like me who actually do know everything hence the tome 'Flowerchild's Big Book of Actual Facks'.
I wouldn't have written such a high class reference book if I didn't know everything. If you don't believe me, ask Mr. flower. He's all the time telling me I think I know everything, don't I? So, to make him feel not so dumb, I say, no I don't know everything, I just know more than you do, which irritates him for some reason.
Sheesh. Try to be nice to some people.
I just don't know where this Shiftyfly guy gets off.
by wabby on Tue, 06/16/2015 - 1:30pm
Well the more I learn the more I realize that I do not know much of anything. hhahahah
Parents have a responsibility to help their children with their homework and, once in awhile they must present essays and books outside the curriculum that will give those children another perspective.
What do I know?
by Richard Day on Tue, 06/16/2015 - 1:43pm
Well, Wabby, George H.W. Bush said there is Republican science and Democrat science. Facts can actually change between the parties. Imagine the plethora of scientific facts in Italy where they have 8 major parties and 34 minor parties. My favorite party name is Possible (Italian: Possibile). I would to join the Possible Party (or PP as we like to joke.)
Democratic socialism
Eco socialism
Gender equality
LGBT rights
European federalism
by Elusive Trope on Tue, 06/16/2015 - 4:29pm
I was watching Trump today; well I kept switching to L&O; hahahahah
I mean how much Trump can a mother take?
You bring to the fore the issue of choices.
I recall from the olden days (no links) that Italy once had a hundred commie parties. hahahahah
Nice Wiki compendium. hahahahah
A plethora of political parties.
I just looked up Ross Perot for memory insights.
Ross was better than Wallace of course.
Thank you for the reminder Trope.
by Richard Day on Tue, 06/16/2015 - 4:51pm