The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture




    According to Vanity FaMein Kampf dust jacket.jpegir, Ivan Trump has said that The Donald kept a
    book of Hitler's speeches by his bed. kept-a-book-of-hitlers-speeches-by-his-bed-2015-8

    But we must recall that Hitler kept a book of Bismark's speeches
    by his bedside. I mean Adolph always wished to read rather than

    In some provinces a difference in dress distinguishes 
    the Jews or Saracens from the Christians, but in certain others such a 
    confusion has grown up that they cannot be distinguished by any difference. 
    Thus it happens at times that through error Christians have relations with the women of Jews or Saracens, 
    and Jews and Saracens with Christian women. Therefore, that they may not, under pretext of error of this sort, 
    excuse themselves in the future for the excesses of such prohibited intercourse, we decree that such Jews and Saracens 
    of both sexes in every Christian province and at all times shall be marked off in the eyes of the public 
    from other peoples through the character of their dress. Particularly, since 
    it may be read in the writings of Moses [Numbers 15:37-41], that this very law has been enjoined upon them.[5]
    That Jews may be distinguished from others, we decree and emphatically command that in the center of the 
    breast (of their garments) they shall wear an oval badge, the measure of one finger in width and one half a palm in height...[5]


    This badge idea began in Twelfth Century Europe for chrissakes.

    Now, the way I understand this strange governmental marking....


    But Trump only despises the Hispanics and the Muslims?

    Trump likes the Jews, after all, the Jews lend him money? (Okay, that is a joke. I like jokes but I still do not like Trump, Okay? hahahahahah)

    Christie, who now backs The Donald came up with another idea to adequately mark our brothers and sisters
    would 'trace' our emmigrants with computer chips? or tatooed labels?


    But Trump only despises the Hispanics and the Muslims?

    Christie, who now backs The Donald came up with another idea to adequately mark our brothers and sisters
    would 'trace' our emigrants with computer chips? or tattooed labels?

    Welcome all to our shores; but along with checks for diseases and such, we must implant vital information
    into your shoulders or butts; WELCOME TO ELLIS ISLAND.

    Evidently Jews are okay as long as those Jews do not look Muslim or Semitic or Hispanic for chrissakes.

    BACK TO TRUMP  and his salute.

    Who is backing The Donald anyway?


    But Trump says that his call for a right hand salute is just for fun?

    Look, personally, I am more afraid of Cruz and Rubio (who is toast, thank the Good Lord!)

    Kasich only differs from Brown in Kansas because Kasich saw that a total right wing approach
    to the problems of Ohioans would not work; politically or socially or morally. And Kasich backed down.

    Brown or that idiot in Louisiana never came back!

    I have no sympathy for the devil, even when he is classed with other devils! ha




    Beware of False Prophets!

    But stick with the devil YOU KNOW. 


    On the other hand, the sky shall not fall, and the New Jesus aint comin any time soon no matter what they tell ya and SPRING HAS SPRUNG UP HERE IN THE FROZEN TUNDRA!




    I am not sure what you are saying. But what you touch upon is very dark. Kafka explained it well enough:

    “Diagrams made by the Commandant himself?” asked the Traveler. “Then was he in his own person a combination of everything? Was he soldier, judge, engineer, chemist, and draftsman?”

    “He was indeed,” said the Officer, nodding his head with a fixed and thoughtful expression. Then he looked at his hands, examining them. They didn’t seem to him clean enough to handle the diagrams. So he went to the bucket and washed them again. Then he pulled out a small leather folder and said, “Our sentence does not sound severe. The law which a condemned man has violated is inscribed on his body with the harrow. This Condemned Man, for example,” and the Officer pointed to the man, “will have inscribed on his body, ‘Honour your superiors.’”

    Penal Colony (translated by Ian Johnston)

    So it is a joke on one level. A sentence about a person written on the body of that person. How wacky is that? But once you notice the script on others, it is time to look for letters on your own skin.

    Moat, this whole thing scares the shit out of me.

    PC is really a defense mechanism.

    In 1957 for instance, the 'Media' would not permit the N word in any discussion and lumped the term in with Carlin's 7 bad words.

    Even though Truman, a few years before, would use the word all the frickin time.

    But in this new age and time, people and groups of people long to hear the censored words except those used by Carlin and yet, these folks kind of like all of Carlin's words.

    Moat, I perceive a 'need' in our population for a manner in which to 'expose' the 'enemy'!

    Who are these people?

    Who is this guy?

    How can we know the devils amongst us?

    This is scary Orwellian stuf.

    Who are these Communists among us?

    How might we 'weed' them out?



    Your comment is brilliant, of course.

    I will not cheapen it with an award.

    Trump scares the shit out of me; Cruz scares the soul out of me.

    I think that is because we have a system that might curtail a Trump, but not a Cruz.

    I am ranting.

    Thank you for this.


    I am scared too. Human history is cluttered with power hungry (insert favorite negative reference) remodeling other people's real estate and means of exchange. I recognize that the knife in my pocket may not be proof against that. But I stand with Thoreau's idea of citizenship that what I agree to accept is the social contract. It is each one of us agreeing to what is proposed every day in our face.

    Here ya' go . . .

    The real "devil" behind the murderous puppet.

    Those are the son'abitch shithead's very own words...

    So... it's best that we keep telling the truth...



    I dunno, few people read me anymore; and probably for good reason, hahhahahha

    Now MSNBC has picked up the thesis the last couple of days.

    They beat the nice folks and then push them to the ground and then take the rubbish outside whilst Trump cheers them on telling them to beat the shit out of the ruffage. hahhahahah

    That is what he says.

    Goebels said other things?ruffle

    Can't you see the SS (the brown shirts were killed by Der Fuhrer anyway following) ...I dunno) taking on the protesters? hahhahaha

    ​I HATE TRUMP AND CRUZ and.....

    I aint tryin to pretend, I hate the repubs.

    But Trump is such a prick and yet as I proposed supra, Cruz actually scares me more.

    I put this next song somewhere close. But really, it is getting to the point where I'm no fun anymore. hahahah

    I appreciate your presence; especially when no one else seems to care. hahahhaha

    Have a gooooooooooooood spring week end. It is sooooooooo very warm up here and nice and I can even walk on the paths again. Thank the good lord for small ....whatever...


    I care, my friend. But i'm TrumF#%$&*-ed out. I put myself in the mind of that asswipe and became physically sick doing so.  

    Hi Oxy!

    I have perceived that TT is running low lately. hahahahah

    I awoke at 7 and it turns out that it is 7 AM. hahahahah

    The sun was out or is out. hahahahah​

    Have a nice Spring day Oxy.

    When change is moving too fast for some people to accept, we get a person like Trump that represents the bad change called Fascism. On the other side of the same change coin you get a person like Sanders who represents the good change called progress. Eight years ago we voted for progress but progress did not move enough toward change. Now change has become a tightly wound spring that is ready to slip from it's restraints. Are we going to try to hold those restraints in place for four more years? Trying to ease the restraints just a little here and there to slow change down? 

    The voters wanted universal health care but got only subsidized for profit insurance. The voters that suffered from banking fraud wanted justice and watched the banks get bailed out and get away with their malfeasants. The result of not making those changes, voters in 2010 moved the ball towards Fascism in state like Michigan, Ohio, Kansas, Wisconsin and Florida to just name of few. Change has to happen when people are suffering and if they can't get good change they will go for the other option.  

    We are going to get change whether we detour through Fascism first or embrace fast moving progress. 

    So yes these are very scary times.