by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Verdejo still believes Sanders’s core message about economic inequality is important, but it doesn’t capture the racial complexities of the America that he and other people of color live in — especially in the wake of police shooting after police shooting and recent news about two young black men arrested at a Philadelphia Starbucks simply for asking to use the bathroom of without ordering anything first.
If he runs again in 2020, it won't be the same as 2016 - count on it.
by barefooted on Sat, 04/21/2018 - 4:35pm
What party? He is not a Democrat and has nothing but disdain for the party.
So, short answer to the question: No.
by CVille Dem on Sat, 04/21/2018 - 7:52pm
Flyover country's not interested in college. Flyover country finds any healthcare discussion socialist. Flyover hated Obamacare, and hates single payer even more. Flyover's more worried about immigrants and security than any economic issue. Flyover is happy to have the rich take 95% of a tax cut as long as they get to split up 5% (we have an expression for this down south which I won't use for propriety, but the irony is it's white folk who are falling for this, not black who seem to know a scam when they see it).
One reason Bernie caught on so nicely is the media and powers that be and other party all wanted a horse race, and did all they could to make that happen. Those early Feel the Bern donations picked up amazingly quick in May 2016 for a guy who hadn't toured. The Susan Sarandon ("Hillary's health" and "I don't vote my uterus/vagina" and Killer Mike memes got conveniently picked up by the GOP. I see Bernie as just another mostly hollow vessel who was filled with the traditional movement activism of the left, and then a bit more - "you're our boy, just make good speeches and we'll do all the social media and organizing". There's a ton of contradiction in what we hear people care about and what they do. Those trillion dollar tax cuts could have rather easily made up the difference between $12 and $15 minimum wage, or the existing $7 that Flyover Country voted for instead.
Bernie didn't lead us anywhere - he played a useful distraction while CNN made a cool billion in profit and Trump spouted out rabid oft-quoted nonsense. As a leader, Bernie faced America's most dangerous threat - and stayed largely silent, helped him win, even tried to debate him outside the system when he wouldn't take defeat as an answer and thought he might game California - except Trump pulled his hand away, "gotcha! Sike!" and then Bernie played distraction a few more months, killing off valuable time until the Russians could get the hacked emails in order, and then he wasn't needed anymore.
I largely trust the Parkland protests. These other contrived movements are half manufactured dissent, to riff off Chomsky. Time to move on and find some real legs for 2020, not the irrelevant curmudgeonly pied piper of 2016. I don't know who brought Bernie to the dance last time, but they're not bringing him twice.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 5:12am
I think you're description of "flyover country" has too many conservative stereotypes to be totally accurate but I very much like the meme that Bernie doesn't sell there, that he and his program are not at all a good fit. Strikes me as very spot on, pegs the problem with him exactly. He just has too much of coastal elite socialist nanny state feel to him. Some of his programs might sell better coming out of another mouth. Lefty memes combined with too much angry passion just doesn't capture enough swings, rather too many find might that frightening.
I also have a good gut feeling about Parkland so far.
by artappraiser on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 1:09pm
P.S. It's generational, the main Parkland leader kids seem to really get it,intuitively, how to talk to the country at large. They don't bring the baggage of old paradigms,old culture wars.
by artappraiser on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 1:15pm
It helps to have focus of a single obvious (for some) issue. Same with things like LBGTQ/gender acceptance. Get into economic, trade, war, whatever, and the unity will likely fracture, unless there's a slam dunk framings in these others that I'm not seeing. Though the partially successful Bernie technique *was* to create slam dunks, and then push those forward. So if they can get hold of Democratic messaging and strip out the dross and overkill, while maintaining an appreciation that not every issue is Simple Simon, maybe we have reason for optimism.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 04/23/2018 - 3:02am
I'm sure you can feel how unsatisfying a carefully balanced description with lots of valid caveats comes across: "on the one hand..." instead it's more painting an image, then I'll paint another tomorrow. Yes, Parkland so far. None too starry-eyed to presume the best.
Just watched "Jackie", when JFK was 2nd Amendmented 55 years ago. 2 years ago they weaponized the 1st Amendment and got Hillary. I'm still amazed by how the victim is turned into co-villain, that no matter how many details of crimes in all facets come out, she remains suspended in mid-air, no renewed opinion, already tried and sentence, no bail, no reprieve, no re-trial. It's a bit Kafkaesque, but mostly a Greek Tragedy, some kind of anti-Camelot - it helps they derailed the British government and people at the same time, allt yhat British tradition tanked by those rank ruffians come out of the steppes. You'd think there'd be a final act, like when Carrie reaches out of the grave at the end, but instead I don't think Hillary's planning anything more, and the remainder of the film will play out like the credits of Goodfellas - which gangster spent time at which prison or was found dead or... In "Jackie", she insists on a procession, to nail the myth and final imagery down. This time, it's a steady cast of weird self-serving surrealistic walk-ons. The Stormy Daniels team is the biggest surprise by being more professional and focused and clever than a hundred politicians and party wonks and international businessmen. Everyone else just gets a consistent C- down to F.
Except Mueller - he's our Deus ex-Machina. Without him, things would have been as shitty as the 9/11 investigation and other exemplary acts of incompetence. As Comey said, he knew something was wrong with SDNY, and ordered an investigation, but didn't get feedback before he was fired. Except he wasn't fired for 6 months - a guy with too little urgency, like the 3 weeks he & agents sat on Hillary emails on Weiner's laptop. I'm sure Republicans expected no one would investigate seriously. Sucks to be them.
*then again, flyover country never ceases to amaze
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 2:28pm
best lines from the Politico article:
Also, comes to mind that Parkland may intersect here some.Especially after the Las Vegas shooting. What Parkland has to do, I think, is maintain a "good kids" image. They have to be "good kids," not liberals.
The stylings of Emma and her haircut et. al. are only an issue with some rural greatest gen. There are kids that dress like that allover the country, including Nazi skinheads. Christianist kids can have body piercings now. It all depends on how she and her friends act,not how they dress.
Edit to add: I betcha a lot of working class in the NYC boroughs watch,lots of my neighbors in the Bronx seem like the type. Heck, there's a "Christian day care" in a house at the end of my block. About 8 yrs. ago I hired one of the teen girls who lived there to water my garden while I was on a trip. She was telling me how they had "calling" to adopt an unwanted baby or two or three.and she was all excited about how they were going to get a new one.I didn't dare mention the abortion word. I was just happy to find someone to do the watering that I could trust with a key to go on the back porch.
by artappraiser on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 4:12pm
You sold out your values for some begonias - sheesh!
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 5:01pm
Tulips, and they're not just flowers. They're an investment. I can honestly say that there are men who saw the price of the tulip bulbs they purchased raise in value a hundred fold. It's a fact that many made a fortune buying and selling tulip bulbs. So I can understand why Arta is worried about proper watering of what is likely her retirement investment.
by ocean-kat on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 6:07pm
Investment in mental heath. And ya know, it's the only thing I do lately where I get positive feedback. When I'm out and about doing work work or errands in NYC, I come back more depressed than when I left because everyone seems so negative, mean and/or cranky, ruthlessly going about business. When I'm out working in the yard, it never fails that someone stops to thank me for my gardening.
Real estate investment: not sure. More likely, the way it's going on around here: next owner tears it up and puts up a parking lot (plus one or two or three sheds for rent...)
by artappraiser on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 6:25pm
Since her day job *is* appraising, she certainly knows the bottom will fall out of those bulbs, while the Christian kids can always be sold off to one of those pizza rings or as Mideast domestic help/consorts, so on a purely financial basis, I think she's betting the wrong horse. Of course if it increases the value of that Bronx brownstone to sell... but on an artistic level, maybe she's betting a resurgence of still lifes over cameos. A lot of ways to cut it in the end - guess that's why she brings home the big bucks and we're just the outsiders.
PS - tulips are so 17th Century - can't we move on? rhododen drones or something more genetically space shifting? It's like we're trying to keep Sir Walter Raleigh going.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 6:28pm
Oops, it was tobacco that kept him - and Raleigh, NC - going, once upon a time. Quite a lucrative crop, though not particularly aesthetic enough for home gardens.
by barefooted on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 7:00pm
I haven't been to the Bronx in a while, but isn't tobacco good enough still? Though I'd guess hemp outsells it in S. Bronx at least...
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 7:39pm
Maybe not the plant (she says wide-eyed) but the NY fashion line of hemp products is alive and well ...
by barefooted on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 7:49pm
Sanders is not a Democrat. Biden, Kamala, Harris, Corey Booker, etc. will win the black vote. Sanders is uncomfortable discussing issues of race. The tweet that he sent out after is King Day speech that diminished the election of Barack Obama shows that he remains an arrogant white guy who cannot adapt. Killer Mike, one of Sanders’ black supporters compromised himself by being a dupe for the NRA, His ability to speak for Sanders is blunted. Keith Ellison, another supporter, is a minor figure in black politics. Sanders will continually criticize Democrats. Sanders is not “ the one”.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 9:55am
I am thinking Corey Booker will run. He's just plotting and waiting for the 2018 elections and Mueller to shake out. Won't be surprised if Trump has an impeachment under Dem Congress that he takes a leadership role and makes a big effort to look reasonable and fair. I look at this latest @ Vox: Cory Booker’s new big idea: guaranteeing jobs for everyone who wants one/His bill would guarantee jobs in 15 urban and rural areas to test if it works. It's a swing issue. The Vox author stresses the black unemployment issue but I note that Booker made sure to include "rural." In addition, you've got the appeal here for white flight suburban types who think the solution to the problem of inner city crime is that they need to work. From New Jersey, he totally gets the urban/suburban/rural divides and knows where there are winning coalition ideas and where one shouldn't go.
Look at the Committees he's on, it's the presidential preparation plan:
Been watching, haven't seen any GOP colleagues complain about him yet, more like the opposite. He's already got bi-partisan creds. Most importantly, I think he knows how to play the Yale/Rhodes thing without seeming elitist,much better at that than Obama.Criminy, I see from looking at the wikipedia entry that he even played football at's like a plan, Stan
by artappraiser on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 1:40pm
Yeah, I saw som small FUD flareup re Booker maybe 8 months ago but seemed to fizzle out. So far strikes me as the strongest, most consistentvin the pack, not off tilting at windmills AFAIK. Short of that, maybe I will warm to Michelle as candidate - I'm starting to get jaded about our dearth of serious, deep positioned politicians. I think Gillibrand's handling of MeToo damaged her, and Kamala Harris just strikes me as a Senator, nothing more. And forget any dinosaurs.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 04/22/2018 - 2:53pm
It's complicated: Republicans And Democrats Should Be Worried About 2020
A new projection of the voting population shows demographic problems for Republicans and Electoral College problems for Democrats.
By Perry Bacon Jr. and Dhrumil Mehta @, April 20
by artappraiser on Tue, 04/24/2018 - 2:46pm