by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
by artappraiser on Mon, 06/01/2020 - 3:53pm
by artappraiser on Mon, 06/01/2020 - 4:55pm
The definitive video compilation of how Minneapolis cops murdered Floyd.
The 'incident' would have been better handled by giving authority to any of the pedestrians present, certainly without arrest but a verbal warning about a bad $20, than the torture treatment by these killer cops..
It should be noted, by anyone who has dealt with those under the influence of alcohol, in medical settings or otherwise, which was reported to be the case with Floyd, that the interaction involves some complications, which these cops certainly must have been aware of, but didn't care about.
by NCD on Mon, 06/01/2020 - 5:02pm
all fine and good to review all the criminal procedure that went on here, NCD, for general information of the public, but doing that doesn't really get to the heart of the problem we are dealing with here. Because
We can make sure there are fewer of them, and the real truth is considerable progress has been made on that front in the last few years, BUT there are always going to be incidents of criminal cops and you have to have the systems to deal with them once they are found. Just as there are criminals as part of any professional demographic, i.e., doctors or lawyers or accountants.
Obviously, something is wrong with the prosecutorial system in Minneapolis.
I was listening while I typed to Andrew Cuomo talk to MSNBC and explain that you have to have at least the state attorney general/prosecutor deal with police misconduct. That you cannot have police policed by local prosecutors, as that is a conflict of interest, as they must work with police all the time to prosecute criminal cases. And he notes he could not get this passed in NY, and that he had to do it in special instances by executive order. Laws about prosecution of police have to change.
Second, and equally important something is wrong with how much leeway we give to police unions, this particular one is very sicko, for the most pertnient example:
People do have the power to affect change here! They just need to start exercising it more fervently. Instructions HOW to do that ARE HERE.
by artappraiser on Mon, 06/01/2020 - 5:51pm
Much of what you posted here as well as your post on ways to change police violence is what we need from the black leaders of these protests. Where are they and what do they have to say? My frustration with Black Lives Matter and these and other riots is they don't seen to have an agenda, a list of changes or demands, that they want to improve the system. It's just "We're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore."
This is the point that Hillary was making in her meeting with BLM 4 years ago. And still it's the same, riots without a policy agenda.
by ocean-kat on Mon, 06/01/2020 - 7:01pm
I am on board with supporting whatever coalition brings about change upon the basis of the " allocation of resources" model. But is that not the most fiercely contended issue at every level of government?
For a variety of reasons, our system has not worked out some of the basic principles of governance that other people have.
by moat on Mon, 06/01/2020 - 7:19pm
Of course it's a fight but those who want the change have to come up with the changes they want and fight for them. The message can't be I'm so angry and I want you to do something but I don't know specifically what I want.
The civil rights movement of MLK had a list of policy demands from small bore changes, like integrating buses, to major policy ideas that required national legislation. Act Up had policy ideas and changes for every action they took. Environmentalists have a list of policy ideas they're pushing. All of these groups have successfully achieved some of their goals. What are the goals of these riots? What are the policy ideas and the changes they want? All I see is they want the cop put in jail. He probably should go to jail but that's trivial. The changes we need are designed to stop it from happening in the first place.
If MLK and his team were still around he'd be there with a list of demands. Real concrete changes in the law and the system. There doesn't seem to be anyone around like that in BLM who can lead these movements.
by ocean-kat on Mon, 06/01/2020 - 7:50pm
Any chance for a unifying dialogue about this heinous killing is lost, the demonstrations have been hijacked by an organized Marxist insurgency. These demonic forces have been planning andwaiting for the opportunity to strike at everything they despise about the USA, it's institutions and its people. When they burn churches, deface war memorials and beat helpless people with two by fours it's obvious their actions have nothing to do with the murder of Mr Floyd.
It's ironic that we are seeing Leftist looters and rioters burning Leftist controlled cities and fighting with Leftist controlled police departments and they appear to be winning.These Leftist leaders are so incompetent that our Conservative President may have to intervene and save them from the demons they helped create.
by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 06/02/2020 - 1:27am
You're like some film caricature, the bitter old womam who comes creeping round, "it's them, I know it's them".
Nope, no matter how many times you chant "Leftist" we don't need you. I'm afraid even the mortuaries don't have enough bodies to be of interest. Correction: the Covid bodies while Trump and Jared do their photos and try to play "follow the leader" prolly put off enough musk.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 06/02/2020 - 3:06am
The way you handle play-action figures tells me you are not going to be in the Vanguard leading us to a more just society.
A more cogent approach to the causes of the crisis that has engulfed our nation can be found in Michaels Lewis' consideration of the Fifth Risk:
by moat on Tue, 06/02/2020 - 1:10pm
Worse, probably 3 or 4 things contend for #5, with high enough probability to be reasonably likely bunched together And no unified reaponse stratégy.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 06/02/2020 - 2:38pm
Yes, once a structure starts coming apart, it releases destructive forces in an exponential spiral.
Institutions need to be resilient to survive shocks. Lewis' argument is that starving multiple agencies of resources and talent simultaneously makes them rigid structures more and more dependent upon good fortune to survive.
by moat on Tue, 06/02/2020 - 3:29pm
You can't escape your responsibility for helping create and loose this vanguard of the dem Party on the American people. These little Marxist demons are revealing to everyone how Liberal rule will be enforced. White punk progressives burning down Black businesses and homes while their looting crews snatch millions of dollars in loot from luxury businesses.
In LA the cops arrest the armed business owners and leave the scum to loot but in other places people including demonstrators ares confronting these snowflakes in black to stop the chaos they bring.
You aren't bright enough to realize that even if creepy China Joe manages to steal the election these creepy demons and their enablers won't stop their quest to bring down Western Civilization.
by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 06/02/2020 - 5:56pm
This hardly scans as language. I have no idea what you might be saying.
by moat on Tue, 06/02/2020 - 6:11pm
Meet our Joe the Curmudgeon, lost in his video/reality games, getting high on double his inhalant dose. He thinks Invasion of the Body Snatchers Is a documentary.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 06/02/2020 - 9:34pm
Your little Black Bloc buddies have tasted blood and power and they will be back, sooner or later, for more.
Because you aren't pure enough, no one is, for these post-modern neo-Marxists they will eventually come for you. If they are feeling sated when they get to you they may not burn you in your house and only send you off to the Bernie Bros' Gulag.
Perhaps you'll then understand what I'm saying but I doubt it.
by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 12:06am
Wow, Bernie Bro Gulag - Is that with the cole slaw or without?
The pandemic's stolen what little you had of your wit. More lockdown - maybe like a loop. "More spin cycle! Add softener!"
PS - is "Bernie Bro Gulag" an Irish term? sadly never studied Gaelic.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 1:02am
You laugh now but they're already making the ovens. Hillary supporters like you will be the first the Bernie Bros haul away.
by ocean-kat on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 11:51am
Prolly too complex for them - pretty sure Shake-n-Bake will be the most effort they put in.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 12:18pm
PP, you miss much of what happens here so I understand your ignorance. A few months ago a couple of Bernie's campaign staff were recorded waxing poetic about the wonders of and living wages paid in the Soviet Gulags. They weren't shy about their desire to send deplorables or any other counter-revolutionaries to vacation there.
You can view the mass graves on Lar's Survival Russia channel near his homestead in Siberia.
by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 9:37pm
Why mix BlackBloc? Distract
Your Bernie stuffs a diversion
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 9:46pm
Marcy like most occult leftists of means thing they are safe from thee creatures they helped to create. These skinny impotent little demons now have the mob with fire in their eyes on the rampage.
The feckless mayors of our two biggest cities are on their knees groveling before the power of the mob.
by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 11:53pm
As with all the other text coming from anonymous, it has been copied from Briebart where BlackBloc is this months centerfold. I am not going to link to it. Epoch is also strongly aroused by the images.
There seems to be a proportional ratio between levels of irrelevance and the belief in secret armies.
by moat on Thu, 06/04/2020 - 10:46am
One train of thought that really irks me is that where people aren't capable of rioting or mob action by themselves, it always has to be instigated, organized and directed by someone like antifa or blacblock. Very orderly view of the human race!
by artappraiser on Thu, 06/04/2020 - 4:24pm
Time for your meds:
by moat on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 9:49pm
Hey nonny have you checked out this meme? Fits with your narrative!
by artappraiser on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 2:54am
Commie humor at its best.
Are you enjoying the flames and chaos eating your city?
by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 11:27pm
The chaos has mostly been in Brooklyn hipsterville and lower Manhattan.
Not that many flames that I've seen reported anywhere all 5 boroughs.
I'm in the northwest Bronx where it has been extremely quiet since coronavirus lockdown. We have immigrants from allover the world here and they don't really get into protesting that much, not very tribal, independent types who left the old country. Quiet except for one new trend > drag racing at night because there's no traffic. That stopped with curfew.
Manhattan had already been "destroyed" by coronavirus lockdown, so the recent looting (all by criminal elements and criminal gangs after the protesting day was over, due to a lapse in police preparedness) is sad but in the end a big "eh". Surprisingly little looting in the Bronx even though unemployed people clearly have need of things llike diapers food and medicine. Not many things of fence-able value are sold here, except maybe popular sneakers. Everyone's already got a TV and cell phone, it's not like the old days.
Westchester county, which begins a couple miles from me, is permitting al fresco dining with certain ppe rules starting Monday. Looking forward to that kind of activity, it's been pretty rural-like living for a couple months. Have a friend seeing his doctor in Westchester tomorrow, in person, will wonders never cease?
How's by you? Cowering in fear of anarchists? Us, we been there, done that with Occupy Wall Street, they eventually went away.
How many near and dear did you loose in our wonderful nursing homes? Total nursing-home-related death toll in the U.S. over 40,000 last I saw. If you see Trump, do mention the Nazi death panels he brought us, will ya?
by artappraiser on Thu, 06/04/2020 - 1:28am
Nonny like all his fervent brethren Is hiding in his Trumphbunker, tribute to the forefazhrrs who turned a 1000 year promise of greatness into one history's most marvelous burnouts. Downfall - A Tribute. Meanwhile Trump builds his new Wall around the now dimmed White House, not with a Bang but with an "Alexa, please turn out the lights, it's over". A photo op in front of an empty church, like Trump lights kindof on no one home, with what may or might not be a Bible or his long lost tax ledger or his autographed copy of "how to pick up girls - for Dummies". All in all a sad ending to a less than briliant career. Blow him a Kiss and a quick Heil, Nonny - the Whistler blows. For Thee.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 06/04/2020 - 11:10am
The matter of accountability in this crime involves all citizens. If police are just another criminal gang, the rule of law becomes illegitimate. If some citizens support that criminal gang because doing so protects their interest, then they are criminals too. The rule of law is based upon enough people letting police have a monopoly upon the use of force to prevent our society from dissolving into gang warfare.
So, the interest here is not only who is most often hurt by the criminals. That is important but is not only "their" problem. We all need the rule of law.
by moat on Tue, 06/02/2020 - 11:34am