by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Another voice on the same subject: Biden’s nominee is a drone assassin who played a key role in covering up the U.S. torture program, write Medea Benjamin and Marcy Winograd.
by A Guy Called LULU on Tue, 12/29/2020 - 5:34pm
Seeing "China hawk" at the top of an article the same day I see a breaking expose on Chinese putting forced factory work inside it's concentration camps for Uyghurs/Muslims gives me great cognitive dissonance. Accusations of "Endless War" and how a gasp 15,000 troop increase in the Pacific while China extends it's fleet and builds new islands near the Phillipines to claim is more bizarre. I then recalled their bitter attack on Flournoy for gasp making money and building up a defense consultancy over 5 years after 25 years of cabinet level defense positions in Washington (note, unlike Manafort she didn't help lock up a foreign elected leader or promote illegal hidden partnerships with Russia - which must make her bad). I'm sure Consortium is against anyone effective in Defense or Security. Whether any of their points are still actually valid is another question. A quick search on Emptywheel brings up no mention of Haines during and Marcy's pretty strong on noting abuses such as FISA in illegally extending gov surveillance, etc...
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 12/29/2020 - 10:38pm
All three articles are by authors critical of our country’s foreign policy. Should American FP under Biden be above examination or criticism? Are Biden’s appointees automatically good and exempt from criticism because Trump had even worse people in key positions? Are the career paths of the article’s subjects misreported? If correctly reported do the positions they have taken, the policies they have supported, the statements they have uttered, the revolving doors they have walked through, the people and organizations they have worked for, the people they have hired, the clients they have taken on, etc, etc, tell us anything about them that we ought to know? And what of value are egregious strawman aspersions against Consortium for publishing these articles intended to add?
by A Guy Called LULU on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 12:54am
Is an unhinged article that start off labeling "Drone Assassin" and a variety of screaming pejoratives useful in deciphering the list of questions you pose? Well, doubtful for trusting any answers or "truths" they pretend to report.
They do know where to find good news - here's an actually readable article they reference:
Why do you prefer the Consortium to this in-depth, non-hair-on-fire critique?
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 2:49am
Thanks for highlighting that article in The Daily Beast. I hope everybody reads it.
by A Guy Called LULU on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 3:32am
Consortium News gives all the appearences of a Russia connected disinformation site, it has never posted one article even mildly critical of Putin or Russia. The site is still raving over 'Russiagate', October:
"...incessant propaganda and a sloppy but effective coverup have kept the fable going since then. All has been open game these past years, scabrous, apparent false-flag poisonings — the Skripals, Alexei Navalny.."
VIPS is a collection of egomaniacal crackpots.
by NCD on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 1:42am
"Consortium News gives all the appearences of a Russia connected disinformation site, ... "
You have internalized both the grossly overused phrase and the knee-jerk habit of using it inappropriately as an excuse or diversion. Neither article was about Russia. Both were about our own government.
by A Guy Called LULU on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 2:58am
Here's Consortium in October trying again to deny Russians hacked Clinton's/Podesta's email, and hopping on the NY Post's Hunter Biden smear campaign to try to influence the election. Papa Putin would be proud.
Narrator "lots of people, including qualified journalists, denied the NY Post's facts as facts.
Stealing someone's laptop and sitting on the data a year to release at a critical time close to an election might strike one as "opportunistic", if not "sleazy" or "corrupt" or even "conspiring". (if you read the Russian report from the Senate Intelligence Committee - a not very Democrat-friendly bunch - you'd see similar approaches in the 2016 hack-and-leak)
The lead agent in the NY Post/Hunter laptop shitshow? Why, Rudy Giuliani, of course, Our Lady of the 4 Seasons Landscape bizarre-athon.
How closely do we have to examine shit to know it's shit, Lulu? I mean, sure, sometimes people swallow valuables so you can find a diamond in the roughage, but is that a living, or even an attractive hobby? BTW, wasn't it Rudy's "rogue FBI agents" who pressured Comey to go forward with an unprecedented announcement about a laptop in Oct 2016?
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 3:11am
Hunter Biden is not the subject. Your opinion of a particular Consortium News story, for which you did not supply a link, is not the subject. Russia is not the subject. The case made by john kiriakou, Medea Benjamin, and Marcy Winograd is the subject. Again, did they get their facts wrong?
by A Guy Called LULU on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 3:53am
Krikakou does host a program on Sputnik radio tho. Benjamin seems quite a bit to the left of Bernie Sanders, seems to adore Cuba (even tho they deported her) runs for office on the Green party and co-founded Code Pink. And as far as I can see Marcy Winograd cannot lay claim to being a serious investigative journalist, especially on this topic, she is a retired CA public school teacher from Venice CA, writer of books for teen girls, has leftist sympathies, trying to break into "community organizing", published a couple things on HuffPo, ran unsuccessfully in 2011 Dem primary in a CA special election for Congress 36th as a "progressive", very dilettante-y
by artappraiser on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 4:17am
FFS, you have Consortium memorized, and in paragraph 3 your article declares:
so fuck me if I think the last Consortium-supported smear job on a nominee just 2 months ago isn't relevant, including typical left-wing assaults like "Imperialism in Pumps" and "Angel of Death", "wolf in sheep's clothing" and "affable assassin" and "mass murderer in spanx" - no shortage of obscene misogynistic overreach when it comes to attacking anyone they don't like - if a woman seems friendly or fashionable, she's just hiding a murderous streak with designer fit (yeah, just type in "Flournoy" in the Google Search blank on their page):
Here's your old friend Ray McGovern...
And then your hack-job Russia-supporting rag throws in this bait-and-switch:
Meaning every fucking person who backed Haspel in any way is now a torture supporter - meaning perhaps tens of thousands of people around Washington. See how easy that shit is? Why don't you read some real unbiased publications instead of continually peddling this crap to us?
But here's your Consortium link for Hunter-gate complicity:
Same shit, different day.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 6:54am
interestingly they just published this Dec. 29, I went looking inspired by your comment, to see if there was anything new along the lines of "what is the real deal with those people?!!) They are tryiing to come out of the fog of being a far lefty circa 1985 and get with reality, but it's hard for them not to remain so so retro, having lost the two Robert's, Parry and Fisk, and with Chomsky getting old and feeble, there's no one around to fondly recall the adventures of Che and Ho Chi Minh fighting the evil American empire as strong as it ever was, just nobody knows it. Far lefty millennials still don't git it, the glory of being fighters against the real deep state and the Zionist monsters...they've gathered the remaining crew of aging olden daze far lefties (like the Angry Arab" blogger of the Bush years! remember him?!) so as to be less lonely babbling about the great war (you kids don't know what it's like!) Don't miss the little warning in there: be careful, they'll sue if you accuse of Russian affiliation!
by artappraiser on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 3:28am
p.s. I suspect they are licking their chops at the potential of a President Biden hoping that he, sharing their age, will allow them to continue the warfare of the old ideologies, exiting from this nightmare of PoMo with Trump where they dont know how to start to navigate, expecting Biden has changed no more than they have. I think they are in for a surprise surprise surprise: there's no there there, they are going to have to continue fighting ghosts if they want to stay in the 20th century, after all it's 2021, grampas and nanas. Even Julian Assange will be 50 yrs. old soon, and few know his name anymore....gen x-ers are the new old timers, like it or not.
I also note a kind of humorous thing: they are on Patreon--dazed and confused about where they belong in this brave new world? If they get themselves a few Qanon type followers, they are going to be spun silly, they won't know what hit them, you old guys think you know conspiracy theorizing, hah...
by artappraiser on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 3:45am
A long stretch, but maybe Haines' participation in this Brennan Russiagate meeting put her in Russia's crosshairs (Putin's even more vindictive and grudge-holding than Trump, if you can believe it)
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 7:34am
Were "Drone Queen" critics under a rock the last 4 years, waiting for a Democrat to bitch about? Here's some relevant graphs to show how temporary use in Pakistan was phased out, but levels of drone use escalated unsurprisingly under fuckface Trump - but could these leftist complainers raise their voices to the front page of Salon and Consortium then? Or only to brand a woman as that assassin in heels, not say the men who were her boss or other men who worsened things after?
Look at that - from over 120 in Pakistan to a handful under Obama, 20 per year in Somalia:
But who needs drones when you got real manly planes (crickets from the drone complainers?)
Something tells me there's a problem blaming all the deaths (note how these articles keep the numbers nebulous and out of context)
How do explain the lack of comparison, Lulu? I mean, Obama's use of weapons largely decreased, except for the multinational offensive against ISIS, which was extremely careful to avoid civilian casualties where possible?
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 9:09am