by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I posted a story here on Dagblog about a shooting incident that occurred outside Garfield High School in Seattle, Washington, wherein a teenage girl had been found with bullet wounds in her legs. The incident happened at the same time that 5 shootings in full had been investigated by Seattle police, indicated a city that had become progressively more and more dangerous (despite being seen as a utopia by so many).
Artappraiser noted that these weren't your average 15 year old girls:
Around 3:30 a.m., a 15-year-old girl was found by police with gunshot wounds to her legs inside a stolen, bullet-riddled Jeep in the 4200 block of South Eddy Street.
Police found more than two dozen rounds at a shooting scene several blocks away.
While speaking to the injured girl and another teenage girl that was in the car, police noticed the girls were evasive about the circumstances of the shooting.
Police also found a gun near the scene, and a ski mask and bulletproof vest in the stolen Jeep.
A large stack of cash with an apparent bullet hole was also found by police.
It's old fashioned and quaint but it is still generally an assumption that crime is a man's realm and that women don't ever get caught up in such things. I have noticed more and more stories like this over the years. There was a mass shooting in the Bay Area in which a female shooter targeted the YouTube headquarters.
Females make up some 5-15% of convicted murderers (or is it cause that % of murders). Obviously that means still quite a few each year even if a lot less than dudes, say 1:20 to 1:6, varies of course by country as well. Yes, one even shot a girl in Reno just to watch her die.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 12/16/2021 - 12:02pm
by Orion on Thu, 12/16/2021 - 9:09pm
this one should interest you!
by artappraiser on Fri, 12/17/2021 - 1:16am
Nice! Guys being destructive is a bit of a cliche. The girls need to give it a try!
by Orion on Fri, 12/17/2021 - 2:51am
Great line from Polanski's Bitter Moon - " Anything you can do, I can do better." And she does, wow.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 12/17/2021 - 5:12am
by Orion on Fri, 12/17/2021 - 8:49am
Side note: the article has some of that famously inscrutable cop lingo: During an illegal exhibition of speed event at Barneveld & McKinnon. I presume that means drag racing but I am not sure!
by artappraiser on Fri, 12/17/2021 - 1:03pm
by Orion on Fri, 12/17/2021 - 4:27pm
All my Bad Girls, pretty in pink?
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 12/17/2021 - 4:40pm
^ If the first vid above is an indicator of the new, politically-incorrect Dagblog, I'm liking what I see
. No more tippytoeing around sensitive righteous lunatics?
by artappraiser on Fri, 12/17/2021 - 6:41pm
I think political correctness is one of those things that once you enforce it enough, it's not that people become insensitive but they actually forget how it's even supposed to work anymore.
BTW are you referencing the MIA or sideshow videos by "first video?" MIA is from over a decade ago .... They've been doing sideshows in the Bay for a while, I think.
by Orion on Sun, 01/02/2022 - 3:41am
MIA is just a video - maybe a response to the bank on Saudi women driving, but it's not an indication of what real people do. The street shows are - though less dangerous by far than drag racing.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 01/02/2022 - 5:15am
The Bay has been doing that forever. The videos I found aren't even the ones I was hoping for - they are taken in the lower part of the Bay Bridge, not the top part.
by Orion on Sun, 01/02/2022 - 7:04am
Oh, I imagine they're part of cholo low-rider & other street car traditions, to a large degree Hispanic influenced?
Kind of like mods to get Chevy's to bounce, I imagine they grind the tread down on 1 or both back wheels to get them to skid easy, or maybe they allow locking the individual wheel from the driver's seat.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 01/02/2022 - 8:16am
Not just the Bay apparently:
by Orion on Sun, 01/02/2022 - 9:36am
ALL the motor-vehicle cultural stuff, also making lots of noise in the streets with dirt bikes in the boroughs, and including the street shows on the bridges is TOTALLY NEW in NYC, STARTED WITH COVID! Cops have been fighting the culture like crazy since it started, they confiscate the dirt bikes, 100's a week, and destroy them, they have always been totally illegal here but the fight against them by the cops has been heavily covered in the local news.
It has been quite interesting to watch it develop as I am born and bred from the south side of Milwaukee, a longtime home of "greasers" from before I was born, inspiration for "American Graffiti" and "Happy Days" :Leon's Custard Stand which was used to film "American Graffiti" is not far from my childhood home.
My S.O. while I still lived there (until age 29) was part of that scene as he was 10 years older than me, had the nickname of "Doctor of the Streets", knew all the doowop groups and loved Elvis of course, an expert at tricking out cars, and still as thirty-something had a new Cadillac convertible fitted with chrome side pipes and with candy apple red paint (later he got a Corvette painted with flames by renowned pin-stripe painter Butch Brinza who was also a close friend. ) In summer when I was not in college he'd take me on long rides visiting his favorite stops including stopping to see another friend Randi, manager of a "speed shop." My S.O. did not drag anymore but once in a while a kid with a tricked out car who thought he was hot shit would pull up alongside us at night and rev his engine and this would piss off J. enough and he would gun it, which was not my favorite thing...
Ok the point is that I was steeped in WHITE MIDWEST greaser culture since high school and certainly learned everything about it during my college years. It had NOTHING to do wth California Hispanic low rider street culture, they were two totally different things, as different as the Beach Boys were from Elvis.
Now on to NYC. I got to know the Bronx and Queens and Staten Island from 1983 on even though I worked in Manhattan. Street car culture was TOTALLY foreign to NYC. Kids here didn't own cars! They sang on the streets. Puerto Ricans had street gangs, not cars, see "West Side Story", and sang doo-wop on street corners.
Kids did a tiny little bit of it of drag racing and the like in working class Yonkers--just across the city border from the Bronx where I am--but it was always minor.
I interacted with people from my neighborhood in the Bronx about the sudden and shocking rise of car culture, drag racing and the like all night every night all of a sudden in summer 2020, that it was happening was clear as a bell, I recognized it for sure. I think it was because there was nothing going on, so little action on the streets that kids wanted to make some. They started with the dirt bikes as they were cheap, illegal, so one didn't even have to bother with the DMV or be of age. And then they graduated to car culture from there, it was an import, never before had we seen things like this video, it's all new. And a very interesting mix, therefore, of east and west coast culture, is also intertwined a bit with the rivalry between east coast and west coast rap.
The street shows are totally west coast and influenced by CA Hispanic culture, and yes, they have finally been imported here.
It's all very interesting as if CA car culture really totally infiltrates the youth of the boroughs that will make them moreso part of a culture totally foreign to Manhattan and the divide between green anti-car hipsters of Manhattan (and their wealthy parents) and the "bridge and tunnel" people will grow ever greater. The dislike of Manhattan people will definitely grow. Vicey-versa is still a question--will elite wealthy educated woke, supposed working-class friendlym be able to navigate this culture without insulting it? Remains to be seen...
by artappraiser on Mon, 01/03/2022 - 4:17pm
p.s. just an afterthought-in the late 70's and 80's there is the intersection with pimp/blaxploitation movie culture. I get this as J. used to have a white friend in the ghetto who sold drugs and we would stop and see him in the caddy with the white sidewalls and chrome side pipes (and car phone) like every week. No one, no one, would ever dare touch that car parked on the street in the ghetto-even tho theft of car radios was already a hot and heavy trend-he didn't have to think about an alarm. That's because a car like that parked there sent a message-don't dare touch me or you'll pay. AND that's because "pimp cars" were an APPROPRIATION, a blatant one, from white culture! They had nothing to do with west coast low rider culture, they were flipping a bird to white wealthy culture, bringing it low, as it were.
edit to add for clarity: blacks in the Milwaukee ghetto couldn't afford cars, walked everywhere or took the bus, hence they could never get jobs outside the ghetto in Milwaukee which totally required having a car--is a MAIN reason the city always stayed highly segregated, as any kid with gumption still had a hard time getting out of there to work a job and interact with the other. and of course, any "other" with any sense would not seek to hang out in crime ridden poor neighborhood unless looking for drugs or having a taste for drive-in-bbq ribs with 'the sauce that's the boss". So even more respect for "pimp cars" there than normal. But zero interaction with greasers and car culture unitl forced integregation of schools via busing. The greasers all took their cars to school; getting their hands on a car as soon as they reached 16 was their #1 priority in life.
by artappraiser on Mon, 01/03/2022 - 4:36pm