by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
A flying saucer orbits the 1950s Earth. It lands in Washington, DC, on the Mall. The lone occupant steps out and is shot by a jumpy soldier. Gort, a large and very powerful robot appears to save him and is able to melt tanks with the slightest bit of his power arising from his laser eye... When they begin to suspect Klaatu, he reveals himself, along with the news that Gort is a member of a race of super-robot enforcers invented to keep the peace of the galaxy that will destroy the Earth if provoked.
The greatest sci-fi film of all time.
And the idiots remade it.
Jesus H. Christ, next thing you know, they are going to rewrite the Bible:
As if Constantine did not put together the perfect panel.
Seriously folks, how they ever got The Day the Earth Stood Still
on the silver screen, is beyond my imagination.
I mean, these aliens come down and demonstrate in the
strongest language, their discontent with the military industrial complex
before Ike was ever sworn into office.
A device designed to control unruly inmates by blasting them with a beam of intense energy that causes a burning sensation is drawing heat from civil rights groups who fear it could cause serious injury and is "tantamount to torture."
The mechanism, known as an "Assault Intervention Device," is a stripped-down version of a military gadget that sends highly focused beams of energy at people and makes them feel as though they are burning. The Los Angeles County sheriff's department plans to install the device by Labor Day, making it the first time in the world the technology has been deployed in such a capacity.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California criticized Sheriff Lee Baca's decision in a letter sent Thursday, saying that the technology amounts to a ray gun at a county jail. The 4-feet-tall weapon, which looks like a cross between a robot and a satellite radar, will be mounted on the ceiling and can swivel.
It is remotely controlled by an operator in a separate room who lines up targets with a joystick.
At the Pitchess Detention Center at the Los Angeles County Jail, guards demonstrated their very own Assault Intervention Device. This devices is a 7.5-foot-tall laser weapon that produces burning pain at whomever it is directed. The beam that is emitted from the device can reach up to 100 feet. The beam is about as big around as a CD.
According to Rachel Maddow; our Department of Defense did not find the weapon suitable for use in a war zone. hahahahahaaha
If you reside in L.A., my advice is to make sure those
traffic tickets are paid--on time for chrissakes. (Blesses himself)
AP: 8/27/10:
Meanwhile, the Board of Education for Los Angeles County, has introduced an edict authorizing the use of Assault Intervention Devices in all of the public schools within its district. The total cost will exceed $4 billion but the Board issued a formal statement indicating that over a period of 9 years, these devices will save $8 billion by freeing up the time the principal in each school spends disciplining students.
Within less than 24 months, the Board estimates that 99.9% of all students will be 'taught' by the devices to refrain from using tech devices of any kind in the class rooms and that 'talking back' in the classrooms will be diminished by at least 79.3 percent.
The ACLU has protested the introduction of these devices on account of the fact that the AMA believes that after a human being is zapped, reproduction will become impossible.
The Minority Leaders of the House as well as the Senate acknowledged that the Assault Intervention Devices have been used by the GOP for its biannual conventions for the last three decades.