The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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                                                 YOUNG WINSTON

    Limbaugh went on to discuss Obama's upcoming appearance on The View and said "every day Obama is in that office he denigrates it."

    In the second hour, Limbaugh shifted his attacks to the left as a whole, claiming, "if I were everything the left says I am, I would be one of them" and called liberals "racists," "bigots," and "sexists."  Limbaugh then blamed the financial crisis on liberalism, and placed blame on the policies of Presidents Carter and Clinton, Senator Chris Dodd, and Rep. Barney Frank, whom he claimed "forced" banks into making bad loans. Limbaugh concluded that "there's really no comparison here in the destructive nature of the two parties." mediamatters

    See, rush never lets you down. He and beckerhead can just pull history right out of their asses; like it was the suppository that they both enjoy after three hours of sitting on their big fat behinds and  lying to America.

    TPM just listed twelve racist fascist lines by that ultimate pol, Tom Tancredo. I will never forget that interview with David Schuster (whom I miss by the way) when Tancredo walked off the set in a huff after Tommy the Toad was reminded that he had received a mental health deferment when he was called to arms by his country.

    Tom is back with a vengeance. He somehow sees this new wave of racist fascist patriotism per the teabagging public and seems to desire an opportunity to get back into the fray. I mean he might run for Governor of Colorado.

    But he had to really  look for a 'third party' to give him an endorsement so he would not have to look as stupid and ignored as he really is.

    If you dilute the otherwise diluted list of Trancredo Talking Points rendered unto us by TPM, I think you will find that:

    President Obama is an African Muslim fascist communist terrorist who hates America and wishes to blow us all up.  We should somehow send him 'back' to Kenya.

    Sotomayor is a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

    Miami has so many Blacks, Cubans and....(I don't know you pick) that the city is now a third world country.

    The Satanic Pope is part of a conspiracy in this country to make us all speak Spanish.

    If America were on a more saintly path we would nuke Mecca. I am no sure why he wishes to skip the Vatican.

    We should make certain American cities part of Mexico. This appears to be some sort of negative secession act.  In other words, you have to secede whether or not you really wish to secede.

    Amerika should go back to requiring literacy tests as a condition for voting.  Now I might actually go along with this type of approach as we seek a more knowledgeable electorate. But I would demand that those tests be provided by the same folks who publish the SAT's. The problem with this is, from Tancredo's perspective is that neither he nor George W. Bush would be allowed to vote and neither would three quarters of those who claim to be Teabaggers. But that is another subject all together.

    There are people out there who certainly like this kind of talk; probably close to half of the people who call themselves Teabaggers.

    This type of rhetoric, like the rhetoric of rush and beckerhead, does not bother me that much; at least today. (I have emotional issues)  I mean it bothers me that shitsforbrains get air time, for sure. It bothers me that Main Stream Media does not skullfuck these animals (As Bravefart likes to do from time to time).  Instead, false journalists who purport to shun corporate interests as well as fascist warmongers in this country will simply say that 'both sides' are somehow wrong. Dylan Ratigan is far different from Ed Shultz. They both seek good paychecks and fame and ratings. But Ed never forgets which side he is on. Dylan would simply tell you that both 'sides' have nutsos and so we must take time to 'find the real truths'; all the while strutting in his $5,000 suits with a tie that costs more than my TV.  And he would have us vote against all Democrats simply because it is time to THROW ALL THE BUMS OUT. If we throw all the bums out or vote for independents who shun corporate contributions, we end up with both Houses of Congress being controlled by republicans.

    Maybe Dylan thinks his ratings will grow even higher if the repubs take over. 

    What bothers me is the real terrorist attacks upon the intelligentsia in this country. I have already done blogs that concern our old friend Pat Buchanan. Pat will search through old tomes touting his credentials as a member of America's top caste as well as his degrees from Universities that probably could not wait to get rid of him.

    Old Pat thinks he is William F. Buckley with a keener eye.

    Things were happier in DC before the 1960's. A segregated DC worked better for 'both sides.'

    Martin Luther King, Jr. was a communist or he stupidly was in league with communists who wish to destroy America, or at least Buchanan's segregated neighborhood.

    The United States of America fought on the wrong side during WWII and Hitler was a great patriot of the German Peoples.

    And Pat cites great essays and great books and great men to 'prove' his points.

    Chris Matthews can laugh all he wants in his jolly manner chiding Pat for these views, but Pat Buchanan IS the real face of American Fascism. Why does not Chris speak out and tell Pat to shove all his concepts right up his arse?

    Well because Chris has known Pat since the old PBS days.

    Well because Chris considers Pat a friend.

    Well because Chris has a five million dollar payday with MSNBC and if he griped MSNBC  would fire him because PAT receives his own millions from MSNBC AND....

    Who cares?

    Because Chris Matthews is a fucking coward, that is the real reason.

    MSM is filled with cowards.

    Which brings me to our last segment:




    Jeffrey Lord is a prick. Check out Wiki or any brief summary of this prick's life and you will find that he was a member of Ronny's Administration and that he writes books. TPM recently discussed Mr. Lord's brouhaha over the definition of 'lynching'.

    I checked out some fascist sites on the web and found this gem:

    Jeffrey Lord has an interesting article today in The American Spectator. I have to admit that the title of Lord's article, "Is Sarah Palin the Next Ted Kennedy", gave me considerable pause. What could the two possibly have in common? Despite my misgivings, I felt compelled to read Lord's article. In his piece, Lord spends at least as much time comparing Governor Palin to Winston Churchill as he does comparing her to Ted Kennedy. I find the Churchill comparison much more appropriate

    I don't even wish to get into the comparisons between Sarah Palin and Ted Kennedy. Let us just say that Senator Kennedy forgot more in his lifetime than Sarah could learn in fifteen lifetimes.

    Winston Churchill was one of the finest men who ever walked this planet. His politics would not jive with mine in this day and age. That is for certain.

    But Winston was the product of a marriage between the daughter of an American Capitalist (who failed miserably I might add) and one of the Lords of Britain.

    Winston, despite his American roots, was the product of the English Aristocracy along with their public school system (public means private in England but then again, republican in America means corporate oligarchy so why mince words?).

    Winston was a journalist who uncovered blood lust among the Boers in South Africa.

    Winston was an officer in the King's Armies.

    Winston traveled the world and wrote down everything he ever saw and heard; and he wrote about it all in the King's English.

    Winston wrote a History of the World. A history of the world that contains more words than people like Sarah Palin have ever THOUGHT in their entire worthless lives, for chrissakes!!!

    Winston was a member of the House of Commons FOREVER.

    Winston orated like Cicero and ruled like Julius Caesar from a bunker.

    Winston Churchill used his American bloodlines, his knowledge of America, his respect for America to keep his small Island alive until his Mother's native land entered WWII.

    Winston Churchill was the greatest orator of the 20th century.

    If there were ten people of the twentieth century who will be read a thousand years from now, Winston Churchill will be on that reading list.

    Winston Churchill was well read, well schooled, well spoken, and well aware of the world around him.

    Winston Churchill despised a member of that list of ten I referred to; Winston Churchill despised the most important saint of the 20th Century; Mahatma Ghandi. For that, I have questioned his legacy for decades. But....

    Winston Churchill still revered the British Class System. A terrible system from a cultural and economic perspective.

    Winston Churchill loved the fact that Britannia ruled the waves and the world through imperialism. We, of course, took over that role with relish.

    Winston Churchill did not at all times revere the working man and woman in Britain.

    But I would never ever ever discount Winston Churchill as a great man; one of the greatest men who ever inhabited this planet.

    To compare this World Statesman to Sarah Palin is an abomination. To compare an ill read, ill spoken, ill educated and ill conceived personage as Palin to Winston Churchill is a sin; a mortal sin.

    I think that the intelligentsia needs its own criminal courts.

    And I think that Jeff Lord should be indicted, arrested, tried, convicted and taken out to be shot.

    How is that for elitism from a nobody in his pajamas and on SSI?