The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    File:Sus scrofa avionica.png

    A flying pig is an adynaton, that is a figure of speech in the form of hyperbole taken to such extreme lengths as to suggest a complete impossibility. Thus the popular saying that something will happen "when pigs fly" or "when pigs have wings" means that the thing is an impossibility. (WIKI)

    I've heard it said that pigs will fly
    and someday soon they'll rule the sky.
    That may sound strange but, if it's right,
    I don't suppose they'll fly a kite.
    I'll bet, instead, they'll have to train
    so they can learn to fly a plane,
    or join the Navy where they'll get
    to learn to fly a fighter jet.

    Ken Nesbitt

    Sometimes I am surprised.

    I mean one of the worst hitters on your team gets up to bat in the bottom of the 9th with the bases loaded and two outs highlighted on a scoreboard showing your team down two runs. You figure it's over.

    Then baaaaam!!! A homer into the right field stands and he's a right handed batter.

    Or you accidently find yourself watching a Stalone movie at three in the morning, and...Sly is ACTING for chrissakes!!! I mean Razzie voted him worst actor in history and I am watching Cop_Land and the movie is superb and I cannot figure out who else could have played his role.

    Or when the TV listings demonstrate reruns of I Love Lucy strung together all day on a cable channel and you discover that instead of Lucy, there is a three hour documentary on the Civil War from a European perspective. And don't ask me why I turned to Lucy in the first place!!!

    Or you witness Strom Thurmond voting to make Martin Luther King, Jr. Day a national holiday and subsequently discover he fathered a Black Daughter.

    Or when the Playgirl Pin-Up from Mass starts doing the right thing...or kind of anyway and votes for financial reform.

    Or you see Dick Cheney helping a poor person to a local food shelf for sustenance in an attempt to save the poor man's body & soul. Okay, I made this one up but you get the idea for chrissakes. (Blesses himself.)

    Anyway I am reading Krauthammer today per Rosen here at TPM- 

    We have a lot of naysayers on the left here at Café and elsewhere, but if there was ever an argument for seeing President Barack Obama in a great light; it is in Krauthammer's essay. There is clarity in this man's writing.

    Krauthammer is one of these passive aggressive monsters who will attempt to cast aspersions upon any attempt by the left to do right, as they say. And he wastes no time in the essay telling us the normal points about how America is going to hell in a handbasket:

    1.               Our debt is so massive that it will never be brought under control.

    2.               We will never again be able to live within our means.

    3.               Ronald Reagan was god.


    But Charles strings together a number of sentences accentuating how nimble our President has become within the last 500 days and that regardless of what happens during this election period, Barak Obama will be with us for some time.

    Consider what he has already achieved. Obamacare alone makes his presidency historic. It has irrevocably changed one-sixth of the economy, put the country inexorably on the road to national health care and, as acknowledged by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus but few others, begun one of the most massive wealth redistributions in U.S. history.

    Second, there is major financial reform, which passed Congress on Thursday. Economists argue whether it will prevent meltdowns and bailouts as promised. But there is no argument that it will give the government unprecedented power in the financial marketplace. Its 2,300 pages will create at least 243 new regulations that will affect not only, as many assume, the big banks but just about everyone, including, as noted in one summary (the Wall Street Journal), "storefront check cashiers, city governments, small manufacturers, home buyers and credit bureaus."

    You could pooh pooh all of this of course. But I think there is some prescience in this article and like Rosen, I suggest you read it.

    Then, last Sunday I viewed SORT OF MEET THE PRESS on ABC and George Will began a resounding defense of the 1964-1965 Civil Rights Acts. I know, I know, he wrote that baseball book and showed up on that Baseball Chronicle back in the 80's but I mean he tore into Curly Paul Rand about the importance that the state will not allow businesses to discriminate on the basis of race. It was all so well done, it was all so well said.

    But these examples of unexpected conservative candor do not even come close to the demonstration I viewed yesterday.

    I do not like Andrew Napolitano any more than I like green eggs--although I do like ham. I swear, sometime in the last month I saw that sonofabitch dissing my President in the normal Fox News manner I have become so accustomed to over the last decade. Then I read this:

    "What President Bush did with the suspension of habeas corpus, with the whole concept of Guantánamo Bay, with the whole idea that he could avoid and evade federal laws, treaties, federal judges and the constitution was blatantly unconstitutional -- and in some cases criminal," Napolitano said. "They should have been indicted. They absolutely should have been indicted. For torturing, for spying, for arresting without warrants. I'd like to say they should be indicted for lying but believe it or not, unless you're under oath, lying is not a crime."

    Napolitano added that "the overwhelming...that George W. Bush as President and Dick Cheney as Vice President participated in criminal conspiracies to violate the federal law and the guaranteed civil liberties of hundreds, maybe thousands, of human beings.

    Not only did he say these things, he said them on C-SPAN while he was being interviewed by RALPH NADER!!! He sat down for an interview with RALPH NADER!!

    I ran to the window expecting to see a sign from God like a comet or the Goodyear Blimp or something!!!

    I mean first I saw the sonofabitch actually rail against the Arizona Stop & Check Law as being unconstitutional a few days ago.

    Then I read this.

    And in the video, Andrew actually praises Bugliosi along with the fine research completed in Bugliosi's call for the arrest of Bush and Cheney. I mean go figure!!!

    And there still aint no comet or Goodyear Blimp!!!