The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture



                                          3 days after the Exxon Valdez ran aground

    Okay, so rules have to be broken sometimes.

    George Will likes to wax about the time he accompanied Ronny Reagan to some repub gathering during the '80 campaigns. Seems something was amiss in the control room for the arena, so Ronny ran up there and discovered the door was locked and nobody was present.

    So Ronny just broke some window in the entryway, reached in and opened the door and all of heaven applauded as the GOP pulled in some needed cash; a definite case of justifiable B & E.

    It was like when the Supreme Court decided that George W. Bush would make a fine president and that there was no discernable reason to worry about election procedures in Florida.

    It is like when Curly Rand Paul could not meet the requirements of some ophthalmology association, so he just started his own certification panel

    Or like when the Supreme Court of the United States of America lets lying, stealing, bribing bastards from Enron out of jail because  of  an "honest services" exception that seemed to arise out of thin air.

    Or like when Palin set up her illegal legal defense fund. ooooooops. (I mean think about it. How in the hell can a legal defense fund be illegal?)

    Or like when this Emmer character up in these parts promises to make federal law illegal. (Think about this one. How can a law be illegal?)

    Or when Beck and Rush and Bachman and Palin and Hannity and the other repubs see all the facts as against them, so they just have to make up their own.

    Or like when I shot those officers in Yucca Flat.

    Sometimes rules just must be broken for the greater good!

    But few have been as good at breaking the rules for its own greater good and getting away with it as British Petroleum:

    The offshore drilling moratorium that is falling apart in court already contains one major loophole -- and there's little surprise which company is threading the needle.

    BP plans to begin drilling two miles under the sea just miles away from a delicate wildlife reserve in Alaska. The company will get around the deep-water moratorium by constructing an artificial island -- 31 acres of gravel -- and registering as an onshore rig.

    Read more:


    This all made me wax poetic even if Lyle does not really Lovett.


    If I built an isle
    Right out there on the ocean
    And if I had a platform
    I'd put it on my ait
    And we could search for oil
    Get it out of that damned ocean
    I see me upon my platform on my ait

    If we had Ronald Reagan
    I'd do just what I wanted
    I wouldn't worry bout no drilling regs
    It'd just be me and riggers
    We'd go drilling through the oceans
    Nobody'd stop my riggin; on the sea we'd drill

    If I built an isle
    Right out there on the ocean
    And if I had a platform
    I'd put it on my ait
    And we could search for oil
    Get it out of that damned ocean
    I see me upon my platform on my ait

    But I am a lot like that masked man
    I bought myself some Tontos
    'Cause Tontos sit in Congress and let me work for fees
    But Tontos get real nervous
    And stop calling me kemo sabe
    When my platform springs a leak
    And oil gushes out to sea

    If I built an isle
    Right out there on the ocean
    And if I had a platform
    I'd put it on my ait
    And we could search for oil
    Get it out of that damned ocean
    I see me upon my platform on my ait

    Now the regs will just keep tight'ning
    Unless I can hide these leakers
    Can't just come and go where I please
    I'll have to scare 'em with some lettin' go
    I'll feign to put  employees on the dole
    As I  just drill out in the arctic while sittin' on my ait

    If I built an isle
    Right out there on the ocean
    And if I had a platform
    I'd put it on my ait
    And we could search for oil
    Get it out of that damned ocean
    I see me upon my platform on my ait