The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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                                              SYMBOL OF WORLD GOVMENT

    Winston Churchill has come back from the grave to make this announcement:

    The United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power. It is a solemn moment for the American democracy. For with this primacy in power is also joined an awe-inspiring accountability to the future. As you look around you, you must feel not only the sense of duty done, but also you must feel anxiety lest you fall below the level of achievement. Opportunity is here now, clear and shining, for both our countries. To reject it or ignore it or fritter it away will bring upon us all the long reproaches of the aftertime.

    It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of decision shall rule and guide the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war. We must, and I believe we shall, prove ourselves equal to this severe requirement.

    It is my duty, however, to place before you certain facts about the present position in  the world today.

    From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic; from Athens to Cairo  and from the Pillars of Hercules to the ancient shores of Lebanon in the Mediterranean; throughout the great African Continent; throughout Asia and the Pacific and even throughout the continent of South America in the New World a soccer net has descended across the Globe. Behind this net is the single greatest single threat to the survival of civilization as we know it; ASSOCIATION OF SOCCER BALL MANUFACTURERS. (ASSBM'S)

    Our only defense against this blood seeking oligarchy has been that stalwart of freedom on this miserable Earth, that power that has always stood for individual freedom, the home of Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle and Y. A. Tittle: The United States of America.

    We have depended upon the USA to protect our boundaries, to protect our seas and to protect our oil for a century. Twice the United States has had to send several millions of its young men across the Atlantic to fight for those boundaries, those seas and that oil. But now we face a threat from which we can only find defeat. 

    The soccer net has transcended the boundaries of America.

    In a great number of countries throughout the world, ASSBM'S fifth columns were established and soccer balls were created in complete unity and absolute obedience to the directions they receive from the ASSBM'S center. Except in the United States where ASSBM'S has been in its infancy, the ASSBM'S  fifth columns constitute a growing challenge and peril to Christian civilization.

    I repulse the idea that a single world game is inevitable -- still more that it is imminent. It is because I am sure that our fortunes are still in our own hands and that we hold the power to save the future, that I feel the duty to speak out now that I have the occasion and the opportunity to do so.

    I do not believe that ASSBM'S desires to control the entire ESPN network. What this oligarchy does desire is the greatest piece of sports revenue and the indefinite minimization of the Superbowl and World Series.

    This force is not, interestingly enough, interested in destroying the sports of tennis or golf.

    I mean one tennis serve can result in 30 minutes of back and forth, back and forth ad infinitem and I mean people do need proper time to urinate and chastise their pets.

    Golf? Golf is a joke anyway since it mainly consists of tournaments played by rich white men who grew up on golf courses.

    But what we have to consider here today while time remains, is the permanent prevention of a permanent soccer tournament being aired on our tellies continually, day after day, month after month and year after year with the possible disestablishment of conditions of freedom and democracy as rapidly as possible in all countries. Our difficulties and dangers will not be removed by closing our eyes to them. They will not be removed by mere waiting to see what happens; nor will they be removed by a policy of appeasement.

    For that reason the old doctrine of a balance of power is unsound. We cannot afford, if we can help it, to work on narrow margins, offering temptations to a trial of strength between our most important sports empires.

    There never was a war in history easier to prevent by timely action than the one which has just desolated such great areas of the globe.

    We must not let it happen again.

    If the population of the English-speaking Commonwealth be added to that of the United States, with all that such cooperation implies in the air, on the sea, all over the globe, and in science and in industry, and in moral force, there will be no quivering, precarious balance of power to offer its temptation to ambition or adventure. On the contrary there will be an overwhelming assurance of security.

    If we can come to the aid of the United States of America in its hour of need;  and walk forward in sedate and sober strength, seeking no one's land or treasure, seeking to lay no arbitrary control upon the thoughts of men, if all British moral and material forces and convictions are joined with your own in fraternal association, the Super Bowl and the World Series shall survive the Gathering Storm and the public arenas of the future will be free from the monopolistic aspirations of the  ASSOCIATION OF SOCCER BALL MANUFACTURERS . (ASSBM'S), not only for us but for all, not only for our time but for a century to come.

    Winston Churchill - March 5, 1946 (With some editorial spinning from yours truly)

    In the great tradition of Winston Churchill, many in this great nation have begun to heed his words:

    BECK: I don't get the baseball thing, but the soccer thing, I hate it so much -- probably because the rest of the world likes it so much, and they riot over it, and they continually try to jam it down our throat."

    Beck expounded upon this process of jamming soccer down our throats during his temper tantrum:

    It doesn't matter how you sell it to us. It doesn't matter how many celebrities you get. It doesn't matter how many bars open early. It doesn't matter how many beer commercials they run. We don't want the World Cup. We don't like the World Cup. We don't like soccer. We want nothing to do with it. You can package it any way -- you can spend all kinds of money. You can force it on our television sets. We will not enjoy the World Cup

    MRC's Dan Gainor: "Soccer is designed as a poor man or poor woman's sport," "the left is pushing [soccer] in schools across the country." Also on the June 10 G. Gordon Liddy Show, Media Research Center's Dan Gainor said, "the problem here is, soccer is designed as a poor man or poor woman's sport" and that "the left is pushing it in schools across the country."  He added: "generally football games in this country don't devolve into riots or wars." He later added that the sport of soccer "is being sold" as necessary due to the "browning of America."

    Mark Belling: "What I really want to do is make fun of the World Cup, but I'm not going to make fun of the World Cup because when you insult soccer you get the same reaction from soccer fans that you get when you insult an aging Democratic senator's hair, they go nuts and blow it up all out of proportion." Later in the program, Belling said "I haven't talked about the World Cup, I haven't talked about how they're force-feeding this down our throats.

    The World Cup brings all of us one step closer to WORLD GOVMENT!!!

    The end.

    PS: did add this:

    Well it turns out that 120 million Americans did enjoy the World Cup that was "forced" on their television sets in 2006; 17 million Americans watched the final match alone -- and that match that didn't even include an American team. That seems like an awful lot of people not enjoying the World Cup. For sake of comparison, the NBA Finals this year are averaging 15 million viewers per night. The 2009 World Series averaged 19 million viewers.

    It turns out that there is a diverse market for televised sporting events. People watch all sorts of things -- after all, an ever-decreasing number of people still watch Glenn Beck's Fox News show.


    PPS:  Oh and happy 92nd birthday to Chris Matthews who has actually found out that teabaggers like to shoot revenuers, hate taxes, hate poor people and despise Mexicans and Black People and he will expose all these wonders and more in his upcoming special.