The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


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                                               THE SNOW JOB

    Well let us begin with this:

    The Government Accountability Office has issued recommendations to make MMS more efficient in gathering revenue, but they have yet to be implemented. One MMS official, Jimmy W. Mayberry, pleaded guilty to a felony conflict-of-interest charge and was sentenced in November to two years of probation and a $2,500 fine. Two other officials retired; for unknown reasons, the Department of Justice has declined to pursue charges. While there have been changes that have "strengthened review," the Inspector General's Office says further improvements are needed. The MMS press office did not respond to a request for comment, but, after declaring that he was "outraged" by the findings, Secretary Kempthorne has begun a series of changes aimed at cleaning out corruption in MMS. The House and Senate each acted on legislation intended to reform MMS, increase oversight and accountability, and impose penalties for oil executives who give improper gifts to Interior employees. However, none of the measures made it through both houses of Congress, so the process will need to begin again in the 111th Congress

    Now take a look at this:


    A multi-state law enforcement operation known as "Project Deliverance" resulted in the seizure of multiple kilograms of cocaine, thousands of dollars in cash and the seizure of firearms in Colorado, federal prosecutors announced yesterday.

    The 22-month investigation included 16 states, focusing on Mexican drug trafficking organizations, and yielded 429 arrests on Wednesday. In Colorado, six people were arrested. 

    Five kilograms of cocaine, approximately $21,000 in cash and two firearms were seized in Colorado, according to the U.S. Attorney's office.

    Nationally, more than 2,200 individuals were arrested on narcotics-related charges over the length of the investigation, and more than 74 tons of drugs were seized.

    The high-profile operation included more than 3,000 agents and officers who worked across the nation in a joint effort to make Wednesday's arrests. More than $5.8 million; 2,951 pounds of marijuana; 112 kilograms cocaine; 17 pounds of methamphetamine; 141 weapons; and 85 vehicles were seized Wednesday as a result of the operation.

    Over the life of the investigation, 2,266 individuals were arrested, and officers and agents seized more than $154 million; 1,262 pounds of meth; 2.5 tons of cocaine; 1,410 pounds of heroin; 69 tons of marijuana; 501 weapons; and 527 vehicles.

    U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder attributed the success of the operation to increased enforcement along the southwest border.

    "This interagency, cross-border operation has been our most extensive, and most successful law enforcement effort to date targeting these deadly cartels," he said in a statement. 

    But prosecutors said the effort is only part of an "ongoing war."

    "So long as cartels and smugglers attempt to wreak havoc on our borders, we will continue to target them with every resource available to the federal government," continued Holder

    Let me just review the drug bust for a minute.  I mean HURRAH, we have finally won our WAR ON DRUGS.


    I grew up listening to battle field reports from Vietnam streaming onto our black and white one half hour telecasts.  The war lasted almost ten years and we lost 58,000 soldiers. So for propaganda purposes, every single week we were told that we had somehow destroyed ten to a hundred times our enemies every time our losses were reported.

    I always pictured some guy with a clicker on a helicopter counting how many 'gooks' we had exterminated for the week. It was supposed to make up for the number of Americans who died during the reporting period week, most of whom never even volunteered for duty and who never were able to somehow take advantage of their 13th Amendment rights.

    Drug busts always involve the same time of inflationary propaganda. If one were to adequately research the reports of these monumental drug busts I am sure that at least six trillion dollars worth of bad stuff has been confiscated from the streets of our fair cities over the last three or four decades. Just think how high we all could have been during this period while the corporations were taking over the United States of America.

    Anywhooooo we now have the proud distinction of arresting, trying and incarcerating another 2,262 folks for decades in some outsourced prison tent in Arizona I suppose.

    The cost of all this would be astounding if we could somehow calculated it. Of course some property and cash would be confiscated. But my bet is that most fines instituted against these felons will never be paid and the taxpayers will hold the bill for incarcerating 2262 people for decades. 

    Now if we could somehow gather up all these drugs and sell them to all those folks in the Middle East who are shooting at our troops, we could somehow have a win win situation I suppose. Hell, sell them to all those European Socialists who are seeking a New World Order!!! How about that?  I think we could actually see a profit out of all this leg work.

    Okay, now let's get back to that argument I was making yesterday. 

    18 USC Section 201 would seem to call for the arrest, trial and incarceration of just about everyone from MMS along with EVERYSINGLE EMPLOYEE FROM EVERY SINGLE ENERGY COMPANY THAT EVER DID BUSINESS WITH  MMS

    But what justice have we seen thru all this? A couple fines amounting to 2500 bucks; no prison time, a few other employees simply quit.  And yet with only a short investigation it was discovered that a third of the employees in the Denver MMS installation were involved. And how many of the remaining 2/3 knew damn well what was going on!!!! By the way, you think any of these ex employees were caught in the drug sting?

    And Congress may look into new legislation that would enable the DOJ to prosecute the BRIBERS?  What in the fuck are they talking about?

    The bribers in this MMS fiasco are subject to the same sanctions as any of us under 18 USC S.201. Period.

    Hard time in prison and big big big frickin fines.

    Oh and there is RICO.

    The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (commonly referred to as RICO Act or RICO) is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. RICO was enacted by section 901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (Pub.L. 91-452, 84 Stat. 922, enacted October 15, 1970). RICO is codified as Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. § 1961-1968. While its intended use was to prosecute the Mafia as well as others who were actively engaged in organized crime, its application has been more widespread.

    It's more fun and easier just to read Wiki on this subject but check out the statute sometime:

    ANYONE WHO KNEW ABOUT THESE BRIBES and worked for any of the companies doing business with the energy companies involved in all of this could be subject TO LOSING EVERY GODDAMN NICKEL THEY EVER MADE.

    And the corporations, subject to the $250,000 fines for each and every time they broke the dictates under 18 USC S. 201; could lose every GODDAMN NICKEL THEY EVER MADE. 


    This is bullshit folks.

    With our coastal waters under attack and further threat for some indeterminable time in the future, why is this story so important.

    BECAUSE MMS IS DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN THE GODDAMN SPILL; its oversight of the off shore drilling involved making the changes in ink on the permits that the oil companies had already made in pencil for chrissakes. All the while the MMS employees were taking bribes.

    Check out some of these links if you get bored:

    major oil spills in US or coastal waters:

    "Oil reps and government employees joked about bubble baths, bringing 'the meat to the table.'

    Oh and make sure you check out Quinn's, the pictures of world wide damage committed by multibillion dollar international corporations are stunning.