by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Well, it just so happens that your boy, DF, was able to move some things around and get down to the mass teabagging that took place on the steps of California's Capitol Building in Sacramento. Fox News had dispatched Big, Bad, Business-Is-My-Business Anchor, Neil Cavuto, and Lesser Blogosphere Harpy, Michelle Malkin. I took a bunch of pictures at the event. Sadly, these pictures were taken with my phone and aren't the best quality, but hopefully they will provide a sample of the flavor of the afternoon.
The Fox News van. You can see the lower half of the satellite uplink on top.
The Fox News van parking permit. Looks like the City of Los Angeles might be owed some back dues on Rupert Murdoch's tab.
Here's a shot of the crowd from 10th Street, which runs right in front of the Capitol steps. There were definitely some people here, but not thousands as has been reported (by none other than Fox News). I've seen thousands in this very spot, where they gathered to protest the invasion of Iraq. The media coverage of that event was inversely sparse.
Here you can see the PajamasTV jumbotron, which is displaying some band that was playing. They were not very good.
This is that band. Those guys have some nice Fenders. I also have some nice Fenders. I do not use them to play crappy covers of the Eagles on the steps of state capitals.
Signs were very popular at this event. This one is pithy and arguably factual!
Before I exhibit some more signs, I must tell you about the dirty secret of teabaggers and their parties. They are not about tea. They are about Coke Zero. This shit was everywhere. As I was trying to find a place to park, I saw a large shipping truck that held only a few scant twelve packs of the stuff. I assume that it had once been full. I don't know this for sure, but these cans would have had to make other transportation arrangements if they did not in fact arrive by truck.
This enterprising gentleman was turning the leftovers of today's political angst into tonight's revenue. He was not carrying a sign or wearing a quippy t-shirt. Perhaps he left his protest regalia in his tent.
This man did not forget his quippy t-shirt, which would be right up Rush Limbaugh's alley. He informed me that the shirt could be had by visiting a web site that reports about dredging or something. He also said that his mom was going to kill him for being seen in this attire. Apparently she was foolish enough to vote for this clown!
This sign was confusing. Is she protesting Fabian Socialism or advocating for it? I can't tell. It looks like a happy sign. I can almost hear a cheesy jingle in which the lyrics inform me that the best part of waking up is Fabian Socialism.
This is a picture that I snuck through a hole in the Fox News tent. Someone had tried to tape it shut, but that didn't work. Neil Cavuto is doing something important, probably saving the country, and Michael Reagan can be seen just behind him. His dad was the Gipper.
There were many curious characters about. This man would like to impeach the teleprompter. I am not sure that the Constitution provides for this course of action, but Nancy Pelosi has likely taken it off the table in any case. Zing! See, I can be quippy, too.
There's a black box right in the middle of this picture, next to the guy's head. That is the teleprompter in question. To impeach or not to impeach? You be the judge.
These young men traveled all the way from their reservation to attend the event. I didn't think that the state had the power to tax them, but it was nice of them to show solidarity nonetheless.
This man was nearly sleeping when I tried to sneak a shot of him. When he woke up, I promptly got the hell out of there. I am not a small person, but I am no match for a giant.
Someone thought to bring a very small replica of Lady Liberty. I wonder if this is some sort of strategy for confusing giants.
This was just to the left of Lady Liberty. The message here could not be more clear: If you want more money than will fit into your coat pockets, befriend a small pig immediately.
Under no circumstances should you befriend this pig. It is guilty of crimes that we dare not name.
Some of the signs that I saw were just plain baffling. I do not know what this young lady is trying to communicate. I want to believe that she is imploring us not to cut her wrists or her classes, but I can't be sure. Would she prefer cut wrists? Is she a counter-protester? Is she perhaps unaware that more teachers and smaller class sizes are some of the things that higher tax rates pay for? Does she know that these things are some of the first to go when there are revenue troubles? Is it merely a cry for help? I don't know. She should take a lesson from the sign behind hers, which was kind enough to supply pictures of ears for enhanced clarity.
This one appears to be more clear, but then I remembered that Stalin has been dead since 1953. So, he is unavailable to comment on the subject. I also question whether he would admit that central planning does not work even if he weren't dead. Oh well. At least we can agree to leave central planning out of it!
Finally, a sign I can get behind. How should we proceed? Powdered wigs and ale you say? Don't mind if I do! This guy was nice. He was like the "Why lie? Need a drink" bum of teabaggers.
I'm quite familiar with people holding irrational beliefs about the afterlife. Happens all the time. I am not, however, acquainted with people making bold assertions about the beforelife. Instead of all this wild conjecture about what our unborn children may or may not be pissed off about, I have an alternative suggestion for a face for this movement. He's in the lower right corner. See that guy? You don't even have to tell me that he's pissed.
This was, hands down, my favorite sign of the day. It's pithy, funny and I get the cultural reference. It even makes some political sense. Also, it has a wolf on it. No reason.
Finally, finally, finally! Someone who has the gumption to put it on the line and tell me what this protest is all about. Congress has apparently been far too lax when it comes to deliberating. Well, you heard 'em, Congress! Get to it!
Sometimes it's all about the star power. There were definitely a number of people there who were very excited about the presence of Fox News.
Here Neil Cavuto has taken the stage and is interviewing Rep. Tom McClintock for Fox News. It was terribly exciting. During a lull, a woman next to me yelled, "Neil, you have the complexion of a china doll!" I wish I was kidding.
This seemingly innocuous shot appears to contain nothing of interest. There's a guy bending over. Immediately to his right, barely visible, is Michelle Malkin. I swear that she stared right through me. I had seen enough. It was time to get the hell out of Dodge she smelled my fear and alerted the horde to the sham that was my nervous smile and nod routine.
BONUS: Extremely low-quality footage of Neil Cavuto and Michael Reagan
awesome! awesome!! you are a terrific caption writer ... seriously. i agree, that welcome back carter sign rocked.
by Deadman on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 10:54pm
I thought California was the land of diversity. With the exception of Michelle Malkin, the African American guy in the Obama shirt, and Neil Cavuto (who is clearly an alien with fake smooth skin), everybody in your pictures is white.
by Orlando on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 11:22pm
A very astute observation, though I can guarantee that this is not for lack of California's diversity - Sacramento being a prime example. Indeed, nearly everyone there was white. There were also very few young people. And pretty much everyone seemed to agree that Obama is a socialist/fascist/somethingist that is intent on destroying America. Sound like the rump of a political party that you know of?
by DF on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 12:25am
I guess someone else noticed, too:
by DF on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 2:06am
Perhaps the best dag blog ever. I'm obliged to write ROFLMAO.
by Michael Wolraich on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 11:44pm
From TPM, this has to be my favorite pic from the day's events:
by DF on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 12:32am
The sign wasn't finished yet when you saw it is when he was done.
by Brett (not verified) on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 3:19pm
The only purpose of this comment is to encourage people to read DF's old post back from when the Tea Party was more funny than scary. If you've already read it, read it again. I laughed just as much on the second read.
by Michael Wolraich on Thu, 05/27/2010 - 3:49pm