by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
What a difference two years make in times as serious as these. Two Novembers ago, all was hope and glory on the center-left in American politics, all was despair and despondency on the center-right. But that is not how things stand now. The political momentum has shifted back, and shifted back very quickly, into the hands of the very conservative forces whose future looked so bleak when Obama first entered the White House. Since those conservative forces are now not simply back on the offensive, but are also significantly more conservative in policy and ideology than were their defeated predecessors, this shift in momentum is both critical and potentially dangerous for those of us committed to progressive change. The rise of the new conservatism, unless stopped, will move the whole agenda of American politics even further to the right than it was in the Bush years. Stopping it requires many things: but it must begin with a clear understanding of why the tidal wave of progressive enthusiasm that swept Obama to the presidency has now dissipated.
So why have we seen this rapid change of fortunes? Some mixture of the following four reasons at least.
1. The Weakness of the Governing Coalition What many of us missed amid the euphoria of election night in 2008, but which now is all too evident, is that the Obama campaign put together a winning electoral coalition but not an effective governing one. Obama came to Washington with blue-dog Democrats as well as liberal legislators in his camp, and the need to keep such a diverse Democratic coalition together slowed the pace of reform and blunted its effectiveness. Divisions between Democrats undermined the reform capacity of the new administration, a capacity that was also quickly eroded by the willingness and ability of the Republican Party to use every procedural device – especially the Senatorial filibuster – to slow this administration down. Two years of procedural wrangling and Democratic Party infighting later, and the Obama promise of a new politics looks particularly empty, and almost certainly will cost Democrats votes in November. It is not fully their fault, but nonetheless it is they who will pay the price.
2. Insider dealing The scale of the problems left behind by the Bush administration initially induced many of Obama’s liberal supporters to cut the new administration a large amount of slack. In fact, many still do: so it is not primarily the scale of the problems faced by the Obama team that has eventually worn that support so thin. What has worn that support thin is the cautious nature of the administration’s response to the complex set of issues that it faced. In the eyes of many of his liberal supporters, Obama the President has proved way too prone to court the votes of conservative legislators at the cost of alienating liberal ones – way too willing to do deals to get something passed rather than to stand on principle and risk no deal at all. The gap between “campaigning in poetry and governing in prose,” to which the checks and balances of U.S. politics leaves it particularly vulnerable, drained the enthusiasm out of the Democratic base just as effectively as it re-galvanized the Republican one, and did both in very quick order.
3. The gap between promise and performance The lack of enthusiasm now evident in the Democratic base is also a response to another gap – that between the scale of the recession inherited by the Obama administration and the limited impact of policies designed to abate it. The woman who told the President in September that she “was tired of defending him” and that she was “waiting, sir, I’m waiting” spoke for many frustrated Democratic voters, significant numbers of whom will presumably and in consequence sit these mid-term elections out. It is certainly the case that things would have been even worse for the vast majority of middle-class Americans had the Obama stimulus package not been passed, but that must be small comfort indeed to the millions of Americans now facing/experiencing the loss of jobs and homes. Hypothetical scenarios of worse times under the Republicans are a hard sell in the midst of job insecurity and home foreclosures of the current scale – particularly from an administration whose stimulus package would have been bigger and more effective had its concessions to Republicans been fewer in number.
4. The Persistence of Recession And in any case, the very recession whose immediate impact carried Obama over the line to power in November 2008 has now hung around long enough to blunt the capacity of his administration to make the economic and social difference that his election promised. Obama defeated McCain for the presidency in no small measure because the financial tsunami occurred on George Bush’s watch, discrediting the entire Republican ticket as it did so. Obama’s governing majority is now under threat because the economic hardships triggered by that crisis is occurring on his watch and is having a similar discrediting effect. Those who live by the sword can also die by it. The sadness is that, if the cull of liberal legislators is as heavy as predicted, a crisis caused by unregulated markets will soon have the paradoxical effect of strengthening the political hands of those who favor regulating markets less.
Is there any way now of limiting the damage, ahead of the November mid-terms? Since the alternative is two years of Washington gridlock, it is certainly worth the try. But any Democratic vote this time is likely to be a predominantly defensive one: a warning of worse times ahead if Republicans win, and a celebration of the benefits of a hard-won health-care reform package whose implementation is only now slowly beginning. But as soon as the dust settles on these mid-term elections, we will need to go on the offensive again. The offensive task will be to win back in 2012 anything lost this November: and then the requirements of the hour will be absolutely clear: a total focus between now and 2012 on job creation and the relief of housing misery, the delivery of a social reform program that will bring the changes for which the woman still waits, the insistence of having no truck with Republicans too ideologically blinkered to bargain, and the selection by Democratic activists of candidates for office in 2012 who are in possession of impeccable liberal credentials.
Political battles require strong armies and clear leadership. Thus far, the Republicans seem to have grasped that fundamental truth but the Democrats have not. “Not wasting a good crisis” was supposed to be the Rahm Emanuel mantra in Obama’s first years in the White House. Well, there has been wastage enough on Emanuel’s watch. With him gone, it is time now to learn the lesson of an opportunity lost, and move on.
Okay Coates, good post. I could write three pages on this the issues brought forth in this essay.
I wish to keep my response to What ifs:
What if 420 bills passed by the House were not sitting in limbo due to the actions of 40 or 41 Senators who follow the orders of the RNC?
What if just half of those had passed and become law?
What if the repubs had not filibustered more in 20 months than any other political party had ever filibustered in two or three times that period of months?
What if 'senate protocols' has not been so abused by the repubs over the last 20 months?
What if the financial institutions had used their immense profits by investing in the economy instead of purchasing their own stock? Of course they do not wish to invest in an economy controlled by Dems.
That does not mean of course that the dems failed to use some tools at their disposal like when the repubs threatened to get rid of the filibuster five or six years ago.
What is is, what is not is not!!
Woulda, shoulda, coulda...
by Richard Day on Sun, 10/10/2010 - 7:49pm
But any Democratic vote this time is likely to be a predominantly defensive one.
That's for sure. It's pretty damn hard to get enthusiastic about these Dems on their own merits.
My local Dem US Senate candidate is running around trying to convince everybody that he is the "true fiscal conservative", and is busy voting against all of the stimulatory spending projects that come up in Congress. And he's not even a blue dog from the party's right wing, but a moderately liberal US Representative in the middle of the Democratic Party. You can't even get these cats to stand up for the smart things they did. They're running away from their Keynesian votes, and have now dicovered the joys of Republican-style fiscal austerity and belt-tightening.
I'm going to vote for the guy, and promised a campaign worker I know that I would write a supportive letter to the paper. But I'm having a hard time figuring out what to write that won't come off as damning with faint praise. I'll mostly write about what a horror show Republican rule will be.
It's pretty amazing to me that even in the deepest and most dangerously contractionary recession since the Great Depression, a sellers market for left-wing economic ideas if there ever was one, we have a Democratic party that can't sell its own classic economic philosophy, and is now on the defense and in full retreat against the forces of unapologetic hyper-Hooverism.
by Dan Kervick on Sun, 10/10/2010 - 10:36pm
Man, that's depressing. True. But depressing.
Good to see you at Dag!
by Orlando on Sun, 10/10/2010 - 10:40pm
It's not just an enthusiasm gap it’s a reality gap.
The message insults the intelligence of the working class.
Recently I heard Obama say, the republicans want to cut education and we need this education for FUTURE JOBS.
Future JOBS…… give us a break. The future jobs will be filled with immigrants with visas, because they work so much cheaper. Engineers from India
Aren’t those the ones Bill Gates thinks are so wonderful, while our present engineers are laid off?
Hooray! were all going to get a college degree for the available jobs of the future, all 26 million of us.
It must have been a democratic wordsmith to say it was solely a enthusiasm gap, it's more like Obama has a reality gap. Keep talking happy talk while the rest of the population knows your full of it.
The rest of the nation is so unsure of the future; in fact a majority of Americans feel we are headed in the wrong direction now, because they fear the future, under corporate rule.
The working class knows were screwed, and Obama's trying to polish the turd,
Future Jobs? What slinging Hamburgers?
In debt up to our eyeballs with student loans?
Just like housing, you paid 100’s of thousands and it’s worth less.
You paid thousands for an education and you owe more than you’ll ever make.
by Resistance on Mon, 10/11/2010 - 5:34am
Boy does that sound like Reganomics. Are you sure you are talking about Obama reality gap?
by trkingmomoe on Tue, 10/12/2010 - 1:32am
Yeah, how’s that “change we can believe in” working out?
Then wonder why there's an enthusiasm gap?
Not too much enthusiastic with more BS
Republican lite? No thank you.
Not much of a future there.
by Resistance on Tue, 10/12/2010 - 6:05pm