The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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                      RUSH IN YOUNGER DAYS


    1970: Place: Some Selective Service Office:

    Oh I was supposed to check in here, my number is 9.

    Selective Service: Oh well that is fine. Just go over there in that line with the semi naked guys.

    Well wait a minute now! I have a doctor’s opinion you are supposed to see!!!

    Those precious documents are most desired down the line boy!!!

    Now get those clothes off and get the hell in line.

    The semi obese freshman college drop-out walked to the line carrying his own papers as well as his clothes with him. This was supposed to be a slam dunk and I am stuck in this hole bare ass nekked. Damn, he thought.

    Bend over and grab your ankles youngster, ordered the man in the white smock.

    My Gawd, that is the most disgusting thing I have looked at all day.

    Okay, the boy said wondering what all this was about.

    Well you can stand up now boy.

    He found himself in yet another line.

    After he had reached the front of this new line he pulled out a doctor’s note from the pants he was carrying and handed it to the man who greeted him gruffly.

    Now what the fuck is this the man asked as he grabbed the note for a quick scan.

    Your what hurts? Demanded the receiver of the secret coded message, very loudly.

    Pilonidal process or disease is no joke; responded the loser.

    YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO GET OUT OF THE DRAFT BASED UPON A PAIN IN YOUR ARSE? Inquired the sergeant. Let me tell you something boy, YOU ARE THE PAIN IN THE ARSE!!!


    People who have only shown the military hatred and contempt are now celebrating the death of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.




    1982: Place: Somewhere in Yazoo City:

    Okay, now Haley, you have to at least pretend that you recognize the sensitivities of a good portion of our voters. You understand?

    Well of course I do. I mean we must rail against Affirmative Action but refrain from attacking the fifteen years of Civil Rights Legislation. I got that.

    Okay, well you go get em Haley!!!

    Eventually, it was Barbour's turn. In 1982, he was presented with an unexpected opportunity to run as the Republican candidate against the state's esteemed Democratic senator John Stennis. Stennis was a Mississippi institution but also an octogenarian: "a senator for the '80s, not a senator in his 80s" was Barbour's unofficial motto. The young candidate's inexperience showed, sometimes painfully. Barbour was embarrassed by an aide's nasty remarks about "coons" at campaign rallies. But in reprimanding the aide, he only made things worse. As The New York Times recounted it, Barbour warned the aide that if he "persisted in racist remarks, he would be reincarnated as a watermelon and placed at the mercy of blacks." Stennis easily won the race—because he was beloved in the state, not because of Barbour's gaffe. But Barbour could see he still had a lot to learn about politics.



    1982: Two men meet in the Oval Office:


    Now Pat, remember the sensibilities of our Kosher constituents. Okay?

    I know I know, but they did kill my savior.

    Now we shall have none of that Mr. Buchanan!!

    Ahhhhhhhhhh, I was just joshin’ Mr. President.

    And a good laugh was had by all!

    In his Ivan the Terrible column, Buchanan also tried to explain away death camp eyewitnesses by saying "Since the war, 1,600 medical papers have been written on 'The Psychological and Medical Effects of the Concentration Camps on Holocaust Survivors.' This so-called 'Holocaust Survivor syndrome involves 'group fantasies of martyrdom and heroics.' "

    To this day - the last week of February 1996 to be exact - Buchanan still defends his Demanjuk columns as "the best journalism I ever did."



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    I can't see Barbour having the discipline to run for president with out his Mississippi good old boy's mouth getting him in deep trouble in the Northern primaries. It will be interesting to see who emerges as the leader in that race.