The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture



    The last Caliph, Abdülmecid II

    Governor of the State of Wisconsin
    Seal of Wisconsin.svg
    Official Seal of the State of Wisconsin
    Scott Walker


                                   THE NEW REPUB CALIPHATE

    The World is a bad place

    A terrible place to live

    Oh but I don’t want to to die!!!


    Meanwhile, back in the Magnolia State, the Sons of Confederate Veterans are mounting a campaign to issue commemorative state license plates in honor of the 150th anniversary of what the group still calls "the war between the states." One of the proposed plates would feature Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate general who served as the Ku Klux Klan's first Grand Wizard -- and who oversaw the infamous "Fort Pillow Massacre" of 1864. True, Barbour may end up ducking this one; the plan still has to be presented to the Legislature and passed. But it could land on his desk, too; the name Nathan Bedford Forrest still has resonance with many white Southerners



    New York Times October 30, 1877


    On the 12th of April he appeared before Fort Pillow. This fort was garrisoned by 500 troops, about half of them colored. Forrest's force numbered about 5,000 or 6,000. His first attack was a complete surprise, and the commanding officer was killed early in the engagement. Still the defenders fought so gallantly that at 2 o'clock the enemy had gained no material advantage. Forrest then sent in a flag of truce, demanding unconditional surrender. While the flag was flying, Forrest's men treacherously crept into positions which they had been unable to take by fight, (a trick they had played at other places,) and thus were in a situation to make the assault which soon followed under every advantage. After a short consultation, Major Bradford, on whom the command had devolved, sent word refusing to surrender. Instantly the bugles sounded the assault. The enemy were now within 100 yards of the fort, and at the sound they rushed on the works, shouting "No quarter! No quarter!" The garrison was seized with a panic: the men threw down their arms and sought safety in flight toward the river, in the neighboring ravine, behind logs, bushes, trees, and in fact everywhere where there was a chance for concealment. It was in vain. The captured fort and its vicinity became a human shambles. Without discrimination of age or sex, men, women, and children, the sick and wounded in the hospitals, were butchered without mercy. The bloody work went on until night put a temporary stop to it; but it was renewed at early dawn, when the inhuman captors searched the vicinity of the fort, dragging out wounded fugitives and killing them where they lay. The whole history of the affair was brought out by a Congressional inquiry, and the testimony presents a long series of sickening, cold-blooded atrocities. Forrest reported his own loss at 20 killed and 60 wounded; and states that he buried 228 Federals on the evening of the assault. Yet in the face of this he claimed that the Fort Pillow capture was "a bloody victory, only made a massacre by dastardly Yankee reporters.

    General Nathan Bedford Forrest was a war criminal. Hiding under cover of a white flag and proceeding to kill every single man woman and child in the compound known as Ft. Pillow should be enough.

    Well that gave Bedford an idea after the war was lost.

    He would take those truce flags and turn them into some really keen suits; adding pointy little hats and assaulting the freed slaves.

    You know; protecting the innocence and purity of the white women folk!

    That’s right folks, the right and honorable General Bedford Forrest also founded the Ku Klux Klan!!!! What a guy!


    Now the New Orleans Saints just were approved as honorees on license plates. You have to pay an extra fifty smackers to receive a NO Saints approved license plate.

    And Haley Barbour was asked about all of this and he saw nothing wrong with it. That was reported at another link.

    Hell, hit the licensee with a $5,000.00 fee for a license plate honoring General Bedford.

    This is the repub party of today folks. They wish to give awards posthumously to NAZI WAR CRIMINALS.

    Do not fool yourself any longer.

    The new right not only wishes to honor the war criminal racist KKKer’s of yesteryear…

    They wish to bring back Joe McCarthy and all the right wing fascist racist pricks from the 50’s, they wish to bring back the commie fears and add the Islamic hated of the Middle Ages.

    They are conflagrating every single menace of the last thousand years in order to destroy labor in this country. And why?

    Jihadists come from Mexico.

    WHY? Why to help management of course. In order to create more corporate power than the world has ever known; which they have managed to create over the last three decades.

    Fuck Egyptian Coup d’etats; take a look at this coup just accomplished in Wisconsin:

    I mean they already destroyed labor under Reagan. But this Wisconsin Governor is in fact declaring all unions dead. Dead!!!

    So go ahead dead heads.  Speak of moderation and giving both sides time to speak.

    It is all over folks.

    The fascist prick corporate oligarchist pricks have won after all.

    America gets what it deserves.

    As Ron Paul puts it


    America has now been taken over by Breitbart and Beckerhead and rush and their gang of fascist pricks:

    But, he said, the women of the anti-war group Code Pink are "tedious at this point" because they used to be "kinda slutty lefties," but "they're getting long in the tooth."

    "I don't know why I decided to make my career trying to destroy the institutional left. I thought that would be a fun thing to do," he said at the opening of his remarks. He described how he's found that the people in protests "are not individuals. They've been community organized."

    "They're not Americans," Breitbart said later. "They're animals."


    And just in case you feel that Breitbart and the rest are just fringe repubs check out this:


    Or is it the repubs who got us all under their wheels?





    Hey DD, it's Forrest, I think. My parents used to live on General Forrest Ct. in Nashville, TN. There were two Jewish families, a black family, and an Asian family living on the cul-de-sac, which I suppose is some kind of poetic justice.

    I should review my own links for chrissakes! ha

    Poetic justice indeed!

    For those who like poetic justice, you should take a drive through Stone Mountain Park. This park, with its granite bas relief of the heroes of the confederacy, which was once owned by a Grand Wizard of the KKK, is now a multicultural haven for people wanting to run/walk/bike on a pleasant 5-mile course around the mountain.

    Oh America has come a long long way.

    I am just overcome with despair over the new right hyperbole sometimes.

    You could not talk like these hate mongers and stay on TV or radio two decades ago.

    Now they get away with murder!

    I think that this General Forrest stuff is old-school Confederacy whitewashing. Heck, it's the Sons of Confederate Veterans who are behind it. And yeah, they're probably Republicans now, but their daddies were almost certainly Democrats, and they were probably pro-labor to boot.

    Richard, I'm with you, my friend.  I'm not about to make nice with the Repubs.  They'll take it as a sign of weakness and eat me for breakfast.  I see no signs of reconciliation from them, and even if I did I wouldn't trust them.

    I'm in South Carolina for another month and a half and I'm laying low when it comes to my liberal Yankee roots.  Saw a truck the other day with a Confederate-flagged bumper sticker:  FIGHTING TERRORISM SINCE 1861.  Who can blame them for taking their defeat hard--even after 150 years? 

    I get it that they don't like us northerners.  I'm seeing a whole slew of bumper stickers like this one:  If they're Snow Birds can we shoot 'em?

    That one I'm taking personally.


    Thanks for chiming in, not much action in my corner for awhile.

    I went looking for irony here but it turns out that  the minority prison population down there does not make license plates after all, they just pick cotton like their ancestors did 200 years ago.

    Damnyankee is one word to them