by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
As for any political ambitions Angle may have for running for office in the next election cycle, according to the Leader…
Angle made the trip to New Hampshire for the premiere of The Genesis Code, a film that reportedly advocates for teaching creationism in public schools and enacting severe restrictions on abortion
“Why can't we present both theories to our children and let them choose?" said Angle, according to the Monitor. She reportedly noted that when she was a teacher, she instructed children on creationism as well as evolution
A segment of questions presented in our current SAT’s:
The Earth is:
A. Six to ten thousand years old.
B. Four to five billion years old.
C. A great series presented on the Discovery Channel.
George Washington was:
A. The first President of the United States.
B. A good solid Christian and a Man of God.
C. A very tall man who hated Muslims.
D. A bridge in Newark.
The speed of light is:
A. 186,000 miles per second rounding off.
B. 186,000 miles per second in this part of our universe
C. The speed varies depending upon your relationship to God
D. Who cares?
Coal and oil represent:
A. Organic materials deposited in the earth over the eons that once were living plants and animals.
B. Gifts from God.
Fred Flintstone was:
A. A cartoon character that was fictional in nature and presented in a cheaper format than Disney cartoons of old.
B. An animated documentary representing the true relationship between dinosaurs and man before the Great Flood.
C. One of our Founding Fathers.
The current President of the United States is:
A. Barack Hussein Obama
B. We do not have a current President of the United States because Obama is not a true citizen of the United States of America.
The Legislative Branch of the United States consists of:
A. 100 Senators and 435 voting members of the House of Representatives.
B. The Southern Baptist Convention.
The greatest threat to American democracy is:
A. Communism
B. Unions
C. Muslims
D. Materialism
E. The Democrat Party
F. Sharia Law
G. All of the above
Slavery in America was:
A. A necessary evil in the olden days.
B. The subjugation of the Black Race by White demons
C. A form of apprenticeship like that presented on reality TV
D. Something that our Founding Fathers abolished long ago.
E. All of the above.
The United States of America is currently at war in:
A. Iraq
B. Afghanistan
C. Madison, Wisconsin
D. All of the above.
Liberals are:
A. Good and decent people who have gone astray
B. One facet of the American political scene
C. Muslim and communist sympathizers who read too many newspapers
D. All of the above.
Income taxes:
A. Are authorized by the 16th Amendment to the United State of America
B. Were instituted by Communists
C. Is an unconstitutional exercise by the U.S. Government aimed at the redistribution of Wealth.
D. All of the above.
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution:
A. Guarantees freedom of Religion to all our citizens as long as that religion is Christian in nature.
B. Guarantees Freedom of Speech unless that speech involves Shia Law.
C. Guarantees Corporations the right to lobby our representatives in Washington, D.C.
D. Establishes Christianity as our National religion.
E. All of the above
The Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution:
A. Guarantees the right to bring Civil Actions in the Federal Courts.
B. Forbids actions brought against Christian Doctors who do not perform abortions.
C. Guarantees your right to become attorneys if you have enough money for tuition.
D. All of the above.
Abortion is:
A. Murder and an affront against God & Man.
B. A constitutionally protected right as outlined in Roe v. Wade
C. Any movie starring Adam Sandler
D. All of the above.
The Milky Way is:
A. The galaxy that includes our Solar System
B. A group of stars tossed into the ethos by God on the Fourth Day.
C. A great candy bar that is detested by our current First Lady
D. All of the above.
The Ten Commandments:
A. Represent the Law of God as given to Moses.
B. Underlie our Federal Constitution
C. Is a great movie starring Charlton Heston
D. All of the above.
A Caliphate is:
A. A Muslim threat to our freedoms and our Country
B. The aim of organizations like ACORN & the ACLU
C. A dental cleansing agent
D. All of the above.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was:
A. The single worst president in the history of this country—who was born here.
B. A President who chose to bring us into a war against God Loving Germans and on the side of dirty Russian Communist bastards.
C. A President who instituted communist measures that have hamstrung our business enterprises and rewarded those who refuse to work and support their families.
D. All of the above
Ronald Reagan was:
A. A gift from God
(Previously posted @
Whatever happened to those hard-ass old conservatives who insisted you had to pay attention to reality, and the hard truths of life? They'd have laughed at the idea of kids "choosing."
Ok teach, I choose not to take this test.
by quinn esq on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 10:15am
I just cannot figure this new approach to education at all.
How well does one have to perform on the SAT's to get into Oral Roberts University or the fake Robertson Law School these days?
Maybe all the IQ tests must be reexamined.
by Richard Day on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 10:34am
I know you don't mean the question seriously but ... you need decent, although not fabulous, grades and SATs to get into Oral Roberts. They take about 65% of their students, which isn't very selective but is tougher than many good schools.
The pernicious thing isn't that they're stupid. It's that they train their intellectual energies toward irrational ends. It takes a lot of raw candlepower to come up with all the rationalizations you need to believe in nonsense.
by Doctor Cleveland on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 10:56am
You cannot be a fundamentalist and practice geology, mathematics, astronomy, physics or a hundred other scientific disciplines.
If we cannot agree on the ranges for the speed of light--depending upon the contexts whether we are talking about outer space or our atmosphere or water--what can we agree upon?
The earth is not only ten thousand years old because we would be able to see only a small percentage of the stars in the sky.
God did not stand upon the earth and throw the moon and the sun and the stars into the sky.
There is no dome as depicted in Genesis.
Evolution is a fact of life or you cannot properly practice medicine.
And now these flakes are putting this crap in our children's textbooks!
And the new propaganda in those text books that replace our history with myths created by fascists is a threat to our national consciousness.
You wait and see. These cretins are going to change our SAT's and other tests that gauge our children's knowledge.
These people are dangerous.
by Richard Day on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 11:10am
I agree about the sciences, even if there's a long tradition of religious scientists doing double-think. (A born-again doctor might officially disbelieve in evolution but know that prescribing antibiotics willy-nilly leads to bacteria with resistance to antibiotics.) I'm not saying that their conclusions aren't stupid.
But you asked how hard it was to get in to Oral ROberts. That question has an answer: they don't take everyobody.
Let me rephrase your position: you can't be a good geologist if you're a young earth creationist, no matter how high your IQ is.But that doesn't mean that none of the young earth creationists would have the brains to be good geologists if they accepted the scientific method. Some of them are smart people who believe insane things. That's the sad part.
There's crazy and there's stupid. Both are bad. But somepeople with a high natural intellidence funnel all of that intelligence into supporting their craziness, so that they have high IQs and are wrong about everything. (Mike Huckabee isn't dumb. He just spends all of his brainpower excusing and defending stupidity. There's a difference.)
by Doctor Cleveland on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 12:22pm
I have a couple of friends who are creationists. One of them has done work with genetic algorithms, so he is a creationist despite having at least a rudimentary idea of how evolution can work. I'm also aware of a creationist microbiologist who believes in microevolution (and has done work involving it), but not macroevolution (that's a distinction often made by creationists).
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 12:41pm
You know, Mr. Day....I always kinda wished the world really was flat. That way, I'd never have to walk uphill.
by wabby on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 10:20am
I tell ya Flower, at my age the slightest incline becomes more of a task. haha
by Richard Day on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 10:32am
Hmmm, isn't the idea of letting the kids decide one of those Un-American educational concepts fostered by California Montessori-type schools? Y'know, the places that Conservatives used to scream were full of Commies and bleeding heart liberal hippies? Schools that were nothing more than bastions of ignorance where spoiled and undisciplined kids only learn what they want to learn and which will eventually destroy America's future greatness? Who knew that concept was actually Conservative?
by MrSmith1 on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 5:02pm
I remember those days Smith.
I was not in one of those commie schools, but I recall the debate.
In the end, I keep reminding myself, that whatever they teach, the smart kids will rebel!!
by Richard Day on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 5:07pm
Actually, it's interesting to compare this concept of letting the kids decide between creationism and evolution with their disdain for multiculturism expressed in the video that Orion linked to in his American Nazism posting.
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 5:30pm
You got it!
fundamentalist Muslim is as stupid as fundamentalist Christian!!
by Richard Day on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 5:42pm