We Need To Move This Community Forward -- Now!

    It is easy to say that others are responsible for progress.  To fail to take ownership of the here and now.  Well, as one member of this community, I am here to tell you, it is time for all of us -- for me, and for you -- to take responsibility now to move our community forward, together.  There is nothing that could possibly be more important.

    For many years, this community has been divided.  People have formed factions.  They have fought.  They have argued.  On one hand, a faction argues for its vision of things -- the things our community should focus upon.  On the other side, the other faction argues fervently for its competing goals.  When these factions split our community, it has become crystal clear:  nothing gets done.  Nothing.  So what are we to do?

    I say unite.  I say for far too long, we have been divided against ourselves.  Who is to say that the things I care about, and the things you care about, are not closer in conception than we dare to think?  Of course, not all things can be the same.  Not all matters can be agreed upon.  But if we only took the time to realize how deeply common our concerns, our things, the very stuff of our existence are, then we could come together with common purpose and take this community where it needs to go -- forward.

    There are naysayers who will say this goes too far.  That I dream too big.  I say no.  This dream is real.  The people who say that their things and stuff are so unlike everyone else's are the people who have us stuck in reverse.  And there is no place here for them.  None.  You know who you are.  I'm talking to you.  It's time you hit the highway, and let the rest of us move ahead.

    Here is my plan.  People need to listen to the perspectives of others.  Listening counts.  Once we have a process in place to exchange perspectives, the things that divide us will fall away.  So everyone -- I appeal to your common sense, your sense of decency, your fundamental civic-mindedness -- let us join together and not waste this opportunity to move ahead.  What do we have to lose?  That which we do not have?  That which we have not achieved?  The bitter differences?  The failures to communicate?  I say no.  Let us appreciate our different perspectives, and remain mindful of the deep similarities between our aspirations.  Let us get to yes.

    If we do these things, despite recent failures for which we are all ultimately answerable, I am confident -- no, certain -- that we will move this community forward, where it should be, and not backward.  I know after thinking this through, you will agree.  And we will join together, behind these principles and the plan I have articulated today.  So let's get to work, people!  This community needs our help!



    I suspect the community would unify more rapidly if we were permitted the one sacrifice. You know. The one we were talking about. He just doesn't contribute very much, and really, he isn't that clever.

    Can we?

    Second question - where are we moving forward to? Has somebody asked this already?

    I pick Philly. How could anyone not want to live in Philly?

    Philly? You're crazier than I thought.

    I vote for Acupulco.

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