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    Arthur of the Roundish Table--A Tale of Two Visions

    Lancelot finished his rosaries, on a wonderful mesa, filled with green and a view of forests and a sniff of nature.  His Clementine awaited. She knew when he was in one of his moods.    To be able to follow such a fine man, was in her blood. She knew this was the one.

    She nudged him as he slept. She had all she could hope for in the green. Everything she needed to eat. All from nature. Yet, Man, he had brought her out of nature. She was domesticated. Whatever that meant. She knew there was a purpose. She knew it was time to arise.

    Lancelot awoke. He looked up and saw his Clementine.  Hahahhahahahahaa. (He always said that endearingly to his horse when she woke him)

    He had finished his rosaries the night before and therefore he was without sin. What a feeling.
    He only needed the Eucharist to complete the wave, so to speak.

    He came upon a church. Just inside the forest. It was small but so beautiful. He stopped and went inside to experience the new.

    He sang:

    All my hopes were drown
    And my horizons grey
    I had been holdin out awhile
    For the Sun's new rays
    I'd be on the farm
    If I wasn't away
    Avalona Dreamin
    The Quest is on the way

    Stopped into a chapel
    I found along the way
    Well I got down on my knees
    And I began to pray
    A vision came from above
    That is all I can really  say
    You know the priest is gonna scold
    Could not see the way
    Avalona Dreamin
    The Quest is on the way
    The knighthood's in disgrace
    Messed up along the way
    Well we had the best intentions
    As I began to say
    You know the devil wants a goal
    And it is not for good
    Avalona Dreamin
    The Quest is on the way

    Lancelot stayed on for mass. He received the Holy Eucharist. He knew what he was about to do. Seek the Quest.

    He would await in the forest to find his new vision and maybe, his  true calling. 

    Beau Manes had a companion on his way to Cornwall.  Sir Quixotic and he had celebrated on the house, so to speak, at the inn and slept in.  They were making good time when two knights appeared to the south, right where they were headed.

    It was the Dark Knight and his companion Sir Badass (pronounced Rabbit). They stopped about fifty yards away.  A fine day for a joust, doest thou not think?

    A very fine day indeed called out Sir Quixotic.

    With that all four knights prepared their spears for action. Beau Manes went for the Dark Knight and Sir Quixotic went for Badass. The problem of course was that the Dark Knight was going for Sir Quixotic and Sir Badass was heading toward Beau Manes.

    Well, you can imagine how confusing all this was for our heroes as well as the villains.

    Everybody missed everybody and the horses did not find any of this humorous to say the least.

    So the knights realigned themselves and this time The Dark Knight (he appreciated the capital T, it made it look like he had three names instead of the normal two) headed for Sir Quixotic and Sir Badass headed for Beau Manes.  But Beau Manes was headed for the Dark Knight again and, well, another missed opportunity for the four would be gladiators.

    The Dark Knight then dismounted. Nothing seems to go right these days.  I mean, how hard can it be and look at us. I am just glad that no one has a video camera. Beau Manes dismounted also and walked his horse over to the Dark Knight. And the two sat down to be shortly joined by the other pair.

    Now, now said Beau Manes, it cannot be that bad. Anyway, on another subject, how came you to the name The Dark Knight (realizing that the capital T was of import here)

    Because my real name is [p[ypwrqx[z /n.m,a'wp-Welsh, you know and not pronounceable.

    Where were you headed?
    Asked Sir Quixotic.

    Oh we are headed for Camelot.  We heard tell of a jousting tournament in a fortnight or so, as soon as the Archbishop heads up to Vegas for a special show.  You know he doth not like tournaments, thinking they are against God's Law.  They all blessed themselves.

    Where art thou headed?
    Asked Sir Badass.

    We are off to see King Mark at Joyous Gard. He has called for a quest of some sort and so King Arthur sent me to see what all the fuss was about.

    Well if it is King Mark, he is looking for a way to make more money,
    noted The Dark Knight.
    All four knights laughed at this.  The four commiserated for awhile and had a gay old time.  Gay in the old sense of that word.  Like the Gay 90s or the Enola Gay.

    Our two heroes proceeded to Joyous Gard. At first the guards at the Gard would not permit Sir Quixotic to pass over the draw bridge.  But after a short talk with Beau Manes he was admitted.

     They entered the throne room and were greeted by the not so king sized King.

    Beau Manes, very fine to meet you. I have heard a lot about you. And who is your distinguished companion?

    I am Sir Quixotic.

    Sir Quixotic, you fought with my Uncle Gorlois, did you not?

    Yes Sire. When we were supporting Vortigern.

    Good, good to see you.  There is a quest, a bit of a mystical quest in the offing dear knights and that is what you were called here to witness.

    An aura descended upon my kingdom two days ago.  And then a deep fog. Out of the fog came a vision. Three beautiful ladies, rather tall actually, came into my throne room carrying a beautiful tray filled with the most exquisite of hors d'eouvres and the finest of wines.

    Now that was just something set up by mumsy but then the shrimp was just scrumptious and...

    Oh well, then this huge knight appeared, green in color. He appeared on his horse in the grand dining room and dismounted and walked on the table. And Sir Mucker of my guard was much disquieted by this performance he demurred, quite loudly. And the Green Knight did thus point a magic stick at him and Sir Mucker was mucked, so to speak, turned into a greenish slime before my royal eyes.

    And the room glowed a magic green. And all present were most astonished. And then the Green Knight did make the following declaration:

    Green Green, I soon will be dead
    Oh the fates are so mean
    As they can do is scowl
    You can beat them you know
    Knights come  and find bonny green

    Green Green, I love bein alive
    I need your help with my dream
    A fortnight from now
    Come and fine me and lo
    A treasure is yours, all is green

    So come search for me, wait till a day,
    Save my neck from the bloody fates
    And my treasure will be seen
    And you will all be swimming in green

    A beautiful song do you not think? But what can it mean?  Except that if some brave knight finds this strange creature and saves him, we will all be rich.  What doest thou think?

    Sir Quixotic spoke up: I have heard tell of this creature. He likes to stand on a grand hill not far from here and shout:


    Nobody really knows why he does this but we know he really like vegetables. And he is usually very jolly about it all. But do away with Sir Mucker, that was villainy incarnate.

    Well not really, said the King.  Sir Mucker was really a downer, if you know what I mean and we had rumors of him parading around the country side and raping young milk maids.  But what do you think? Sir Beau Manes?

    Well by chance and by luck, my new companion seems to know where to find this strange creature. I cannot imagine who would be out to kill him. But we would be more than content to go out and seek this quest and find the treasure.

    Good, good. Then it is settled.  But you two will stay with us tonight and sup with us and after mass tomorrow morn, you may begin your quest, fresh.


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