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    AULD LANG SYNE; Remembrances of Commie Epithets Gone

    File:Quran cover.jpg

                                                               A  muṣḥaf

    1 Rescue me, O LORD, from evil men;
           protect me from men of violence,

        2 who devise evil plans in their hearts
           and stir up war every day.

        3 They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent's;
           the poison of vipers is on their lips.

        4 Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked;
           protect me from men of violence
           who plan to trip my feet.

        5 Proud men have hidden a snare for me;
           they have spread out the cords of their net
           and have set traps for me along my path

    PSALM 140

    Let us take a short look historically at how calling your political opponents  anti-Americans worked over the last seventy years or so.

    FDR:  There is a story that FDR showed up in the mighty offices of Henry Ford sometime in '31 asking for his help in the '32 presidential sweepstakes. Ford demurred.  Why should I help some socialist like you?

    Supposedly the Governor of NYS told old Henry that if liberals were not put in office, there would be a socialist revolution in this country and FDR would lead it.

    Oh large parts of the capitalist oligarchy saw FDR as a commie sympathizer, but the repubs were so utterly devastated in the electoral process that calling the man in a wheel chair a poopy pants just did not work that well. And besides, the Ruskies became our allies. Something that fascist sympathizers like Buchanan are still pissed about.

    HST:  Harry was a commie of course. I mean he advocated full health insurance coverage for the entire country.  But he took after those commie Asian bastards in Korea, so he kind of took the fire away from the corporate monkeys who had still held out hope to destroy Social Security.

    IKE:  Yeah. Like calling the guy who won WWII a commie was going to get you anywhere. Ask the John Birchers how far they got with that one. Of course Ike knew how to end wars....Anyone around like that in this day and age?

    JFK: Oh THEY all yelled that JFK was a commie but the nation knew that commies were fat and bald like Nikita so the moniker never really worked, never really hit home.  

    LBJ:  The single most socialist president in history. So of course he had to go kill some commies.

    NIXON:  LET'S GO KILL EVEN MORE COMMIES.  And he could have that felon Agnew run around calling all us hippies commies and screaming for law and order.  Law and order really ended up making Agnew look kind of bad really. Made Nixon look kind of bad too. Beware what you wish for in this world.  Sometimes when you scream for law and order, you find both.

    FORD:  Ford was never elected to anything. Daddy bought him a seat in Congress where he could call dem leaders commies and stuff which made it easier to have him appointed CIF.

    CARTER:  Nicest man to ever sit in the WH; the most religiously pure guy around; wonderful wife and pretty daughter. A moderate who was certainly called a commie symp but that label never stuck either. He had problems with 17% inflation, high unemployment and some dirty rotten Muslim clerics. P--SHAW.

    REAGAN/BUSH: The single worst twelve years that the middle class ever saw. You want to know how we got here?  Just look at these two schmucks; the hey-day of commie baiting really. Oh and they won the battle against the commie menace. BUT WHAT THE FUCK DO WE DO NOW?  We were doing too much business with China by then so the Chinese commie menace just did not work any longer. By '91 the right wing fascist mudslingers would let out a commie slam here and there and then kind of look at the floor. WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW?  Commie as a term just did not have that old zing anymore.

    CLINTON: Kind of a continuation of R&B but with a little softer touch. Instead of commie bastard the fascists decided to keep yelling about the deficit. DEFICIT. Fuck you he thought. But hey, twenty million jobs created in eight years.  All these millionaire bastards making all this good money. YOU WANT TO WORK ON THE FUCKING DEFICIT. Well pay up money pants. So Wild Bill put a couple of points back on the rich side of the ledger for taxes and deficit problems. Imagine that.

    Just a little note from me here. FUCK THE DEFICIT.  The powers that be own hundreds of trillions of dollars spending all their time raping the world. Have those bastards pay the goddamn deficit for chrissakes. They are the ones benefiting from our 'system' anyway.


    W BUSH:  Of course the corporate fascist oligarchy had this idiot appointed since he surely could not have been elected. I mean 'strategery'. The rich and my own people need more money to protect what we have. We stole the money fair and square in the first place and nobody is taking it away from us. We will reduce taxes for the rich and send the rest of America enough money for toasters. And then we will GO AFTER THOSE MUSLIM BASTARDS WHO MAY NOT BE COMMIES, BUT ARE BASTARDS NONETHELESS.  And lo and behold the lord sent a few muslim monkeys into the skies on four airplanes and three hit their targets. And w saw it and said: ALL IS GOOD. We shall go into Iraq where all my defense friends wanted to go for a decade anyway. Fuck commies. RADICAL MUSLIMS. That's it.  And anyone who is not WITH ME IS AGIN ME. Anyone questioning my warring IS ANTI AMERICAN. And BEHOLD, WE NEEDED THE COMMIE THREAT NO LONGER.  WE HAVE THE FUCKING QORAN AND WE CAN REMAIN AT WARS ALL OVER THE FUCKING WORLD FOREVER.  And w's old friends wish to go into Syria, into Iran, into Somalia and into Yemen. AND THE CHENEY SAID THIS IS ALL GOOD!!!

    But just a second folks. WHO HAS THE SECOND BIGGEST STOREHOUSE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN THE WORLD?  The Ruskies. Who could blow up the entire world tomorrow and make it inhabitable for centuries to come?  The US for sure but also those damn Ruskies.  Mark my words, sometime in the future, the fascists will start calling the rationals Ruskie Symps.

    That is my prediction for the new decade folks. You wait and see. You know who has had to deal with Muslims as a minority in their country for hundreds of years besides India? Russia. Russia is going to position itself as a friend to some Muslim nations and our country understands black and white, good and evil and friends and enemies. This Muslim thing is just too damn complicated for our people to really grasp. As soon as Russia figures out how to make a lot of money off of it, our former adversary will position itself spoiling for some real confrontation.

    Anyway, what is the point of this rant? (As if I ever have a real point. I mean you kind of just string stuff together and....well that is what string theory is all about anyway, is it not?)

    My friend Brat Hume is back in style. Now he would like to call My President a commie. He certainly likes the phrase 'sliding into socialism'. But he knows damn well that that kind of talk does not have the punch of commie symp. No pizzazz.

    Okay, so Brat cannot simply say that My President is SOFT ON COMMUNISM. Nothing there anymore. 

    It is just not a phrase you can take your Viagra hardened Johnson and bury it to speak. The joy and the glow of the Obama Administration have faded. I am sure that Brat called his buddies at Rassmussen Fascist Oligarchs, Inc. and discovered that My President's favorables have reached ten per cent...and they still are not sure about the ten per cent but feel it may have something to do with medical marijuana.

    But wait, Brat is an expert on Comparative  Religions and I am sure he studied at Oxford or some other great learning institution delving deeply into the secrets of the soul :

    On "Fox News Sunday," Hume -- the former leader of Fox News' political reporting and host of "Special Report" who now serves as an analyst for the network -- said that Woods' recovery "depends on his faith."

    "The extent to which he can recover seems to me depends on his faith," Hume said. "He is said to be a Buddhist. I don't think that faith offers the kind of forgiveness and redemption that is offered by the Christian faith. My message to Tiger would, 'Tiger, turn to the Christian faith and you can make a total recovery and be a great example to the world."

    Okie dokie then. Brat knows how to really save Tiger's ass. You know those goddamn Buddhists reproduce like rabbits. I think I read somewhere that 90% of all men who participate in Call Girl Services are Buddhists...but that is a subject for another day.

    Anyhow, Bratt has to look around and find something, anything besides blow jobs that can enhance his career. So his staff googles epithets and such and he comes across old dick cheney. And Vwella!!!  Brat is back on Sunday Fox Blues:

    Panel time! Brit Hume doesn't like the idea that we're not beating the crap out of Captain Crotchfire, and the whole idea that restoring our reputation of our nation is a terrible, terrible idea, and it means we're being lax. "They're treating it as a law enforcement issue!" he raves. Law enforcement professionals out there, you have my sympathies, how it came to pass that you all became thought of as pussies is beyond me. I think our law enforcement agencies are great, and have an important -- and tragically undersung -- role to play in our counter-terror efforts.

    The best this son of a bitch can come up with is that our President does not use the words:


    enough. That's right folks. Brat thinks he can stir an entire nation to action by attacking our law enforcement people in this country and by ridiculing the President of the United States for not saying three words on enough occasions.

    So let us raise our glasses to the good old days when men were men, Gays did not exist, Black people did what they were told and fascists could just yell and scream that all of the problems in this country were caused by pinko commie traitors.



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