The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    File:Bart Stupak official 109th Congress photo.jpg

                                            WHAT, ME WORRY?

    Principle. That is what it is all about; principle.


    That ultra liberal pundit George Will stated in 2005 that:

    GM says health expenditures -- $1,525 per car produced; there is more health care than steel in a GM vehicle's price tag -- are one of the main reasons it lost $1.1 billion in the first quarter of 2005. GM says its health care burdens, negotiated with the United Auto Workers, put it at a $5 billion dis-advantage against Toyota in the United States, because Japan's government, not Japanese employers, provides almost all health care in Japan.

    So what has really hurt Michigan more than anything else over the last quarter century?

    If you cannot guess this, you were not born in the good U.S. of A. and I would not believe you if you produced six birth certificates.

    Cars. The automobile capital of the world; that was Michigan. And all those unionized auto workers made fair wages. Not Walmart wages, but real wages. And they took those real wages and bought stuff in Michigan. It was wonderful. A wonder to behold where real stuff was manufactured by real people for real wages.

    In walks Bart Stupak. Democratic Congressional Representative for the First District in Michigan. Democrat and a believer in Unions and a believer in helping the down trodden and a believer in more than Walmart wages for the working man and woman...supposedly.

    Based on his opinion that the bill for Health care reform in the United States would provide federal funding for elective abortion, he coauthored and was the lead sponsor of the Stupak Amendment. His language was approved for the House version of the bill but was dropped in the Senate. Stupak has strongly opposed the bill's passage after the anti-abortion language was removed and has stated that 15-20 like minded pro-life Democrats will do so as well in the final version. In response, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has said that he is simply being an "obstructionist" and that "There is no Federal funding for abortion in the (health care reform) bill." [8] Stupak voted against the Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act (HR4954), and the bill was passed.[

    What the hell is this then? What happened to this weasel, this Benedict Arnold? Well he has faith. And Bart is listed as a full fledged member of CStreet.

    A lot of my friends at Café are not happy with this pending health care legislation. But for those who believe that America has to turn a corner on the biggest health disaster in the modernized world, Stupak is a bastard.

    And he is doing it on principle. Thirty million people will continue to go on without health insurance. Tens of millions more will live on in fear that they will be rescinded as members of their health insurance group. And tens of millions should live in fear of this type of rescission but are too damn stupid to see it coming.

    By the way, what in the hell are you doing wasting your time on this drivel when you could be reading Barth's splendid history of health care legislation in America over the last century or so?

    At any rate, I have prepared this BALLAD OF STUPID STUPAK for your enjoyment.


    Put on my blue dog shoes

    As I purview the terrain

    Crouched down on my knees cryin abortion blues

    In the middle of the crowded plain

    Senator Jesse Helms--won't you look down over me

    Runnin on a Christian Ticket

    I'm as blue dog as I can be


    Then I'm talkin bout CStreet

    Talkin with my head two feet up my arse

    Walkin on CStreet

    Can I make it even more the farce?


    Saw the ghost of Reagan

    At the two mill townhouse

    Followed him to the place of hypocrites

    Then I watched him walk right through

    Now the sane people did not see him

    They just stumbled by this tomb

    With a whole bunch of fucking going on

    Down in the prayer book room


    Well I'm talkin bout CStreet

    Talkin with my head two feet up my arse

    Walkin on CStreet

    Can I make it even more the farce?


    Talkin bout CStreet

    Talkin with my head two feet up my arse

    Walkin on CStreet

    Can I make it even more the farce?


    They got bibles on the table

    They've got women in every room

    And Reverend Ensign be glad to see you

    With all these girls lying bare

    But boy you've got a prayer on CStreet


    Now Ensign's scewin upstairs

    And Vitter's in the basement too

    They all prayin they don't get caught

    Money and jobs are there for you

    Just keep a little secret

    Do not sing about this sight

    And they say:

    Tell me are you a Christian child

    And I said: Man I am tonight


    Talkin bout CStreet

    Talkin with my head two feet up my arse

    Walkin on CStreet

    Can I make it even more the farce?


    Talkin bout CStreet

    Talkin with my head two feet up my arse

    Walkin on CStreet

    Can I make it even more the farce?


    Put on my blue dog shoes...