by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
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(This blog was around ten rec's with no comments because there was a kind of shut-down yesterday. So I re-edited a bit and republish it now)
I have had it.
I just finished republishing, refurbishing and rewriting eight of the ten rules for blogging. I have two to go.
Two days ago I wrote in passing on my blog dealing with other subjects that Pat Buchanan is a NAZI sympathizer.
The post had little to do with this fascist prick, so someone leaves a comment, WHERE IS YOUR PROOF, WHERE IS YOUR LINK?
And this was after I told the commenter to contact the Jewish Defense League.
Oh, but where are the links, where are the proofs, indeed.
On this subject I have written two or three blogs about Pat Buchanan and this very issue. But there is a deeper issue here involving our duties as posters at TPMCafe.
So before I get to the ninth canon I would like to discuss an unwritten canon that is rarely brought up.
If I write that the bones of a new dinosaur were discovered recently in Canada and that they are judged to be 150,000,000 years of age (citing the most recent National Geographic Mag); what am I to do when I receive a comment that says:
THE EARTH IS 6,000 YEARS OLD; with one link to something written by or about Bishop Usher and the other to the first two chapters of Genesis?
Do I research for four hours and come up with 75 books on the subject written by geologists, paleontologists, and meteorologists along with physicists, mathematicians and the like? WHAT DO I GET OUT OF THIS EFFORT?
Well, I do satirical blogs on the subject of the bible and the esteemed Bishop Usher. I do satirical blogs all the time.
If someone says that George W. Bush never lied about our reasons for invading I spend four hours citing 50 books, 160 articles and two hundred TV news shows to demonstrate that that person was wrong in the assessment?
If I am simply writing a post discussing the origin of Greenwich Time and I receive a comment from someone claiming the earth is flat, what am I to do?
You give these idiots two links and walk away, right? No, they will find some sentence in the link and challenge the author or some such.
And this brings up an issue concerning debate between those on the right and those on the left in political arenas.
A lefty is arguing about how best to feed the poor, clothe the naked, house the homeless, get medical care to the sick, MAKE sure the worker receives livable wages....
And great discussions are had on this subject--between lefties.
The right simply says, none of this is the business of government.
You cannot reason with these capitalist fascists. It is impossible. You will GET NOWHERE.
Now you like apples?
The guy writes a goddamn book entitled: THE UNNECESSARY WAR. In it, as he has done in the past, Buchanan maintains that WWII was a waste of time and in the alternative he actually believes we were on the wrong side of that war. THE GUY IS A NAZI FOR CHRISSAKES.
Please sue me Pat. I will get a hundred attorneys in about one hour by phone sitting in my jammies to represent me in that suit. Hell, I will waive NYT v. Sullivan as a defense.
I am asking you, the people at TPMCafe to answer this question because I do not have an easy answer to this quandary. When do you ignore the stupid question and when do you get so goddamn mad you spend a couple hours attacking the commenter?
Very good members of the Cafe, bright and intelligent members like Quinn will caution me to stay away from the obvious. Its boring and a waste of a good read.
I understand that. And I do go off subject most of the time. But I get mad like today and I have to break that rule of obviousness. I do not know how else to handle it, really. And the commenter is not someone who does not have a following either.
So, here are my conclusions, you draw yours and remember to tell me when it is best just to ignore idiotic comments.
Pat Buchanan thinks we should not have fought Germany in WWII.
Six Million Jews could not have been destroyed intentionally in the Holocaust because there are issues concerning chemicals used that appear in some records.....
NAZI CRIMINALS should not be brought to justice.
David Duke had a good voice and had something to tell us all and the repubs were wrong to shun him.
White people represent the master race and this master race built this country and the credit should go to the white race.
The Christian Religion is the Master Religion and is the Established Religion in this country.
Segregation was a good and solid manner of treating the Negro Race.
Hitler was a brave and honorable man representing his country's best interests.
Hitler was not responsible for the Holocaust.
Hell there was no Holocaust.
Pat Buchanan does not like the Jewish Race.
At any rate, if you google 'PAT BUCHANAN IS A NAZI' you will discover hundreds upon hundreds of links. Here are just a few:
Buchanan referred to Capitol Hill as "Israeli-occupied territory."
(St. Louis Post Dispatch, 10/20/90)
During the Gulf crisis: "There are only
two groups that are beating the drums for
war in the Middle East -- the Israeli
defense ministry and its 'amen corner' in
the United States."
("McLaughlin Group," 8/26/90)In a 1977 column, Buchanan said that
despite Hitler's anti-Semitic and genocidal
tendencies, he was "an individual of great
courage...Hitler's success was not based on
his extraordinary gifts alone. His genius
was an intuitive sense of the mushiness,
the character flaws, the weakness
masquerading as morality that was in the
hearts of the statesmen who stood in his
(The Guardian, 1/14/92)
Writing of "group fantasies of
martyrdom,"Buchanan challenged the
historical record that thousands of Jews
were gassed to death by diesel exhaust at
Treblinka: "Diesel engines do not emit
enough carbon monoxide to kill anybody."
(New Republic, 10/22/90)
Buchanan's columns have run in the
Liberty Lobby's Spotlight,
the German-American National PAC
newsletter and other
publications that claim Nazi death camps
are a Zionist concoction.Buchanan called for closing the U.S.
Justice Department's Office of Special
Investigations,which prosecuted Nazi
war criminals, because it was "running
down 70-year-old camp guards."
(New York Times, 4/21/87)
Buchanan was vehement in pushing
President Reagan -- despite protests--
to visit Germany's Bitburg cemetery, where
Nazi SS troops were buried. At a White
House meeting, Buchanan reportedly reminded Jewish leaders that they were
"Americans first" -- and repeatedly scrawled
the phrase "Succumbing to the pressure of
the Jews" in his notebook.
Buchanan was credited with crafting Ronald Reagan's line that the SS troops
buried at Bitburg were "victims just as
surely as the victims in the concentration
camps." (New York Times, 5/16/85; New Republic, 1/22/96)
After Cardinal O'Connor criticized
anti-Semitism during the controversy over
construction of a convent near Auschwitz,
Buchanan wrote:"If U.S. Jewry takes the clucking
appeasement of the Catholic cardinalate
as indicative of our submission, it is
mistaken. When Cardinal O'Connor of
New York seeks to soothe the always
irate Elie Wiesel by reassuring him
'there are many Catholics who are anti-Semitic'...he speaks for himself.
Be not afraid, Your Eminence; just step
aside,there are bishops and priests
ready to assume the role of defender
of the faith." (New Republic,10/22/90)
The Buchanan '96 campaign's
World Wide Web site included an article
blaming the death of White House aide
Vincent Foster on the Israeli intelligence
agency, Mossad
-- and alleging that Foster and Hillary
Clinton were Mossad spies. (The campaign removed the article after its existence was reported by a Jewish on-line news
Jewish TelegraphicAgency, 2/21/96.)In his September 1993 speech to
the Christian Coalition, Buchanan declared:
"Our culture is superior. Our culture
is superior because our religion is
Christianity and that is the truth that makes men free." (ADLReport, 1994) 1977, Buchanan wrote that,
Though Hitler was indeed racist and anti-Semitic to the core, a man who without compunction could commit murder and genocide, he was also an individual of great courage, a soldier's soldier . . . a political organizer of the first rank, a leader steeped in the history of Europe, who possessed oratorical powers that could awe even those who despised him.
Buchanan has also argued that it would have been impossible for hundreds of thousands of Jews to perish in the gas chambers of the Treblinka death camp, a perverse obscenity regularly disseminated by Holocaust deniers. And he has referred to a "so-called Holocaust Survivor syndrome" which he described as involving "group fantasies of martyrdom and heroics."
Patrick Buchanan walks like a Nazi sympathizer and quacks like a Nazi sympathizer. Over the course of his long career he has defended a host of Nazi war criminals, made numerous anti-Semitic slurs, and disparaged Holocaust survivors. If anything, therefore, Obama campaign spokesman Mark Bubriski engaged in colossal understatement when he accurately observed that "many Jews call" Buchanan "a Nazi sympathizer." The more relevant issue is why Buchanan's media colleagues don't denounce his ugly rhetoric and instead consistently legitimize him by failing to confront him with his own record and past statements.
After Sen. Carol Moseley Braun blocked a federal patent for a Confederate flag insignia, Buchanan wrote that she was "putting on an act" by associating the Confederacy with slavery: "The War Between the States was about independence, about self-determination, about the right of a people to break free of a government to which they could no longer give allegiance," Buchanan asserted. "How long is this endless groveling before every cry of 'racism' going to continue before the whole country collectively throws up?" (syndicated column, 7/28/93)
On race relations in the late 1940s and early 1950s: "There were no politics to polarize us then, to magnify every slight. The 'negroes' of Washington had their public schools, restaurants, bars, movie houses, playgrounds and churches; and we had ours." (Right from the Beginning, Buchanan's 1988 autobiography, p. 131)
Buchanan, who opposed virtually every civil rights law and court decision of the last 30 years, published FBI smears of Martin Luther King Jr. as his own editorials in the St. Louis Globe Democrat in the mid-1960s. "We were among Hoover's conduits to the American people," he boasted (Right from the Beginning, p. 283).
White House adviser Buchanan urged President Nixon in an April 1969 memo not to visit "the Widow King" on the first anniversary of Martin Luther King's assassination, warning that a visit would "outrage many, many people who believe Dr. King was a fraud and a demagogue and perhaps worse.... Others consider him the Devil incarnate. Dr. King is one of the most divisive men in contemporary history." (New York Daily News, 10/1/90)
In a memo to President Nixon, Buchanan suggested that "integration of blacks and whites -- but even more so, poor and well-to-do -- is less likely to result in accommodation than it is in perpetual friction, as the incapable are placed consciously by government side by side with the capable." (Washington Post, 1/5/92)
In another memo from Buchanan to Nixon: "There is a legitimate grievance in my view of white working-class people that every time, on every issue, that the black militants loud-mouth it, we come up with more money.... If we can give 50 Phantoms [jet fighters] to the Jews, and a multi-billion dollar welfare program for the blacks...why not help the Catholics save their collapsing school system." (Boston Globe, 1/4/92)
Buchanan has repeatedly insisted that President Reagan did so much for African-Americans that civil rights groups have no reason to exist: "George Bush should have told the [NAACP convention] that black America has grown up; that the NAACP should close up shop, that its members should go home and reflect on JFK's admonition: 'Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather ask what you can do for your country.'" (syndicated column, 7/26/88)
In a column sympathetic to ex-Klansman David Duke, Buchanan chided the Republican Party for overreacting to Duke and his Nazi "costume": "Take a hard look at Duke's portfolio of winning issues and expropriate those not in conflict with GOP principles, [such as] reverse discrimination against white folks." (syndicated column, 2/25/89)
Of course MSNBC would employ a Nazi lover and Jew hater to represent the "right" side of politics in the ugly and deeply disturbed person of Pat Buchanan. MSNBC is a cesspool. But what I want to know is why is this man accepted in the mainstream? And where is the revulsion from normal people? Why isn't there campaign to get this hater of the air?
And now it's nazi war criminal Demjanjuk who has become Buchanan's cause celebre. One gets a sense that Buchanan envied Demjanjuk his work. Oh what a productive and happy worker Buchanan might have been at Sobibor.
Why isn't Patrick Buchanan relegated to the fringe like David Duke and other notorious Jew haters? This man makes my skin crawl. And please don't post here thatBuchanan is good on immigration blah blah blah. Hitler was good to his dog; does that make him a nice guy?
Washington Watch: Where's the outrage? Jerusalem Post (hat tip Wolf)
Accused Nazi war criminal John Demjanjuk, who is wanted in Germany in connection with the murder of 29,000 Jews at the notorious Sobibor death factory, may be the only illegal alien Pat Buchanan wants to keep in the United States.
Demjanjuk was stripped of his American citizenship by federal courts for concealing his past as a concentration camp guard, but has evaded deportation by a series of last minute legal maneuvers. His staunchest defender is the conservative writer who, in a column published on Good Friday called him a victim of "the same satanic brew of hate and revenge that drove another innocent man up Calvary that first Good Friday 2,000 years ago."
Who's behind the "un-American persecution" of Buchanan's hero? The Jews, of course. Specifically the Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations, which he has portrayed as being in cahoots with the KGB and tried to shut down when he served in the Reagan White House.
Jesus wasn't the only Jew Buchanan likened to Demjanjuk; he also called him an "American Dreyfus," as if to suggest he is the victim of religious persecution by those who were once the victims of French bigotry.
What Buchanan wants for Demjanjuk is nothing less than a "reward" for "prolonged success in eluding justice," said Eli Rosenbaum, the Justice Department's top Nazi hunter.
"Buchanan's real target is Israel. Like [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad with Holocaust denial, his real goal is to delegitimize Israel," said Neal Sher, a former OSI director.