Can we keep red-colored link text in the cafe, please?

    Hello. Meta-post here. Directed to the powers that be controlling the CSS, PHP and HTML that rule our blogging/commenting lives on the TPM Cafe site.

    Sure, I could have just sent an email. And this email may or may not get read by someone who may or may not care and who may or may not have the power to grant my humble request. But! Then I can't encourage people to pile on and pay homage to the really impressive stylistic goodness that my request represents.

    In a nutshell, the new blue link text scheme now in use across the rest of the site pretty much sucks. The color is so darn close to the normal black text that comment links don't stand out anymore when they are encoded.

    Our red links at the Cafe rock in comparison. Can we keep them?

    (P.S. It wouldn't hurt to put the red links back elsewhere, either, but I figure asking for action is a harder sell than asking for nothing to be done.)

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