by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
well The 2012 national election is now a jump ball. The Clinton convention bounce is gone and then some. Whether Obama or Biden can effectively counteract Romney's new persona is an unknown. Romney has now established himself as the father figure and Obama as a kid who doesn't know how to defend himself and people are wondering if Obama has just been out of his league all along. It has been suggested that Romney was channeling his own father during the actual debate. I doubt that Barack Obama would have achieved much by channeling his father, and therein might lie the difference between his performance and Romney's.
Complicating Obama's re-election chances is the vulnerability his administration faces concerning the tragedy in Libya and the handling of communications in the aftermath. For obvious reasons Clinton can't contribute much to Obama on the Libya question---was there enough security?
Aside from Clinton, and perhaps Joe Biden, Colin Powell is the father figure who can potentially give Obama a lift. Across a wide swath of out culture Powell is considered to be objective so his opinions matter a great deal. The question is---will he endorse Obama again? My feeling is that if he doesn't endorse Obama, we may well have a Romney Presidency and gunboat diplomacy.
All political commentary is projection but my view is that most of the analysis of last week's debate misses the point that Romney established himself as a father figure, one who is in control when the situation demands it. I think Obama's problems stem from the lack of a father in his life. A father is the person who teaches a man how to stand up for himself. It is even being reported that Obama didn't know he was getting beat up---and I'm not sure a father can teach a man that but it is probably true that a man may be less willing to get into a fight if he doesn't have a father in the background.
I remember my father walking over to a neighbor's house with a very large monkey wrench in the back pocket of his coveralls and I never learned the details but it so happened that the neighbor never again called the cops when he might have thought that my sister and I, grade school level, were being just a little bit too noisy. Well, that was one of my few father-taking-care-of-business lessons and fortunately I have not had cause to use it. Obama needs to show that he has limits. He needs to have a metaphorical monkey wrench in his back pocket.
Tied inextricably to Romney's new persona is the lack of objectivity in our divided political culture. When Romney can with impunity say something as absurd as, "No economist can say I have a tax cut if I say I don't", you know that this election has not been and never will be based upon issues and facts . If there is no supra-father figure who can say that Romney's statement is ludicrous, the father figure who does remain standing is the arbiter. Right now that "father" is Romney himself. I wouldn't count on the likes of Blitzer, Gregory or even Candy Crowley to interject objectivity---and in fact, they just provide a platform for further obfuscation. The absence of any agreed upon facts is the underlying problem of this election. There is no objective and strong father to be the arbiter---well, there is a guy named Romney.
When Romney used the quip about raising five sons so effectively you have to conclude that his handlers are good and they asked the right question. "How do you destroy Obama's character while proving that Romney is the man, the father figure, who should be in charge of the country'? While Obama's team is retooling they might want to re-define their objectives and then ask themselves the right technical questions. It's like product development. If you keep asking the right question, the answers will eventually come to you. I think the question is, "What do we need do to compensate for the perception that Obama has a lack of resolve as the father who needs to use gut instinct to take care of business when things got out of hand?"
Undercutting Romney's newly minted persona as a father figure is important. The best route is to show that he is insincere in his overall presentation of who he is. In attacking him, a good axiom might be, "It's not about issues, it's about Romney's character flaw beneath the issue."
While my father had moments of effectiveness, he was mostly absent---except when he wasn't. One time I took a licking twice in one day---once by Tony Gianelli who was twice my size, and then a second time when my father came home, heard about the fight, and didn't think I fought back hard enough. One forgives one's parents, especially a father who was born on a dirt floored cabin in Appalachia. I was careful not to repeat the spanking stuff and what I learned about being a father I picked up along the way.
Obviously Obama has a strong parental persona in his own family. He needs to project it more. I think he needs to counteract Romney's five sons analogy with something from his own experience as a father. The subject of women's rights comes to mind. I would like to hear Obama use Romney 's parental analogy, turn it against Romney, and show Romney what cold revenge looks like.
I don't think the President needs to be punished for losing. What he needs to understand is that Mitt Romney may be a good family man along one dimension, but in the larger context he is an unpredictable and selfish person who has gotten his way in life through shape shifting, telling people what they want to hear, and walking away with the prize. This time around it is not just the employees of a Bain acquisition who lose, but the entire middle class.
What I would say to the President is to do his homework and pick Romney's character apart piece by piece. Each line of attack should have a hierarchy of weapons; otherwise Romney will just repeat himself and Obama will just seem repetitive. Each follow-up should have new information. Depth, not the scattershot of Romney, is the vital force. He should ignore the stupid things that Romney has said---things like, "choosing contraceptives is like choosing which color to paint your car." No one is listening at that level. People want to know which father to trust.
Ahh, projection....
...or maybe the search for a Savior---or for the cavalry to arrive in time to save a floundering Obama campaign.
I don't know whether or not Colin Powell will endorse Obama this time around. I do suspect that the prospect of John Bolton as Secretary of State or Defense might be unpalatable to him. Powell is perhaps the one person who can put the Benghazi consulate attack into perspective. Certainly the blundering of Romney and the crass politics being played around the deaths of our public servants might repulse him. I listened to a recent interview of Powell's Chief of Staff, Wilkerson. In reference to Romney and his "foreign policy" team he succinctly stated, "These people make me sick." Colonel Wilkerson's opinions on the lack of military service in the Romney family was memorable. Obama can't say it but the appropriate spokesman could.
In any case, as an important and objective father figure, I hope Powell will consider the vastly trigger happy and inexperienced Romney to be a threat to our interests abroad and his militarism in general to be a threat to our own economy. I hope that he will support the President once again.
I try to channel my Dad sometimes. He was a raw-boned Kentucky man who reinvented himself and there were things I didn't know until it was too late to ask about. For example, he was not an overtly religious man and I didn't know until his death when some black ministers came to his service that he had made some large contributions to their churches. What I am getting on my Dad's channel is somewhat cryptic and for whatever reason it's this snippet:
Jesus called out to his Dad: "Romney is coming. Romney is coming. What shall I do?"
Dad answered: "Jesus Christ, son, you better look busy."
Oxy, I'm really impressed by your thinking on this issue--and in fact have been heavily influenced by it. (Would like to hear your thoughts on my recent post if you have a moment.)
I think you are right that Mitt is trying to establish himself as the "real expert" although I had not thought about the father figure aspect, potent because Obama "only" has daughters and a very powerful wife.
Recently I blogged that "Romney believes he's the only guy in the office doing any work." It was sort of a joke at the time, but today I noticed a photo of Romney standing behind a podium bearing the words "Obama's not working." It couldn't be much more out there than that, could it, that Romney and crew are saying that the shiftless black guy is only pretending to be president. Jeez.
Romney and crew are the scary ones. Indeed, they'd put Jesus himself out of a job if his numbers weren't high enough.
by erica20 on Wed, 10/10/2012 - 1:33pm
Thanks for commenting, Erica. I read your post and yes I think the Bain background is very relevant. At this point there are so many targets it's hard to whittle them down. That's why Obama's team needs to ask the right question. Is he telegraphing something that people are picking up on, particularly single mothers and Walmart Moms. It's one thing to talk contraception and equal pay. But when life just becomes a fog, even though Romney is generating the fog, if the other guy can't cut through it and Romney is going all compassionate and just trust me like, Romney wins. They need to use Romney's ammunition very specifically against him and undercut his integrity. Method is much more important than the actual subject matter. Anyway, that's my take.
by Oxy Mora on Wed, 10/10/2012 - 2:28pm
Yup. It looks like he has integrity but it's pretty much all for show.
by Erica (not verified) on Thu, 10/11/2012 - 1:05am
Erica, I have just read that among those most dissatisfied with Obama's performance were single women. i really don't know if that fits my thesis or not. It sounds sexist to say there is an authority issue here. More likely they were just pissed off that he appeared so inarticulate.
by Oxy Mora on Thu, 10/11/2012 - 8:34am
Oxy, I finally watched the debate and I agree that Mitt found his "father knows best" persona to spectacular effect, and took advantage of a giant Obama blind spot, because Obama is clearly repelled by that persona while many of the rest of us are attracted to it.
In this context, I can understand why Obama thought he won the debate. He laid out his points very clearly--he believes that being clear helps people understand and agree with his ideas. And in an effort to respect his listeners' objectivity, he neutralized his nonverbal communication to the point where it was almost nonexistent, so people could really focus on what he was saying rather than on how he was saying it. For Obama, this is what debating is, and you could tell he felt that Mitt's contradictory stances, all-over-the-map talking points, and emotional outbursts were just not what this was all supposed to be about.
But this is exactly why Obama sucks at the political debate--he just can't resign himself to the idea that a political debate is simply a campaign speech with time limits. He wants people to listen, and believes that some of them are. But for most people, nonverbal communication trumps verbal communication every time.
And, you nailed it on the father-figure thing. Mitt really went with the "I'll work this out because I'm your Dad, and I'm smart, and no matter what, you kids are the most important thing in the world to me. So go to bed now, and don't worry."
Mitt also came across as more passionate, and I suspect that the reason Obama scored low among single women has to do with his very neutral nonverbals as well. Right or wrong, if a woman is confronted by one potential boyfriend who says "I don't exactly know where I'm going, but God, baby, I wanna go there with you!" and another one who says "I'm believe we're well-suited for each other; I hope you'll consider the options and choose me in a well-informed and responsible decision," she is going to pick the "Oh Baby" guy every time, until she's been burned often enough to realize that guy number two will work out better in the long run. (I'm not proud of pointing this out; I speak from rueful experience here.)
If Obama's going to do nonverbal neutrality in the next debate, he needs to be really clear that this is what he's doing by saying what Biden effectively did in his debate--asking people to really listen and use their common sense, and pointing out that if Mitts debating sounds like a campaign speech, it reflects on his integrity.
Another example--Mitt wants to sell you a particular car--Obama wants you to get a car that works for you.
by erica20 on Sun, 10/14/2012 - 2:24pm
Thanks Erica. I loved you boyfriend analogy. Having raised two daughters I cannot disagree with the sequence you suggested----it pains me to think of all the loser boyfriend.
It seems that Joe was doing to Ryan what Romney had done to Obama---evening up the score. Let's hope that Prez gets it together. I think he will.
by Oxy Mora on Sun, 10/14/2012 - 10:14pm
If we are at the point of "channeling" our respective predecessor generations, we are in deep, deep trouble regardless of which candidate prevails in the election! And, if a candidate who has (theoretically) been vetted for the Presidency is in need of a "father figure" to discharge the duties of office competently, we might just as well hand over the keys to the kingdom to our Chinese financiers!
Let's get a grip and at least put on the facade of adulthood for the rest of the world's nations. But, alas, perhaps the problem is that even the facade is beyond the capabilities of our current President. Perhaps the problem harks back to the last election when we were so anxious and wrapped up in making history, we did a totally inadequate job of vetting the person whom we wished to accomplish the history-making on our behalf. While well-intentioned, we failed to realize that our hero is not competent to perform the sophisticated duties of the Presidency.
Bottom line, it is not our "channeling" that has gone awry, it was our previous lack of patience in the 2008 election coupled with our history-making President's deficient skill-set. Not even a Colin Powell can rescue us in this mess. A new President is the only solution. And, along with that new President, we need hours and hours of Prayer (or whatever it is that you would do if pinned down under fire in a foxhole made in China) calling for supernatural intervention bringing about a Presidency that is sane, competent and obedient to our laws and Constitution.
by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 10/14/2012 - 12:47pm
Gotta disagree. Guy's totally competent. His only blind spot is thinking that the rest of us are more responsible decision makers than perhaps we really are. (see my comment above)
by erica20 on Sun, 10/14/2012 - 2:28pm
Thanks for commenting. If it's a choice between channeling one's predecessors and praying for hours on end for supernatural intervention, I'm going with the former.
by Oxy Mora on Sun, 10/14/2012 - 9:56pm