Complete Wikileaks Afghan War Diary and Data. (Updated)

    (Update: fixed the link to the online repository .... the link I used has been downloading one of the databases. This link should allow anyone to browse the reports online and has not demonstrated access problems that the main Wikileaks site has been experiencing)

    This is just a quick post of links related to the recent Wikileaks Afghan War Diary release. Wanted to put these somewhere for my own use, figured others might like the information.

    The Guardian highlighted 200-odd documents along with a spreadsheet and are advertising their site as "the place to come" to download the data. I'm not sure what criteria they used to select the incidents, but there is substantially more data available.

    The main index to the entire war diary is located at:

    This has all 70,000(ish) records sorted by Type, Category, Region, Affiliation, or Date. The entries are linked to a map with a groovy little pin showing right where it happened.

    Also. If anyone is interested, here are links to the complete raw data from a mirror plus a few files containing various sorts and filtered results.
    'All NATO entries, KML format'
    'Entries by month, KML format'
    'Entries with scale filter, KML format'

    (Note: These are compressed databases in various formats and rather large. Don't bother downloading them unless you really know what to do with them is my advice).

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