The Emperor's New Shock and Awe

    If you thought Sarah Palin's convention speech was aggressive, sarcastic and shrill, just wait. Sarah Barracuda goes for the jugular and swallows her enemies whole.

    If you thought the RNC convention was hateful, wait for the late-September barrage of swiftboating ads.

    If you think this election is about anything but two competing narratives — the McCain/Palin storyline of change brought by unimpeachable reformers vs. the Obama/Biden storyline of change brought by smart reformers — think again. Because that is exactly the turf this battle will be fought upon: Change, judgment and personal integrity.

    Let me repeat: Change. Judgment. Personal integrity.

    This is why it's so important to point out that McCain and Palin have no real claim, based on their records, to personal integrity.

    McCain: He's no longer a POW but he has been MIA for reform these last 27 years in Congress. And his choice of Palin drives home the point.

    Palin: Abuse of power for personal reasons? Earmarks? Flip-flopping? Secession?

    That's not change we can believe in. And we have to let America know it.

    Because, in the end, that's all that McCain and Palin are really gambling on: That voters will believe the GOP candidates now wants the same change America does.

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