oleeb's picture

    Geaux SAINTS!

    I have nothing against the Colts and they may just win today's contest, but I'm cheering the Saints because I think it's their time, they have a wonderful, exciting team and they represent one of our greatest cities, if not the greatest in many, many ways!

    What are everyone's predictions?

    The only one I'll venture is that the best defense will win the game.

    Geaux Saints!


    I too favor the team that you favor. And Democrats!

    Go Saints!

    Since I'm in Indiana I have to root for the Colts, if for any other reason than I'd be surrounded by depression for the next week (or two).

    And as others have said, the hearts says Saints, but the head says Colts. And it would be kind of cool to watch Colt's wide-receiver Garcon run around the field with the Haiti flag after the win.

    Since I'm in Baltimore, I can't root for the Irsays, but Brees had better throw a lot better than he did in his last game.

    WHO DAT .....

    Payton Who ?

    Go Reggie

    Go Drew

    Keep Hope Alive

    Understand. Irsay and the Midnight Run would have left a bitter taste in my mouth if I was from Baltimore.

    Colts D is definitely underrated. Brees will get a couple of big plays going deep, but when he tries to throw in the middle of the field - Who Dat? Dat be Brackett.

    Interesting to know that you're a fan of the big corporate business that is professional football. Not that I think there is anything wrong with that...

    I like two teams, the Redskins and whoever the Colts are playing.

    I'm a fan of the game of football. Have been since I was little. I watched the legendary "Ice Bowl" on tv, played the game in countless backyards and on organized teams until it was no longer wise from a physical standpoint. It's okay to have fun liking a game even if it's a big business. Doesn't mean you love the business side. Why, even Rachel Maddow was broadcasting from the French Quarter Friday night.

    As the great Emma Goldman said:

    "If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution."


    Who Dat Say Dey Gonna Beat Dem Saints?

    Who Dat?

    Who Dat?

    I also fall into that group of people who were jilted by the midnight flight of their home team. Go Saints!

    What a beautiful picture. I mean it.

    Favre is not there so I do not give a damn.

    But then I thought, if the Saints lose, will Pat Robertson proclaim that the Lord of Hosts has won?


    Damn, I love that picture.

    Holy cow!


    It looks like a win for the Saints!


    Hooray for the Saints!

    The Ain'ts no more. The long suffering Saints and their fans are the best of the NFL. Who dat!!!

    Congrats NOLA!!! After what the city has been through you deserve it.


    Now it is time to let the good times roll in the French Quarter!!! Parteeeeee!!!


    Two good teams played tonight. Both fought very hard. It came down to one critical interception. A victory well deserved. Neither team deserved to lose but one had to.

    Now, New Orleans can show the world how to celebrate! Shine Big Easy! Shine!

    I know the joy the football fans in New Orleans, and the whole gulf region, is experiencing oleeb. I am a fan of the Boston Red Sox...who actually waited, and suffered, for much longer to see our team win. With all due respect to Colts fans, who are probably devastated by the loss, but this is one of those special moments in sports when the perennial loser rises up defies all odds to win.

    I am sure they will do it with the style and flair that New Orleans is renowned for. And hopefully this will provide the impetus for NOLA to fully recover. Mardi Gras starts now...and might never end!!!

    WHO DAT!!

    Laissez le bon temps roulez!

    (I despise football, but that NOLA was planning a giant welcome home parade for the Saints whether or not they won, tickled me pink!

    It was a great game, although I had to pace around the house after the 1st quarter.

    My family is from NO and I wish my grandmother had lived to seen the win.

    Next year? GO BEARS! Hey...it could happen.

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