The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age


    I wish I could say it's been fun lately, but it hasn't been.

    Many of the gentler, more insightful people here have departed for the Gray Havens.

    What's left are a few good people (yeah, you know who you are) and a ton of trolls and idiots (yeah, you know who you are, too).

    Thanks, Josh, for a memorable season of news and analysis.

    Thanks, CarolBG, hrebendorf, Aunt Sam, Fran, Ben Hocking, quinn esq, Nathan, Orlando, MarquisdeSeatoShiningSea, Dijamo, LisB, hillarym99, kgb999, liam, raider99, Donal Fagan, Melissa (Sox, too) and many others I can't recall at the moment.

    Hate to go go, but the assholes are crowding out the good ones.