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    Hillary's stunning last words

    All the chicken entrails point to Hillary conceding tomorrow night.
    HuffPost reports talks between the candidates about help in retiring her huge campaign debt and amnesty for her diehard supporters. All good signs.
    But there are concession speeches and there are concession speeches.
    After all the on-to-Denver rhetoric, merely suspending her campaign will not end the sniping and divisiveness.
    Many of the supporters she has egged on would rightly take that as a sign to keep up an unsanctioned but destructive guerrilla campaign.
    No, even if her endorsement of her rival is reluctant -- and it clearly will be -- it has to be 100 per cent.
    No credentials-committee appeal.
    No more talk about popular vote.
    Or about electability.
    Or about how superdelegates can change their minds right into August.
    In fact, if Hillary is going to bow to the inevitable, she should go all the way.
    Not only endorse, but actually pledge her superdelegate vote -- and Bill's, if he can be persuaded -- to Obama.
    And co-ordinate that announcement just right, so Obama can deliver it simultaneously to his audience in St. Paul.
    The dark cloud that hangs over the Democratic nomination process would instantly lift.
    Do it, Hillary.
    It's not only the right thing to do for your party and your country, it's the smart thing to do politically.


    Too bad Hillary hasn't shown much political smarts this primary season. Which is exactly why I don't think she will do what you suggest. That just makes too much sense.

    We'll see... I'm expecting to be surprised.

    Or about how superdelegates can change their minds right into August.

    Uh...actually they can. Are you looking to change the rules again?

    I am still trying to discover the disconnect between Hillary and Obama supporters.

    I would love to hear more perspective from Hillary supporters.

    If you're interested, please share your opinions.

    What's your point? That Hillary could end up with very few SDs?

    Again? When was the first time?

    You can check out my post today at Projecting Billy Glad. A different perspective than usual. Please click Recommend as well - being shy and subtle hasn't worked too well.

    Um, Indie, the point was that she shouldn't talk about it any more, because it would be fanning the embers of the notion that the party still hasn't chosen a nominee.
    Of course, SDs can change their minds.
    Nothing's official until a roll-call vote in Denver. Or until somebody from the Clinton camp moves that Obama be unanimously acclaimed, and it passes to wild cheers from the delegates.
    But in the interest of a Democratic victory in November, Hillary needs to start NOW healing the rifts her campaign has done so much to create within the party.
    The jury's out on whether she will.

    I'll take a lesson from the two of you and link to everything I write via the comments, ask for recommends and then post a new post linking to my comments advertising and recommending my original post.


    and I will recommend your post Des because you asked for my vote!

    I wish I could recommend your comment.

    ...the rifts her campaign has done so much to create within the party.

    To paraphrase...Obama had to get black support in order to obtain the nomination and he was faced with an opponent who was reasonably well liked in the black community. The means that Obama used to obtain black support has -- as was predictable -- damaged party cohesion by exploiting racial distrust and class divisions. He was willing to gamble the structure of the party in order to advance his own personal political interests.

    The race pimp is the one that needs to move to heal the divisions. I doubt he can do it but I'll be interested to see if he tries.

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