The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    HYPOCRITE ALERT: AZ's Schools Supt. Says Obama Wants Students To Take "WORSHIPFUL" Approach

    OMG!  (Wait, will my schools supt Tom Horne allow me to share HIS God?)

    Arizona's Superintendent of Public Instruction got into the act late yesterday, and in a mind-bending sort of way.  Granted, I didn't expect him to remain silent.  But, to suggest that Obama is encouraging students to take a "worshipful approach" to the speech is going wayyyyy too far.

    Here's his quote:

    "An important part of educating students is to teach them to read and listen critically. The White House materials call for a worshipful, rather than critical approach to this speech. For example, the White House communication calls for the students to have "notable quotes excerpted (and posted in large print on the board)," and for the students to discuss "How will he inspire us," among other things. There is nothing in these White House materials about approaching the speech critically, or engaging in any critical thinking whatsoever, but only adopting a reverent approach to everything they are being told."  (bolding added)

    I think that everything about the "lesson plan" (now) is encouraging the students to think.  And - while it doesn't say so - when students think, they will come up with opinions both positive and negative.  From spending time in my kids' classrooms and discussing issues with them, I am sure of that.

    The greatest ironies in this are that Horne does not ask for those seeing/hearing him to use critical thinking in evaluating his "statement", and his conservative colleagues are the worldwide leaders in encouraging "worshipful" thinking of their leaders, and discouraging "critical thinking".

    I look forward to trying to hold Horne to his new-found respect of critical thinking as he begins to campaign for re-election.  (Go, Penny or Jason!!!)


    (P.S.  I will cross-post this to the compilation of school reactions, at, but I was just so flabber-gasted with this new religious flavor thrown in that I felt it should be posted separately.,)


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