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    I Write to Seek Truth, Not to Reinforce What Readers Want to Believe


    I Write to Seek Truth, Not to Reinforce What Readers Want to Believe



    I don’t profess to be either the owner, or arbiter, of truth. I’m a seeker of truth, as oppose to a seeker of validation. And I don’t see the internet as a social club. I view it as an educational tool, a place to educate, and to be educated. So writing is not a competitive event for me, nor is it a social activity where I feel obliged to either stroke egos, or tell people what makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. I avoid such places and activities both online, and in the real world. They’re a waste of time, and they’re only good for reinforcing the often erroneous beliefs of the people who congregate there. I call them FOXholes.
    So I’m not going to waste my time writing just to tell people what they WANT to hear. If I’m going to write, I’m going to write about what I think people NEED to hear, and if they are mature adults, they should understand and appreciate that. If they’re not, I simply dismiss them as not the kind of people I’m interested in communicating with in the first place. Why try to have a discussion with people whose minds are closed to ideas that differ from their own? Such people have already made up their minds about what they want to believe, so truth, new facts, and even reality, are meaningless to them. So what’s the point of a discussion? There isn’t one.
    I’ve found over the years that you can pick and choose who you want to associate with in the real world, but on the internet that’s not always so easy. So I’ve found an easy solution for that, and maybe others might want to adopt it. When I find that a person online has nothing of value to offer, or doesn’t fit the profile of the kind of person that I’m trying to get through to, I simply ignore that person. The minute I see the person’s name I simply skip over it and move on. That way, it’s like the person’s not even there. And if the person tries to force themselves upon me, as many such people tend to do, I simply block them. If everyone did that, trolls would eventually find themselves with only one another to troll. They’d be relegated to a troll’s Heaven.
    I received a comment from one lady (at least, I’m assuming it was a female) that said something to the effect that every since I betrayed a thought that she didn’t agree with that she’d lost all respect for anything I had to say. It later became obvious that my opinion was offensive to her more liberated feminist views. I had written an article that was intended to give women insight into how most men think. I considered it a very innocuous article, since it was based on what we men have routinely discussed among ourselves since the time we were little boys. It described my observation of how most men categorize women. I pointed out that in my opinion most men place women in one of three categories: 1). Easy - convenient and nice to have around when there’s no one else to have sex with, but we have very little respect for. 2). Friends with benefits - women who we like and respect, but whether or not we'd marry them is a question mark. Or 3). Women who are generally low-key and very protective of their sexuality - or, the kind of women that most men are looking for in a wife, hence, the phrase, "my lady."
    Women don't like hearing that - especially feminists - because they have a vested interest in believing that men are taking them seriously, and that their newfound sexual liberation isn't being used against them. But the fact is, due to the fact that men have been innately wired to be morally corrupt, all's-fair-in-love-and-war, sexual predators by nature (probably to ensure the perpetuation of the species), we are indeed undeniably manipulative of the newfound sexual liberation of women. It plays right into our lustful hands. But that said, it's grossly illogical to lash out at a writer for brazenly reporting the blatant truth. He didn't create the situation, nor is he promoting it, he's merely doing his job, reporting the facts. So that clearly demonstrates that craving the comfort of an ideological echo chamber is a human characteristic, and not merely a conservative affliction. That's why it's incumbent upon writers to never cater to this tendency of human nature.
    The lady was highly offended, and said that as a result, she had lost respect for anything I had to say. I pointed out to her that while I was sorry that she felt that way, I could certainly understand it. So I simply won’t expect to see her name commenting on any of the blogs that I submitted in the future. I let her know that while I was sure I’d miss her input, I wasn’t there to win friends and fans, and I was certainly not there just to reinforce what she wanted to believe. I was there to engage in serious discussions with serious-minded and objective people who are capable of intellectual detachment. Thus, for my purpose, people who are emotional and allow their egos to get all caught up in a discussion are a distraction.  
    So if a person doesn’t like what I have to say, it’s not necessary for them to throw tantrums and spitballs - that’s the way children behave. Such people need to realize that they don’t live in this world alone, and the rest of the world don’t have an obligation to cater to views that make them feel good. There are others who may also disagree with me, but may want to challenge my views in a more detached and intellectual fashion. I welcome such people, because they are the ones who give the internet the potential for being the most powerful educational tool that man has ever known, and more than once, individuals of this caliber have caused me to reexamine my views, and even reverse them.
    But my opinion is my opinion, so if it’s such an intolerable assault on what an individual wants to believe, they should simply vote with their feet, and I’ll get the point. And what’s most ironic about it is, more often than not, these tend to be the very people running around with their hair on fire, wanting to know what’s wrong with the world, and why people are so dumb.
    Well, here’s another "why." Why distract others who are online to discuss issues, explore ideas, and who are genuinely seeking mutual growth, with inane side issues and false assumptions regarding the motivations of the writer. If you feel that the writer has a hidden agenda, do something constructive. Write an article of your own with an opposing view, laying out the issues that you feel are relevant - some of my best articles have started out that way. That way you’re ADDING to the body of knowledge, instead of simply being a distraction. 
    Life is simple. Why make it complicated?
    Eric L. Wattree
    [email protected]
    Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


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    So I’m not going to waste my time writing just to tell people what they WANT to hear. If I’m going to write, I’m going to write about what I think people NEED to hear, and if they are mature adults, they should understand and appreciate that. If they’re not, I simply dismiss them as not the kind of people I’m interested in communicating with in the first place. Why try to have a discussion with people whose minds are closed to ideas that differ from their own? Such people have already made up their minds about what they want to believe, so truth, new facts, and even reality, are meaningless to them. So what’s the point of a discussion? There isn’t one.

    Eric, I think anyone who writes opinion pieces writes them knowing there are going to be people who don't agree.  When we write we of course want readers to agree with us or at least get what we're getting at, but dismiss them because they don't understand or appreciate what we write?  That's harsh.  Then it seems to me you're not writing for an audience, you're writing for you.  You might as well just keep a journal and forget about publishing it. 

     We can't, as communicators, write what we think people need to hear (a pretty pompous thought, anyway) without taking into consideration who we're trying to reach and how they'll take what we have to say.  We try to be as factual as possible, of course,  but in the end what we write is only our opinion.  We come at it with our own biases and our own life experiences and to demand that anyone reading it understand and appreciate you (yes, you, since opinion is personal) is a prescription for failure.

    If you go into it wanting your opinion to be the only one that matters, then it's no longer an opinion, it's Eric's law.  You say, "Why try to have a discussion with people whose minds are closed to ideas that differ from their own?"  It's a question your audience might be asking about you.

    Opinion writing isn't for sissies, but neither is it for the intractable.  We open ourselves up to criticism more than in any other kind of writing and we have to be ready for it.  We also have to understand and appreciate our audience--even the ones we know are going to annoy the hell out of us by disagreeing. 

    That's not to say we should back down from what we believe and let those naysayers off the hook.  Not a chance.  But opinions are only opinions.  Their very nature makes them open to argument and evaluation.  We can't go into writing opinions demanding that our readers either agree or get out.  Not if we actually want readers.

    My own opinion, of course.

    (Edited to add:  I agree with your last paragraph and wish that you had made that your focal point.  It might have made for a more compelling argument.)


    What you say may be true. But I approach writing the way I approach it, and I stand by the following paragraphs without equivocation:

    "I don’t profess to be either the owner, or arbiter, of truth. I’m a seeker of truth, as oppose to a seeker of validation. And I don’t see the internet as a social club. I view it as an educational tool, a place to educate, and to be educated. So writing is not a competitive event for me, nor is it a social activity where I feel obliged to either stroke egos, or tell people what makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. I avoid such places and activities both online and in the real world, because they’re a gross waste of time. They’re only good for reinforcing the often erroneous beliefs of the people who congregate there. I call them FOXholes.

    "There are others who may also disagree with me, but may want to challenge my views in a more detached and intellectual fashion. I welcome such people, because they are the ones who give the internet the potential for being the most powerful educational tool that man has ever known, and more than once, individuals of this caliber have caused me to reexamine my views, and even reverse them."

    So Ramona, I think the bottom line is, when I write, I don’t consider myself handing down edicts, but neither do I engage in group-think. When I post anything, it is simply my intent to contribute MY THOUGHTS to the public debate - nothing more, and nothing less. Then later, I return to see if I can gain anything of value from the resulting comments on the issue being discussed, in terms of an error in my assessment of the facts, or facts that I failed to consider - period. That way, the focus is always on the issue. So I’m not the least bit interested in someone presuming to tell me that I’m wrong to think the thoughts that I think. If the thoughts are wrong, then focus on the validity of the thoughts. Then if you make a compelling argument, I’ll reassess those thoughts. But to merely say that I’m wrong to think the thoughts that I think, to my ear, is the equivalent of saying, "If you’re a nice guy and want to be a member of the in-crowd, you have to think like me."

    I have no time for that - I’m my in-crowd.


    If your goal is to contribute your thoughts to the public debate then you have to allow the public to debate.  You don't get to choose who responds when you add your writing to a public forum, or how they respond--at least not here at Dagblog. 

    This is neither a social club nor is it your classroom.  If you want to stand at the head of the class and give your lecture, allowing responses only from those students who understand how you want the answers framed, then you, my friend, are in for a peck of disappointment.

    There is no in-crowd here and there are no privileges for some and not for others.  We moderators try to make sure the discussions stay civil and don't get overly-personal, but beyond that posters and commenters are free to express themselves in any way they choose. That's the way we all want it here.

    Eric, this is coming from someone who has read and enjoyed many of your posts. I'm not here to judge anything you write, but when you put your posts out for public comment, you're sending a signal that you welcome a discussion.  What you've written here effectively shuts that off.  It may not be what you meant but from my viewpoint that's how it reads. 


    I’m not shutting off anything, nor am I trying to shutdown discussion on my posts. They can debate all they like, and anyway they like - with one another. I'm simply letting them know what type of response that I will respond to, and somehow I think you knew that without my having to say it. How am I going to stop other people from saying what they want to say? They can debate to their heart’s content, or, not say a word. Any article I post here I post at as many as ten other sites, so if I don’t get anything of relevance to me here, I go to the next site. Like I said, life is simple. Why complicate it?

    So again, I’m simply providing information to those who might want to take the time to engage ME, regarding how I think. Once they know how I think, they may decide that they don’t want to waste their time writing five or six paragraphs to me if they know beforehand that I’m apt to ignore what they have to say. So as I see it, by providing insight into the way I think, I’m giving them a heads-up that could save them time that they could use more productively. After all, we only have so many seconds on Earth.

    And finally, Ramona, I’m not trying to be a contrarian here. What I’ve laid out is genuinely the way I think and how I carry myself on, and offline. Many people confuse my bottom line attitude toward ALL issues as a dismissal of them as individuals, but that’s not the case. I’m dismissing the waste of time and irrelevant issues that they’re binging WITH them as individuals, and I think that's solely my prerogative.

    I think the following bears repeating:

    "There are others who may also disagree with me, but may want to challenge my views in a more detached and intellectual fashion. I welcome such people, because they are the ones who give the internet the potential for being the most powerful educational tool that man has ever known, and more than once, individuals of this caliber have caused me to reexamine my views, and even reverse them."



    Fair enough, Eric.  You made your point.

    You either write or suck up? Apparently Oscar Wilde didn't write, as he flattered his audience to the hilt. Other artists build an audience partly giving them the expected formula, partly surprise. Can't be? Apparently being a social club is not inspired enough, too frivolous - it has to be an "educational" site.

    So many people have caused you to re-examine your views, presumably through the right veneration and obeisance, but not this disappointed "feminist" who pointed out that your triangulation - hey, that triangle down there, wow, synchronicity or symbolism or what? - of 3 kinds of women and sexual behavior and mate-worthiness was horridly outdated and sexist - well, she just wasn't intellectual enough for you to consider? Speak with her feet?

    Apparently people didn't NEED to hear that, as it was one of the least commented columns you've ever written, and those that did write certainly weren't thanking you for the favor.

    Maybe there are a few things you NEED to hear or consider, but you've pretty well set yourself up so you won't. Your loss.

    My takeaway from this essay (and from quite a few of your other articles as well)--

    You wish to be a pompous preacher lecturing people about:

    • what is truth and what is not
    • how they could best lead their lives
    • who they should support and who they should not
    • how they should think

    And that people have the option of rejecting your sermons, but those that do so should know that that will damn them, because you know what they need to know to be saved. And you'd prefer that anyone who hasn't made up their mind that they need to be saved not attend your sermons much less ask questions.

    No offense intended. Just like you, I am just telling it as I see it, but unlike you, I am not instructing anyone on how to read you, am only speaking for myself. And I also think that Cornel West has nothing on you in this regard (and make no mistake: I am amused by your rants about him.)

     what is truth and what is not

    In my life, finding TRUTH is the objective, so that falsehoods are exposed, so they do not lead us in a wrong direction. Falsehoods are a poison.

    31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, c“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will dknow the truth, and the truth ewill set you free.”

    John 8:31-32

    how they could best lead their lives

    Absolutely, isn’t that the objective everyone that has an opinion should be striving for, How to better the lives of others?  What’s the best reasoned course

    who they should support and who they should not.

    Don’t we see this everyday, when people choose someone  to lead them, who should you support? The one who is truthful or one who is deceptive.

    how they should think

    Getting people to think is what we need.  If TRUTH was everybody’s objective, what is there to think about except; It’s either right or it’s wrong, It’s either whole Truth or not. Accepting watered down Truths doesn’t set us free. It takes work to clear out the chaff to get at the fruit.  

    People do have the freedom to choose, but in the case of some, who would never see the Christian faith, as leading them at all, in any of their decisions. As Ocean kat implied, he is not a Christian or as the name atheist implies, they are not looking for Christian TRUTHS, so what can they really offer  to those seeking the Christian TRUTH’s, to those who claim they look to Christ for answers. If an atheist comes to make a point, it’s not in their interest to promote Christian teachings.

    Resistance, you're either on the wrong thread or your spamming on purpose.  I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're on the wrong thread.  Please remove your comment and put it where it belongs.

    Please remove your comment and put it where it belongs

    Now I am really confused, especially after you wrote this earlier. 

    by Ramona 4 hours 44 min ago in I Write to Seek Truth, Not to Reinforce What...

    Maybe you could put it where it belongs? I didn’t know there  was a specific area for comments in support of Watttree?   

    I didn’t know, defending Wattree, by not going along with those assaulting him, because of his comments or positions he has taken, was a punishable offense?  I gave EXAMPLES in reply to AA’s retort to Wattree ,  Maybe I should rephrase my reply to Wattree;  so that he could answer back with my example, which would lend support against the charges against him?

    I strongly believe AA has also pointed out, what everybody else is doing and can do at Dagblog   

    And that people have the option of rejecting your sermons,   No offense intended.  Just like you, I am just telling it as I see it, but unlike you, I am not instructing anyone on how to read you, am only speaking for myself.

    Great, I love this idea.

    Put it where you want, I didn’t know there was a specific place to defend others? Go ahead, put it where there is no light on the subject, I don’t care,

    How do I move it up to Reply to Wattree  giving him an example, he might be able to use against his critics's?  

    Ok, so, Resistance, where do you personally see seeking of "truth" in like, this Wattree blog:

    Barack Hussein Obama Will Be Remembered As One of Our Greatest Presidents - Here's the Facts

    One of the included illustrations there, in case you decide to respond before checking it out:

    First inclination  Did I ever say Wattree was perfect?  As for seeking the truth, are these illustrations truthful or not?  Were his interpretation of events or his stance on an issue formulated by accurate knowledge. Were they based upon the truth or not?

    On matters of politics I have a hard time discerning the Truth; on Biblical matters I can find answers recorded in the Book and draw upon the evidence, to resolve matters of Truth or falsehood. 

    I don't know how much longer I will be able to respond, because of my outspokenness.

    Your comment has been removed because it was about Christians and Atheists and had no place on Wattree's thread.  Please have some consideration for the poster and stick to the topic.

    Are you kidding; .... Wattree complained? In a post where he essentially says he doesn't care what others think or write? A post labeled  "I write to seek truth" 

    because it was about Christians and Atheists 

    You could have let others, decide for themselves, what it was about.

    There was nothing written to offend either group, only that each group has it's own concept of Truth.

    As Wattree wrote "  I don’t profess to be either the owner, or arbiter, of truth"

    No, I didn't complain, Resistance.

    I agree with you, and I see no reason why you should be censored. In fact, I hate I witnessed this. It is so disgusting to see. And these are the progressives that we’re depending on to save America from closed-minded conservatism? God help us. Yet, another FOXhole.


    I really didn't think so, After all of her somewhat angry replies to you and never seeing your point, all of a sudden, she's so concerned about your post? Or any others, that I reply to, because they don't want to read something I have written, or a thought I would like to convey.  Unless you group think (mutual admiration society) (clean) as they do; otherwise, you're a heretic. 

    In order to repel their excuses; that I have not followed the party line, I have to anchor my replies, to something the writer personally stated, or to any comments generated and the thought conveyed by them;  which leads me to view it, from another perspective.

    When I  find, it was not the answer they wanted to hear; the hive gets agitated. Stinging me repeatedly, like killer bees,  "Get rid of the heretic, the "not one of us", the disrupter of the circle.  

    Fox hole? They'll tell you, their better than them? 

    Yeah, I see,

    I'm sorry you were censored, Resistance. I hate group-think. It stifles both thought and creativity. I guess I haven't hung around here enough to see the true character of this site. But I have learned something that I didn't know yesterday - to invest more time in getting to know where I'm posting so this won't happen again. Well, let me go throw up and take a shower.


    Your comment is back.  You weren't "censored" and nobody said Wattree complained.  I find your constant prosletyzing and Christian/Atheist baiting rude and disruptive and my own judgment call says it has no place on a post where it's not a topic.  It's spamming.

    But if Wattree says it's okay for you to do it on his thread, it's fine with me.



    Are you actually CENSORING Resistance? His comment actually used the wording of the post he was commenting on! I don’t believe it!:

    "Many contemporary 'progressives' tend to possess the very same rigidity of thought, and mean-spirited, knee-jerk adherence to ideology that the progressive movement was created to combat. So the response that many of these people bring to even the slightest divergence from their rigid ideological beliefs can only be described as one of radical reactionism.
    "That concerns me greatly, because while conservatives and today's so-called progressives remain completely divergent in their views toward governance, in terms of intellectual disposition they've become different sides of the same coin. I've often heard it stated that the regimented intolerance of reactionary conservatism is reminiscent of Nazi Germany. That may, or may not be true (I tend to believe it is, and it’s becoming more so with every day that passes). But if it is, it must also be acknowledged that the intolerant regimentation of many contemporary radical 'progressives' represent the USSR at best.
    "Many modern progressives have allowed themselves to become infected with the exact same kind of intellectual rigidity that we previously associated with the radical conservative mindset. In fact, many who define themselves as progressives today could very accurately be called latter-day conservatives. While they have a slightly updated set of values, their rigidity and rabid defense of those values will surely morph into the completely closed-minded conservatism of tomorrow."

    Never before have I ever been so completely validated.

    Resistance's comment is back.  Maybe you would like to comment on it.

    Thank you, Ramona,

    That took class. I’ll try to follow your example. After I reread my last comment with fresh eyes, "truth" demanded that I recognize that I’m capable of my own kind of tantrum. So I’ve learned something else today - that no matter how hard we try to avoid it, we’re all guilty of being human. But at least you’re a human with class - and I’m glad to see that, because I’ve always liked you.

    I could have handled this entire situation better, and I should have. But I try so hard to avoid drama and remain focused on the issues that sometimes I come off as remote and dismissive. I'm not. But what's taken place here in the past few hours has taught me something in that regard - that I can try so hard to avoid drama that, that in itself can create its own drama, because drama is a part of the human condition, and there’s nothing that I, or anyone else can do to prevent humans from being human. But it does get frustrating. Maybe I’ll write something on that, once I think it through.

    Finally, what I NEED to say is, I want to apologize to anyone who I have offended if I them the impression that their views weren’t worth acknowledging. That wasn’t my intent. I should have taken the time to point out the fact that what I was actually dismissing is what I saw as a less than strict focus on the issue, and then dissected their comment to explain why. But I took the lazy way out, as I’m prone to do much too often, and just say, "I don’t want to hear this shit." I’m going to have to begin to recognize that while I might consider the concerns of others off-topic, discussing their concerns, and why I think they are off-topic, can also be mutually enlightening.

    I pointed out earlier that I believe in following truth wherever it leads, maybe I should also adopt a policy of following people's concerns wherever they lead. Maybe that’s where truth resides.


    Thank you, Eric.  I can safely say that I've learned from this thread, too.  We are all, indeed, human!  I wish I could say that I don't allow emotions to rule my thinking but I've been here too long.  Nobody would believe me.

    You have every right to air your feelings about posting and comments and I should have let my first comment stand without pushing it further.  This is why Michael dislikes what he calls "meta".  It almost never ends well.  I must apologize, too.

    Well, Ramona, there is another up side to this.

    You can never truly feel comfortable with a person until you know that your relationship can survive a fight. So I guess we’ve moved to the next level. One more fallout like this one and we’ll be ready to get engaged.

    Lol, Eric, we'll be friends for a long time to come.  But, engaged?  I can't have people calling me a cougar, now can I?

    How about Tiger?


    You’d have to be pretty long of tooth for that. It was my job to tell Kitty, Chester, and Matt that they were too young to come into the Long Branch. And who do you think was the first one with the nerve to call Billy a Kid?

    Funny!  But who do you think played the baby in "Gone With the Wind"?  (I could have.  That's the year I was born.)

    No sweat, Ramona,

    I've always loved older women. When I was in my late teens I dated a couple of my mother's friends. I still fantasize about those encounters. It was one of the most exciting times of my life, until my very wily mother busted my bubble.

    She said, "You think you’re Mr. Big Stuff, don’t you, pervert? Well, before you throw your shoulder out of joint trying to pat yourself on the back, I thought you should know that you’re just the beneficiary of a friendly rivalry that started before you were born. You’re just a mitt in a crosstown softball game. So try not to wear yourself out, because as dumb as you are, you’re gonna need that energy. Oh, and by the way, Ann tells me Val has started dating a guy down the street from her house. He drives her to school every day."

    Val was my wife to be, who had given me an ultimatum and kicked me to the curb until I changed my lifestyle, but later I found that while she refused to speak to me, secretly stayed in touch with my mother. That was a very smart thing to do, because my mother knew exactly what button to push. From that moment on all I could think about was what was going on between Val and this phantom. Was he the real reason she was refusing to speak to me?

    It was four years later and I was married before I found out I’d that been played - but it got me on the straight and narrow. We got married when she was 19 and I was 21, and I never cheated on her through the day she died in 2005. Both my mother’s friends were at my wedding reception, by the way. They had their eye on Jimmy, who I wrote about in a previous post (One for Jimmy) - but by that time, all the women were.


    That's quite a story.  You rascal!  Sounds like you needed both Val and your mother to set you straight. You were lucky to have them.

    I was.


    You wrote an entire blog about me because I hurt your widdle fweeings.. Jeebus how.. hilarious, sad and super weird dude, super weird.


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